Seeing Jacob

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It was as though there was a blindfold over my eyes. I couldn't see anything, and it gave me a headache to try.

Funny. That was a new word. Headache. I'd just thought that was a human thing. Turns out vampires get migraines too.

'I can't...see...anything.'

It was like looking through semi see-through material in a dark room. I could make out a dark, fuzzy shape moving, but I couldn't see

what it was doing. I remembered what Rosalie said and relaxed a little. It became clear as day. It wasn't Jacob, or anyone I knew. It

was a bunch of vampires. But they weren't just any vampires. I'd never encountered the Volturi before, as far as I knew, but judging by the way they

were marching through the snow towards us, angry as hell, I guessed it was them.

And with a start I was suddenly back in the house.

'What's he doing?' Renesmee wanted to know.

'I don't...I didn't see...' I turned to Emmett and Rosalie.

'I saw the Volturi. They'll be here by tomorrow.'

Rosalie nodded.

'But that's nothing new, sorry. So keep trying to see Jacob, okay?'

I turned my attention back to him, and I found that after my vision of the Volturi, I could see him as clear as though I was standing

right next to him.

'Hey, Jake!' I called. 'Stop pacing and get your ass down here!'

He jumped the stairs as he came down. He landed next to me with a soft thump.

'So, you saw me?' I nodded.

'And the Volturi, but that doesn't matter. The point is, my power works on Renesmee and Werewolves, too. It'll be useful, because not

many do.'

'Do you want to have another go?' Emmett asked.

I shook my head.

'Nah, I'm good. I'm sure there's other people out there who need you more than I do.'

He grinned.

'See ya, sis.' And with that he was off. Rosalie grabbed Renesmee before Jacob could protest, and walked off, Jacob trailing behind her.

Hey guys! Please go on to my profile and check out my other books, as they are not getting very many reads.

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