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'Who did you kill?' Even though I knew it was coming, the question still caught me off-guard.

' one,' I said quickly.

'You don't sound very sure.'

'I am. I'm sure. I haven't killed anyone.'

'Why didn't you hide those bodies?'

I sighed, 'I've already told you. I haven't killed anyone.'

'I'm trying to be nice here, Bree. Don't lie to me.'

'I'm not. You can ask him.' I nodded at Edward.

Carlisle looked up at Edward.

'Is she telling the truth?'

Edward frowned for a moment, confused, then nodded.

Carlisle sighed, then looked me in the eye.

'I apologise for the inconvenience, Bree.'


'But,' Rosalie stepped forward, 'whose ashes were those? Your smell was definitely mingled with them.'

'Yes,' Jasper tightened the grip on my arms considerably, 'whose were they, then?'

He said it as though he was hoping to catch me out, lying or something.

'And how did they come to be ashes?' Alice chimed in. She smiled at Jasper, who gave a sort of half smile back, almost forgetting my

arms. Urgh, guys! Can we save the flirting for later? Edward laughed.

'Well,' I began, 'they were the ashes of my friend. Riley killed him.'

As though we were watching a tennis match, everyones' heads swivelled as one to face Edward, even mine. He nodded.

'Diego,' he verified.

'But I don't understand how this could have happened,' Esme stepped forward at last, 'how could we have made such a mistake?' She

looked at Carlisle.

He turned to face me once more.

'Why did you run away?' The question seemed to hang in the air, like it was deciding my fate.

'Because I was scared.' I looked at the ground.

Carlisle looked at Esme, and Esme looked at Carlisle. Then they both turned their heads ti Edward, eyebrows raised in a silent

question that only he could hear. He thought for a moment, then nodded. Jasper sighed, still frustrated, although he had relaxed his

grip on my arms a notch. Seeing his frustration and discomfort, Alice bounced over to his side.

'Oh, come on Jasper, don't be a spoilsport! You were brought up the same way, and look at you!' I had to stifle a laugh here, 'anyway,

it'll be fun!' She grinned at me, and I smiled back uncertainly. I seemed to be the only one here who didn't have a clue what was going

on. By this time, Emmett had almost completely relaxed his hold on me.

Edward turned to me. 'Before I ask you the question, beware, if you say yes, you will have to put up with Alice taking you shopping and

throwing huge parties.'

'Don't say that, you'll put her off!' Came Emmett's voice from somewhere behind me and directly above my head.

'Don't be mean, guys!' Alice sang.

'Anyway, would you like to join our family?'

'Uhhh...,' I literally had no idea what to say or do. I had never found a family that actually wanted me before.


'We hunt animals, not humans. You are going to have to learn to control your thirst around them,' Edward explained.

I hesitated, but only for a fraction of a second.

'That's fine.' Anything to have a family at last.

I frowned as a sudden thought flew into my head.

'Do I get to keep my surname?' They all laughed, smooth melodious laughs.

'Of course.' That was Carlisle.

'What is your surname?' Rosalie enquired, as though she had been wanting to ask that the whole time, 'how old are you?'

'Tanner, and about four months.'

'How did you know we were following you?' Alice asked slowly.

'Umm... I can kind of see the present.' I hurried on, as this sounded obvious.

'I mean, like stuff that's happening elsewhere, but right now.'

'You've got a contender, Alice,' Emmett joked, 'you might get made redundant!'

'Shut up, Emmett,' she punched him lightly.

'Now that I now have a new little sis, we'd better get home now, shouldn't we?' This was Jasper, and, with that sentence, I realised that

he had finally accepted me. He'd also let go of me, for which I was truly thankful. Emmet had done this long ago.

Jasper nodded at Edward, 'someone will want to know the big news!'

Edward shook his head, and smiled. 'Bella is gonna love this,' he muttered.

'And the werewolves,' said Emmett.

'Ah, they'll be fine. She's too nice,' Esme smiled.

We set off running. Alice grinned at me, and this time I grinned back. I'd had a messed up family the first time round, and, now that I

had a second chance, I wasn't going to give it up. Not for all the blood in the world.


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