The Volturi are Coming

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The peaceful sound of Edward teaching Renesmee to play piano was interrupted by an earsplitting crash, as Alice dropped the vase. What the hell

was going on? Vampires don't accidentally drop things. Alice was frowning into the distance, and Edward (as a mind reader he can see it too) just

looked horrified, like whatever it was was too terrible to think about, let alone name.

'What is it, Alice?' Carslise enquired.

Looking around the room, I realised that everyone looked just as concerned as Carlisle sounded and I felt.

'It's the Volturi. They're coming for us.'


'The Volturi think Renesmee is an Immortal Child.'

'An Immortal Child is a human child that is turned into a vampire at a very young age-usually a toddler or preschool child. They are too young to

understand, or control their thirst. They would wipe out entire villages. They became a threat, as the humans were beginning to notice. They had to

be destroyed. The creation of an Immortal Child has long since been outlawed, and is met with the severest form of punisment...death.'

'But that's ridiculous. She's not an Immortal Child. She was born, not bitten, she grows every single day.'

Rosalie stepped forward.

'But how could they have found out?'

'Bella, when you saw Irina on the hillside, what did she see?' Jasper asked urgently.

'Just Jake and...Renesmee.'

'Wait, you mean IRINA has reported us? Why would she do that? She's our friend,' I asked.

'Her mother once created an Immortal Child, and payed the price,' Carlisle said quietly.

'Why were they spared?'

'Because Aro read their minds and found that they had no knowledge of him (the child).They were pure,' he said simply.

Jasper turned to Alice.

'When are they coming?'

'When the snow sticks. I can't see any more than that.'

'Maybe if enough people knew the truth we could convince the Volturi to listen.'

'But, Edward, they might think that we're raising an army.'

'They won't stop to listen otherwise.'

'He has a point.'

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