Alternate ending - Alice's vision.

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Hey guys! As you would have guessed by the chapter title, this is an alternate ending, where Alice's vision come true. I am literally, like, sitting at my desk, cackling in glee and wondering what I can do with your favourite characters...

Anyway, it's just alternate, so don't get depressed. I will try to go by the movie as much as possible, but I haven't seen it for ages s forgive me if I go off it a bit. I might look it up on Youtube to get the important scenes right...but I remember most of it. Anyway, getting off track. So, basically, please try not to get too depressed. Over and out.


'It doesn't matter what I show you!' Alice gasped. She turned around and mouthed to Bella, now. Bella hesitated a moment before nodding, and

whispering to Renesmee and Jacob.

'Jacob's gonna take you somewhere, ok? You're both going to be safe. Remember Mommy and Daddy love you.' She nodded to Jacob, and he ran

off, Renesmee on his back.

One of the Volturi grabbed Alice.

'Let her go!' Carlisle roared, and ran at Aro. The two of them met in midair and Aro landed lightly on the ground, holding something. Another

something, much heavier, thudded to the ground behind him. Grinning horribly, he rotated his hand so we could see what he was holding. There

was silence so thick you could cut it with a knife. He was holding Carlisle's head.

'No,' everyone said. 'NO!' We began to run towards the Volturi, as they ran at us. Alice wrenched off the arm of the one who was holding her and

twisted his head until it popped off like the top of a pop-top juice bottle. But Jasper was grabbed by another, and Alice turned just in time to see him

have his head karate-chopped in half. Her scream resounded through the now battlefield and resonated in everyone's ears. I turned because I

didn't want to see his body fall at that odd angle; it looked so unnatural, with half his head in pieces around where he lay. Then a torch was thrown

onto him and he burst into flames. And then I was face-to-face with Jane. She glared at me, a long, deep, piercing gaze. I was readied for the pain

to hit, but it didn't come. Bella was standing about 20 metres away from me at 2 o'clock, her shield preventing Jane from using her powers. I turned

back to Jane, but ducked as another arm came swiping over my head, followed by the rest of him.

This vamp was experienced, but I was faster and stronger. As he came flying at me, I moved in to him. His eyes widened in surprise, but it was too

late. I grabbed him, and flipped him over my hip, flinging him to the ground. I stomped on his chest and yanked his shoulders upwards until the

upper half of his torso was torn away with a screech that sounded like a rusty car door.

I only had a second to turn before my next adversary was upon me, and this one was much stronger, cleverer and faster than the last. She landed

on top of me, and I went down. We scrabbled and rolled around in the snow. She was trying to get her hands on my head, but I had hold of her

arms and was fending her off. We were of similar strengths, but I could feel mine starting to give. She must be slightly younger than me, because her

hands were slowly getting closer to my neck. I brought my knees up to my chin, and, just when it seemed she would rip my head off, I kicked up,

both propelling her into the air and flipping myself up at the same time. As my attacker flew through the air, Seth appeared and leapt up, grabbing

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