Chapter 2

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"No, no, nope, no way! Oh Hell no! There is no way we are trying the necklace on. If anybody found out we would lose our jobs!" I firmly told Jenelle.

"Oh come on Karina, there's no harm. All we'll do is put it on and then place it on her dresser. No one will find out." Jenelle argued.

"Yeah, come Karina." Teri, Gem, and Rainy all said together.

"It won't do any harm to the necklace if we try it on. This could be avonce in a lifetime experience for the three of us." Gem begged, "let us poor folks try a diamond necklace on."

"Okay, okay but you all have to be very very careful with it." I told them, then they all erupted in a loud cheer. "Shhh, guys keep it down we don't want anybody to know what we are doing."

"Don't shush me Karina you know I hate it when I get shushed." Jenelle said, "but thanks for letting us try it on."

"Alright people let's move!" Teri whispered-yelled.

We all get up and I lead the way to Lord and Lady Petwell's safe. Which is located in Lord Petwell's study. We reach the door and I turn around to say something to everybody.

"I'll go in and get the necklace you guys stay out here and pretend that you're cleaning or something."

"Will do" they all replied.

I slowly open the door and make my way into the study. The study has deep red wallpaper and a whole shelf full of research books on the right wall. Mr. Petwell has a desk that is on the opposite wall of the bookshelf. The safe is right next to Lord Petwell's desk. Then right in the centre of the room is a huge window that overlooks the entire Petwell estate.

Lord Petwell is sitting at his desk doing some paperwork when I walk into the room. "Good afternoon my Lord. I am just getting the diamond necklace that Lady Petwell has requested for dinner."

"That is fine, I trust you know the combination."

"Yes I'll just get it then." I say as I walk over to the safe and put the combination in (16-37-17). The necklace is on the second shelf in a black velvet box. I grab it quickly then I leave the room and close the door behind me.

"Did you get it?" Pestered Teri, "did he suspect anything?"

"I got it and he suspects nothing, Teri keep your voice down it is like a foghorn." My sister always has a loud voice but it is a trait that I love.

"Sorry," she says in a slightly quieter voice.

"Okay let's try this thing on!" Jenelle says with a huge smile on her face.

We then made our way downstairs to our sleeping quarters so we could try the necklace on in private. I open the door and the five of us get inside the room.

Our room has five beds, one for each of us across the left wall. Along the right wall there are five simple dressers for all our make-up and hair supplies. And on the back wall is a closet for all of our clothes.

"Okay who wants to try it on first?" I asked.

"I do!" Exclaimed Jenelle.

I slowly open the black velvet box and see the most beautiful diamond necklace I have ever seen.

"Wow that is gorgeous." Gem said, "I wish I was rich enough to afford a necklace like this."

"Me too." Sighed Jenelle and Rainy.

"Alright we don't have much time before we have to go back to work so let's get this over with." I tell everyone. Hopefully they can try it on fast enough. I don't want Lady Petwell to notice that it isn't in her room yet.

"Sounds good to me." States Jenelle. Then she grabs the necklace and Teri helps her put it on. "I feel like a princess!"

Jenelle starts waltzing around the room with Teri like they are at a royal ball. While the rest of us are laughing in the corner at their below average waltzing skills.

"Okay, now that you all have had a good laugh can I please try the necklace on?" Teri asks, Jenelle takes it off and gives it to Teri. She starts admiring herself in the mirror. "I never knew before now how great diamonds looked on me."

We all laugh at her comment while Gem and Rainy anxiously wait for their turn with the necklace.

"Come on Teri, some of us who didn't grow up with luxuries like jewelry with diamonds would like to have a turn." Gem said, " I meant that in the nicest way possible just so you know."

Teri sighs, "alright I guess I can't wear this beauty forever. But I wish I could." Then she unclamps the necklace and hands it to Gem.

"Careful with that," I say. "Remember if we break it we lose our jobs. And I really don't want that to happen."

"We know!" They all shout.

"Karina can you help me get this thing on?" Gem asks me.

"Sure thing."

I walk over and help Gem put on the necklace which looked very stunning on her.

"Oh my goodness! I'm gorgeous!" Gem exclaims, diamonds definately suit me. I can see myself living in a huge manor with a incredibly rich husband! Who is very attractive and buys me expensive jewelry," she sighs.

"Well make sure you introduce me to his rich friends." Jenelle says, which gives us all a good laugh.

"Okay it is now my turn to try on the necklace." Rainy says while I unclasped the necklace from Gem's neck.

"Here I will help you put it on Rainy." I offered, I don't want my friends to touch it too much because I am still afraid that someone is going to break it.

"This is a very nice necklace but it doesn't really suit me," Rainy said.

"What! How can you not love this necklace it is the most beautiful thing in the world." Teri exclaimed.

"Rainy you're crazy that necklace looks good on you," Jenelle says to reassure her.

"It is a beautiful piece of jewelry and it does look nice on me but I'm not a huge fan of diamonds." Rainy tells us, "I don't need a diamond necklace to feel beautiful."

"Preach it sister!" Gem shouts.

"So now we need to put it away and take it back to Lady Petwell's bedroom." I tell everyone.

"Nice try Karina, did you really think you weren't going to try the necklace on." Jenelle scolds me, "we all have kept it safe so far so now it is your turn to try it on."

"Okay but I won't to wear it for too long because it is getting close to dinner and we need to get back to our jobs."

Crap I almost got away without trying it on but I guess I have to now. At least I know I can trust myself with it.

Jenelle takes the necklace from Rainy and places it on my neck. I walk over to our mirror so I can see what I look like. Rainy, Gem, Jenelle, and Teri follow me to see my reaction.

"Wow! It looks so good on you Karina!" Teri exclaims, "it really suits you."

"Are you guys sure?"

"Yes!" They all shout at me.

"Well it does look nice on me but it is time to put it away." I say "Thank you for not breaking it, it means so much to me."

"See I told you everything will be fine, you're such a worry wart Karina." Jenelle says.

I unclasp the necklace and walk towards the box it came in. I'm just about to place it in it's box when Teri and Jenelle suddenly break out in song. "Sing sweet nightingale, sing sweet!"

"AH!" I yell, and for one second I lose hold of the necklace and it falls to the floor. Splitting it in two.

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