Chapter 14

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One week later

Everything is going as normal as it can be for being strangers in an unknown land. The day after we arrived we got questioned further and Caspian decided that we were all telling the truth. Well no shit Sherlock.

So, we got the first week to adjust to Narnian culture. Lucy and Susan taught us about Narnia's history to help us understand more and fit into life in a magical land.

The five of us were in a middle of a history lesson outside in the extravagant garden when we saw Caspian, Peter, and Edmund approach us.

"Don't mean to intrude this fascinating  history lesson," Edmund says,  "but...king Caspian has a request of our new guests. "

"Is everything okay?" I ask.

"Yes everything is fine for now," Caspian assures us. "We just need to talk about yoyr safety and your fighting skills."

"More like lack of fighting skills," Teri snorts out.

From that day on we got into intense training with the kings army to prepare ourselves for whatever was coming towards us in the future.

I started to become friends with king Caspian and soon enough I started developing some feelings for him. After flirting back and forth we dived unto a relationship together. We were strong as a fighting team and unbeatable together.


A year later...

Killgara and his army was defeated and peace ruled in Narnia once again.  We figured out a way to go back to our land if that is what we desired.  After heavy debating from my friends Rainy and Gem decided to go back to our world.

I stayed behind with Caspian and we got married and I came queen of Narnia with Jenelle and Teri still at my side as well. 

Jenelle fell in love with Peter and Teri with Edmund. They stayed in Narnia with us too to help us and to stay close as family and friends. 

We still had upcoming battles but we had each other. We ruled for a long time as kind and queen of Narnia.


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