Chapter 3

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"Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap! Please tell me I didn't just drop the very, very, very expensive diamond necklace." I rambled on to myself. I can't believe I did this, I was so worried about everyone else breaking it that I wasn't as careful with it as I should have been.

"Okay we won't tell you then," Teri told me.


"Now Karina clam down there is no need to panic," my sister says trying to soothe me.

Which is very sweet and all but right now I'm starting to panic and my breathing is getting shorter.

"Sometimes the moment feels right to start singing by the way." Jenelle starts telling me, "we had all had just successfully tried on the very expensive necklace so Teri and I were celebrating by singing."

"You guys are nut bars," Gem said to herself.

"We are not!" chorused Teri and Jenelle.

I don't even have time to laugh at Gem's comment because I am too worked up about the broken necklace.

"Karina there is nothing we can do about the necklace now that it is broken we all need to turn ourselves in." Rainy said, "we tried to pull off this heist but in the end it didn't work out."

"No I won't risk your jobs, I was put in charge of this necklace and I broke it. So I will take responsibility for it." I say as I open the door to leave the room.

"Karina wait!" Yelled Jenelle, "I have an idea."

"What is it?" I say while closing the door so I can listen to what my friend has to say. At this point I am screwed so any idea could be a good one.

"Before you turn yourself in hear me out." Jenelle said. "All we need to do is fix the necklace and Lady Petwell will never know that we broke her necklace!"

"Great idea Jenelle it seems so easy." Gem said sarcastically.

"You don't have to be mean Gem, I'm just trying to help our friend out." Jenelle told her defensively.

"Thanks Jenelle for trying to help but I don't see how we can fix the necklace in time for dinner." I said, "believe me if I could I would fix it in a heartbeat."

"We could ask our parents jeweler to fix it but we don't have enough time," Teri said.

"That's not a terrible idea Teri, but would he want to help us out?" I say to my sister. "Plus we haven't seen him in a while so he might not recognize us."

"Of course he would! We have known him for a long time and he is always willing to help us out." Teri tells me, " if you went to him I'm hundred percent sure he would do all he could to sort you out."

"I want to because he is are only hope but we don't have enough time." I say, "if I don't help my Lady get dressed she will know something is up."

"How about I dress Lady Petwell for dinner tonight!" Jenelle offered. "I'll say you are sick and you needed me to fill in for you."

Not a bad suggestion, I'll tell Jenelle that it just might work. "Sounds good to me," I agree while nodding my head. "The extra work won't be too much for you will it Jenelle?"

"No it will be fine, now you better hurry you don't want to waste any time."

"You have three hours until dinner you might just have enough time if you left right now!" Teri tells me.

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