Chapter 9

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I have no idea where I am right now but so far Im around a whole bunch of trees. There is a small river near us and a large boulder in the distance. These are our surroundings right now but I don't have any clue where we are on the planet.

"I don't know!" Teri cries out with huge tiers running down her cheeks. "I want to go home!" Then she collapsed onto the ground in a fit of tears. I rush over to comfort her because right now she is in no state to calm herself down.

So I stand up and start talking to myself. "Anyway, anybody have any ideas where we are? Or maybe I'm just dreaming. Yeah that's it I must be dreaming, and now you need to wake up Karina. And go back to your life scrubbing floors and dusting book shelves. All I need to do it wake up." I ramble on and on to mostly myself.

While I ramble to myself about dreaming and stuff Jenelle walks over towards me and slaps me across the face.

"Hey! What was that for? It hurt like the dickens!"

"Karina you need to pull yourself together! For goodness sakes there's nothing we can do right now and we don't need you to work yourself into a panic attack. Now I don't know why or how but we have somehow entered a magical land. I'm sorry I slapped you but we need to find someone who can help us get back to London."

"You're right thanks Jenelle." I say to her, then I turn to everyone. Even Teri who has finally stopped crying and has picked herself off the ground. "Guys what are we going to do? We are in a strange land and we don't know who we are going to encounter and how we even got here in the first place."

Then Rainy finally speaks up, talking for the first time since we gotten here. "I might have a theory as to how we got here. I was reading a book in your library about mythical creatures and worlds. In one chapter it spoke about all these portals to other worlds than our own. It said that some ordinary objects can be enchanted to transport humans to other lands. Or something like that I can't quite remember what it said word for word."

"Well that settles that then. Now how is everyone feeling?" I ask the group.

"Pretty good"

"Scared to death"

"Kind of excited"

"I think I'm going to faint!" Gem warns us just before she passes out and falls into my arms.

"Whoa, can you guys help me lie her down somewhere?" With that Teri, Jenelle, and Rainy help me move Gem onto the ground. "So now what do we do?"

"I'll wake up Gem then I think we should get a move on and explore a little." Jenelle says, "we might as well explore this new land." Then she winds up her arm and gives Gem a hard slap across the face. After a few seconds she wakes up from her trance. "Works every time."

First we all huddle around Gem to see that she is alright. Once she gets up and we see she is fine we all laugh our hearts out.

"Okay," I barely wheeze out from all my laughing. "Let's go exploring and see if we can find someone to help us."

"Here here!" Teri agrees.

"Let's go then." Jenelle says excitedly.

"Where to then?" I ask.

"Look at that boulder, that is a nice boulder." Teri states. "Let's head in that direction.

So we all make our way in one direction , towards a large group of trees in front of the boulder. When we get to the trees we decide to go around them. So we keep walking in the same direction. Towards the huge boulder, we still have a ways to go but maybe once we get there we will see a town or something.

After a couple minutes of walking in silence, which is strange for us since we're usually quite chatting. So I do the only thing I can think of; sing.

"The ants go marching one by one hurrah hurrah. The ants go marching one by one hurrah hurrah. The ants go marching one by one the little one stops to"

"Smell his bum!" Jenelle breaks in and sings loudly.

We all laugh at her comment, then we continue singing the 'ants go marching' song. When we finally get to the end of the song we are almost to our destination.

"So," I say. "Anybody have an idea what  could be behind that Boulder. Personally I hope there's a town."

"Full of food." Teri hopes.

"And hot guys!" Jenelle says.

I roll my eyes at my sister and friend. They can be funny sometimes but right now they're being a little annoying.

"Or someone who can tell us exactly where we are." Rainy rationally says.

We all agree with Rainy and keep walking. After another fifteen minutes we finally reach the boulder .

The boulder is twenty feet in the air, so it's not small but not huge either. All I want to do right now is rest because I am quite tired from all the walking. But I'm curious to see what is behind it.
So we all give each other a look that means we're ready to explore.

I make the first move and everyone trails behind me. When we get to the edge of this giant rock we slowly move our heads around it to see what is past it.

Which is nothing, literally nothing except the same forest of trees we've been searching in for the past two hours.

I sigh with disappointment and turn to my friends. "So what are we going to do now? Do we give up and hope someone rescues us or do we keep exploring?"

"I don't know all I want to do is sleep right now." Gems replies.

"No!" Jenelle yells. "We need to take this opportunity to discover this new land. We could be somewhere magical and we'll waste this opportunity if we sleep through it."

"I agree with Jenelle." Teri pipes ups.

"Okay," I say. "Let's keep walking but we need to try to be quieter just in case we come across something bad."

"Alright alright alright." Teri says.

With that we head into the possibly magical forest in an unknown land. This is just great, I can barely contain myself. Not! I'm so scared but I know there is nothing else we can do at this point. So it's time for an adventure I guess.

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