Chapter 12

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Once Teri and Jenelle calm down we walk out of the cave together. I try my best not to make eye contact with Caspian, I can't bear the humiliation right now. So I look at the other people that are surrounding him.

The oldest is a blond man who looks about twenty-two years old. The next is a girl with a bow and arrow who looks like she is one-two years younger than him. The third brother I'm assuming is about nineteen years old with dark brown hair that looks almost back. The youngest is a girl in her late teens.

I stand with Rainy and Gem who are talking to the new comers.

"Karina these are the Pevensies, they are the high kings and queens of Narnia," Rainy tells us.

"But isn't Caspian the king?" I ask confused.

"Karina!" Teri gasps,"that is not what you say to kings and queens. I'm so sorry for my sisters rudeness." She apologizes while she bows before the Pevensies.

"No need to apologize, miss. It is all very confusing." Says the oldest brother. "I'm high King Peter, this is my brother Edmund and my sisters Susan and Lucy.  We were the high kings and queens of Narina a thousand years ago. We are still considered the high kings and queens. But King Caspian is the ruling king of Narnia  right now. I hope that helps you make  sense of it all."

"Oh, okay, thank you"

"Well I'm Jenelle," she says while butting in front of me and Teri. "It's a pleasure to meet you." She flips her hair in a flirty way to impress Peter I'm guessing.

He politely says hi back, Jenelle turns to face me and Teri. She quietly mouths/whispers "he's gorgeous!"

"Well since everyone has been introduced let's move on from here," Caspian mentions. "Edmund and Peter will take one of the newcomers each on their horses. So how about you two go with them." He points to Teri and Jenelle.

Jenelle turns to Teri with eyes that say don't you dare take my man.

Teri is completed oblivious to Jennelle's eyes and offer to ride with Edmund. "I'll go with the younger King because I know you like Peter more."

They split up, each of them gets help onto their horses. Jenelle just dives into her situation. She puts her arms around Peter's waists.

While Teri looks a bit uncomfortable with Edmund.

"Hey I don't bite," he teases. "You can hold onto me, unless you want to fly off the horse."

Teri turns bright red but does what she's told. I guess Edmund is more of the funny guy than his older brother. Poor Teri I felt sorry for her right now.

Since I was paying attention to Teri and Jenelle I didn't notice that Rainy had already gotten onto a horse that was beings reared by one of King Caspian's human soldier.  Who wasn't bad looking at all, he was probably a bit closer to thirty. He had strawberry blond hair that went past his shoulders. His eyes were a piercing blue while his lips were full. He was very fit as well, Rainy seemed not to notice his God looks though. She was busy trying to stay steady on a horse.

All of my friends don't know how to ride a horse, except Teri does of course. I tried to teach them when we were living at our house but they refused my offer. They spent all their time trying to set me up with Luca instead. Well their time was well wasted and now they can't ride a horse to save their lives.

"Now," Caspian says. "You two are left," he points to me and Gem. "One of you can ride with me and the other can ride with another one of my men."

I really want to ride with Caspian, I need to explain myself to him so there isn't any awkward tension. Plus he is smoking hot so why not ride with him?
Just as I'm about to step forward, Gem pushes past me.

"I'll ride with you," she says, "it would be an honour." Then she curtsies towards him.

What a show off, it bugs me that she is trying to hard. At least to my satisfaction Caspian looks really uncomfortable.

"Alright that settles it," Caspian responds. "Karina you can go with Jasof."

He points me in the direction of Jasof and just my luck he is a goblin. Great Rainy got a handsome, buff soldier and I got stuck with a goblin.

Jasof helps me up and I sit behind him. He seems very nice but Gem,Teri, and Jenelle get to ride with kings. Some people just walk in the light you know.


We've rode  for a couple of hours before I caught sight of  a humongous castle. It was so royal and it sat nicely on top of a cliff.

I'm so caught up in the moment that I don't realize that Caspian is beside me.

"It's really something isn't it?" He asks me.

"Wow, I thought my house was big but compared to this its tiny." I tell him.

"I bet you could fit at least five of your houses into his castle," Gem pipes up.

Gosh is she annoying but I'm going to be the better person and ignore her snarky comment.

King Caspian pulls ahead of the horse I'm riding on and leads everyone through the front gates of his kingdom.

Now we just have to face whatever this very handsome King has in store for us.

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