Chapter 11

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"NO!!!l Teri yells, then she starts crying, again.

I'm starting to panic but I want to seem strong for my sister. So I put on a brave face for her. I look beside me, Jenelle seems pissed, Rainy looks slightly worried, and Gem is still unconscious.

Killara motions with his finger to the executioner. Suddenly a band starts playing the "death" song on their drums. A guess when death faces you it's common to think of all your life regrets. But I on the other hand can't help thinking that the band who plays the "death" song would be awful to have at your party because they would probably only know the one song.

My thoughts are stopped when General Stevenson grabs his sword and points it at my back. It just touches me so I have no other option than to walk towards the executioner.

I look behind me and see that my friends are following me. Once I get to the executioner I kneel down and place my head on the log. This was not the way I wanted to die. I just want to die peacefully in my sleep but it seems I'm going to be beheaded.

The executioner swings back his ax. I close my eyes do I don't know when it will reach my neck.

Just as the times comes I hear a swishing past my ears. I open my eyes and see that an arrow has gone threw my executioner's throat.

Hallelujah! I'm not dead yet! I get off my knees and find that a whole battle is taking place. There are men fighting each other and animals fighting the men! This is so strange I have never seen a cheetah in battle with a human before.

After I get over my shock I search to find my friends and sister. "TERI! JENELLE! WHERE ARE YOU?" I shout out.

I can't see them anywhere so I start frantically running between the groups of fighting men/animals. And even a centaur but I can't be sure because I've only read about those things in books.

It is difficult for me to push past the fighters. I'm trying my best to get through but I keep getting blocked. Suddenly a minotaur crashes into me causing me to lose my balance. I fall and face plant right into the ground. It hurts like hell I tell you.

The wind is knocked out of me so I'm just lying on the ground. When my breathing gets normal I turn into my back and sit up. No one has noticed me so I just observe everything around me.

There seems to be a core group of fighters. Three men and two women, the tiger/cat, and a dwarf. They are fighting Killara's men so I'm hoping they are good guys. Next I scan the crowd for my sister. It hard to pick them out because of all the fighting. Just when I was about to give up I spot Teri and everybody else.

"TERI!" I shout. "I'm coming for you!" I jump up and run towards my sister.

"KARINA!" Teri yells, she finally see me and starts running towards me.

I'm trying to push my way through the crowd but it is really hard. When I'm a hundred metres from Teri I feel so happy. I thought I was going to die today but now I'm not going to. All I want to do now is find my way back home.

My happiness vanishes soon when I see a minotaur grab Teri and lift her to his shoulder.


I sprint off towards her as fast as I can. I am hot on his track, just ahead of Teri I see that Jenelle, Rainy, and Gem have all been snatched as well.

Suddenly my feet are lifted from the ground. I'm flung over the shoulder of a minotaur as well. "LET GO OF ME!!" I'm kicking and screaming for all I'm worth but it's no use. It seems like I've been captured for the second time today.


After a couple of minutes of being carried away from the battle I decide to make small talk with my new captor.

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