Chapter 5

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"Really!?!" Jenelle squeaks, "We will get to live at your very very rich parents house!"

"Really?" Teri questions. "They will? Karina are you sure mom and dad will agree to this."

"Yes I am sure. They would do anything to help us out and we would only stay until we found another job."

Plus I believe they would love to see us again, we haven't been home in a while so it will be nice to see our parents again.

"That settles it, I guess." Teri said.

"Yay! We get to live in a rich persons house." Jenelle exclaims.

"Thanks Karina and Teri for housing us." Rainy says to me and my sister.

"Yeah thanks!" Gem says.

"So we have to leave in the morning so we better go to bed now." I say to everyone. "We can pack our things in the morning." I just want to go to bed, I really like my sleep.

"Sounds good to me!" Gem states, "I'm going to bed as you guys know I love my beauty sleep."

"Uh-oh Gem's going to bed and she snores really loud." I warn everyone. "Quick! Make sure you fall asleep before her."

Teri, Jenelle, and Rainy all laugh at my attempt of a joke. While Gem just stares at me with tired eyes. I'm just teasing her but I seriously want to fall asleep before her. She snores so loud and I like my sleep.

"Haha very funny Karina." She says sarcastically.

"At least we know that she still has her sense of humor." Jenelle states, "even after everything that has happened in the last twenty-four hours."

"Wait? Karina has a sense of humor. When did that happen?" Teri says jokingly.

"Har har har you are hilarious Teri" I really don't know why she is saying that I am a hilarious person.

"I know!" She replies sweetly.

Rainy starts saying "Okay guys let get down to business-"

"TO DEFEAT THE HUNS!" Jenelle and Teri yell/sing.

"And go to bed now." Rainy says while ignoring Jenelle and Teri's out burst.

"Yes I agree let's go to bed." Also ignoring their singing, usually I would join in but I am too tired now.

"Amen!" Gem yells.


The next morning I wake up bright and early to start packing. Everyone else is still asleep so I try to pack quietly.

I go to the closet we all share and find a plain purple dress that goes to my ankles to wear. It has sleeves that fit loosely around my wrists. And the skirt of the dress flowed down from my waist.

Now I have to start packing all my clothes. When we all started working here we were given uniforms to work in so I only have a few dresses in the closest. So it doesn't take that long for me to pack them. The next thing I pack is my shoes, then my perfume and make-up. After that I was done because we didn't need any jewelry for our jobs.

My twin, Teri wakes up just after I finish packing.

"Hey sissie," she mumbles. "Would you be a peach and pack my stuff for me."

"In you dreams but nice try."

"Fine I'll do it myself." She grumbles.

She then rolls out of bed and slowly makes her over to the closet and pulls out a yellow dress that has short sleeves. And is the same length and shape of my dress she gradually starts packing her bag.

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