Chapter 7

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I make my way downstairs into the main lobby, where the telephone is kept. Teri, Jenelle, Rainy, and Gem are all behind me while I call Luca. I need all the support I can get right now, I'm really nervous to call and ask this guy that I hardly know for a job.

But I just have to get over my nerves, so I grab the phone and start dialling his number. I hear a couple rings then someone picks up. "Hello this is the Kole-Takker residence, who are you wishing to speak to?" The voice on the other end asks.

I swallow my nerves and stammer out my response. "This is Karina Jones I wish to speak to Luca, Luca Cole-Takker."

"Alright miss I will go get master Luca for you."

My friends are all watching me with excitement flashing in their eyes. Suddenly Teri asks "well what is happening is he coming or not?"

"The butler is going to get him, so I am just waiting now." I stand in my place for what felt like eternity, then I hear a voice coming from the other line.

"Hello Karina this is Luca, I am surprised but glad that you called."

Suddenly for no apparent reason I freak out, make a weird squeak, and hang up the phone as fast as I can. Breathing really heavily I turn to my friends who all have a horrified expression on their faces. "Luca came to the phone but when he started to talk I freaked out and hung up on him"


"Are you crazy?"


"But he was so pretty."

"I don't know what came over me." I say to everyone. "Oh my goodness he is going to think I am so weird. What am I going to do? He will probably never talk to me again."

"Now Karina you need to calm down and think everything through, it will be alright." Teri says in a soothing voice.

"Yeah, it will be alright." Jenelle repeats, "if you call him back quickly just pretend that the phone had a problem."

"What!" I yell, "I can't call him back. He probably thinks I'm crazy. No there is no way that is going to happen."

"Karina this may seem harsh but I'm your sister so I can say this. Stop being a baby and suck it up. Call Luca back and talk to him, you don't have to be afraid of him he seemed really nice."

"Okay," I say while taking a deep breath. "I will call him and just pretend that my phone wasn't working, that seems legit." So I grab the phone off it's stand on the table and dial Luca's number again. After it rings about two times someone picks up on the line.

"This is Luca Kole-Takker, Karina is that you?"

I take another deep breath then I answer his question. "Yes this is Karina, sorry my phone seemed to cut out on you."

"Are you sure?" He asks teasingly, "you're not scared of me are you?"

I let out a light laugh, "well if I am being honest I hung up on you because I was a little nervous to call you. I didn't want to seem really direct or desperate by calling you before you called me. And I need to ask a huge favor from you but I am scared to ask."

"No problem you can ask me anything, I don't bite." He says from the other line.

"Well I have been having a tough time finding a job for my friends and I. When we met you said you might be able to help us find a job if we needed one. Well we all need one really bad. Is there anything you can do to help me?"

"There might be something I can do on my end but I must insist that we meet face to face, to discuss some important details. Are you and your friends free tomorrow for tea at my house?"

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