Chapter 10

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I weave my body between all the trees, seriously this forest has been filled with nothing but trees. There is no path in the ground so my friends and I have no idea where we are going. We could be going in circles for all we know.

This day has been super weird so far, first I start the day off at work. Then we get transported to a magical land, and now we are wondering around a forest. And I hate to say it but I think we are lost.

"Guys," Teri whines. "I'm hungry, tired, and I want to go home."

"Teri there is nothing we can do at the moment so stop your complaining." I snap at her.

Teri looks hurt from my comment and I feel really bad but we are stuck somewhere and so far we haven't seen anybody who can help us. So I do the right thing and apologize to my sister.

At this point right now we are still lost in a magical forest. The strange thing is that we haven't seen any animals or people since we've arrived here. I wonder where they are all hiding.

Since I am so lost in my thoughts I didn't notice that everyone around me had stopped walking. So I turn around and see that not only have they stopped walking and talking. Now they are all hiding behind some trees.

Teri motions me to be quite for once in her life. While Jenelle points her thumb behind her shoulder. There must be something out there that they are all scared of.

So I walk quietly to the nearest tree to hide behind it. Which happens to be one of the smallest trees in this forest. You can still see half my body, but I don't have time to change potions because I hear voices behind me.

I can't see the people who are talking because if I turn around they will defiantly see me. I'm really regretting hiding behind this tree, I feel so vulnerable right now.

Teri is on my left and Rainy on my right. Jenelle is beside Teri and Gem is next to Rainy.

Everything is quite at the moment, too quite for my liking. It stays silent for a few seconds, then I hear something that makes my heart drop.

"Look over there!"

"I see someone hiding behind that tiny tree!"

With those yells a group of men covered in armor surrounded all of us. I have no idea what to do so I just stand in my "hiding place" absolutely still. Even though the group of terrifying men have caught us so there is really no need for me to be still.

The group of men are yelling/talking around us. I don't know every word they are saying but I catch a few phrases.

"Do you think they are working for king Caspian?"

"Are they spies?"

"Maybe they just got lost in the woods."

"They surely can't be stupid enough to travel these forests alone and unprotected."

After a few minutes of chattering a man comes forward to examine us. He is very tall and muscular, I can't see his hair because it is under his helmet. I am assuming that he is higher ranked then the other men, he has the look of someone in charge.

He walks towards me and his eyes travel my body from my head which still has that darn crown on it. After he is done with me he heads to Teri, then Jenelle. He examines Rainy next and lastly he examines Gem. Gem has a look of terror on her face when the very tall man examines her. She takes one second to glance at him and his intimidating glare. When she's finished she drops to ground again. This is the second time she's fainted today.

Suddenly out of shock I hear Teri speak to Jenelle. "I guess you can't slap her awake this time."

Before any of us can answer the very tall man gives Teri a death glare and yells. "Silence! I am general Stevenson of the Northern-Drifters, my men and I don't know who your are or why you are here. So we are assuming you are spies for King Caspian and the queens and kings of old. Our leader, Killara is not going to be pleased to know that you were spying on him. So instead of killing you on sight, I'll do the generous thing and take you to Killara myself. Then he will decide what to do with you."

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