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I walked to my fourth alone.
Bunni and Lucas both seemed upset since they realized they had a class together.
I walked into the art room and sat at a desk.
After everyone filed in I laid my head down and began to drift off.

Everything was white.... Where was I??
I started walking around. What was this?
Suddenly I saw someone in a black cloak.
"Hello?" I called out.
He turned to face me. He had hair like Lucas'; pure white but his eyes were blood red.
He smiled "Snow, don't be afraid."
I shook in fear.
Even though he appeared to be ten I could sense the power he had.
"W-who are you?" I whispered.
He smiled, his teeth all jagged and sharp "My name is Lucifer."
My heart sunk.
He laughed "You don't believe me?"

"Snow!" Someone yelled waking me up.
I sat up quickly to see Quinn at the door with her arms crossed "It's lunch time!" She growled "why are you still in here??"
I grabbed my things and followed her.
What just happened?

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