Paul McCartney: 1

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You are Paul's neighbour since a few months ago. His window is right in front of yours so you can see him and he can does the same.
-Hey! Y/N!-He shouts from his window.
-Yes?- You answer.
-Well I was thinking that we can hang out some day maybe tomorrow
-I can't I'll be really bussy- You lie.
-Damn... what about friday night?
-I don't know
-Come on, Y/N
-Paul is late, I'm going to sleep
-Okay, see you tomorrow-He says kind of sad.
You are really happy, finally Paul asked you to go out together, you definitely want to hang out with him but you don't want to seem like a random girl who likes Paul.

Finally the school finishes so you are on your way to your house when Paul suddenly appears.
-Do you have an answer for me?
-What do you mean?
-About go out on friday
-Oh... well... I think that... yes it would be nice
-You won't regret, sweetie-He kisses you on the cheek.

You are waiting for Paul, he told you that he will pick you up at 7:30pm. You hear that someone is knocking at the door. Your mother opens the door.
-Hi, Paul, Y/N is waiting for you
-Hello, great, I'll take her to a nice place
-I know just take care of her
You leave and start to walk and talk. You arrive to the pier, there's a beautiful view; the boats with a lot of lights. And you can hear a guitar, the sound is far away but, you like it.
-Well... I want to ask you something
-Tell me
-I want to know if you... damn, I'm really nervous... well... I was wondering if you want to be my girl
-Yes, Paul. I want to be your girl-You blush.
-If you don't want it's okay... wait, what?
-I want to be your girl- you smile.
-I'm going to make you the happiest girl on Earth.
Paul kisses you.
-I love you, Y/N-He whispers in your ear.

Hi! Sorry if there are mistakes I'm a Spanish speaker!

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