Keith Richards: 2

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It's 9 o'clock at night. You are out of the building where you work, the weather is colder than other night in England. All your partners already leave.
You zip up your coat. You are freezing. You decide to start to walk for catch a cab but suddenly a car appears on the lonely street it stops right in front of you. A man opens the window.
-Hey! Sweetheart!
-Fuck you, Keith!
-Come on, Y/N! Get into the car!
-You were supposed to be here one hour ago!
-Sorry! I totally forgot it! I was playing the guitar...
-That's the fucking problem with you! When you are playing you forget everything!-You yell at him.
-Sorry, dear. But... I didn't forget that today is our anniversary
You look at him feeling guilty cause you were the one who forgot about the anniversary.
-Come on, Y/N get into the car
He open the door and you enter in it. Keith drives to his place. He covers your eyes before get into his house.
-I love you
He whispers and let you watch the beautiful view... The are a lot of candles and flowers, now you know why he arrived late. You kiss him.
-Keith... I'm sorry to yell at you
-Don't worry, sweetie, you were freezing out there
You spend the whole night cuddling and kissing each other. Definitely you love Keith.
Hi guys! How you doin? Hope you like this imagine!
Sorry of there are mistakes I'm a Spanish speaker

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