Keith Richards: 3

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You are seated by his side, he doesn't talk to you cause he is mad at you. Keith took you to a party, you were talking to another guy, he was nice, you two were laughing. Later you went to Keith's house.
-Keith?-He doesn't answer-Please, talk to me
He doesn't even look at you.
-Come on, Keef-You touch softly his chin.
-Don't touch me-He pushes your hand away.
-Keith, why are you so angry?
-Ask that to the guy from the party
You laugh a bit.
-Why the hell are you laughing?!
-You're are jealous
-Of course I am!
He takes you by the arms strongly, he is hurting you.
-You are mine!-He looks at the floor- I don't want you to leave me
-I'll never leave you
He looks at your eyes, he is in tears.
-I'm sorry
You kiss him, now he hugs you tenderly.
-I love you
He murmurs against your lips. You two spend the rest of the night in a mix of passion and love inside Keith's room.
Hi guys! Almost a week since the last imagine! What do you think about this one? Sorry if there are mistakes, I'm a Spanish speaker.

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