Rod Stewart: 1

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-Hi baby!-He says while he opens the door.
-Hi, Rod
-How are you, dear?
-Fine...-You whisper.
-Are you sure? You sound a little worried or something
-I need to tell you something
-Are going to leave me?-He says kind of scared.
-No, of course not
-You are driving me mad , sweetie! Just tell me
-I'm pregnant
-Oh my... Really?
-Yes, I went to the doctor and he told me that...
-That's awesome!-He has a wide smile on his face.
-Aren't you angry?
-What? No! I'm incredibly happy!-He hugs you-I'm going to be a father!

The rest of the night Rod still talking about the baby even when you two are about to sleep. Definitely Rod will be an excellent father.
Hi guys! How are you? Hope you like this imagine.

PD: I think that I have a thing with Rod xD

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