Ronnie Wood: 4

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Three guys are bothering you. They are throwing your bag to each other and they are making awful jokes about you.
-What the fuck are you doing?!
You hear someone shouting.
-This is not from your business, Woody!-Says the taller one.
-Of course it is! Give Y/N her bag!
-What if I don't give it to her?-The tall guy says.
-I'll kick your fucking face!
-Really? Try it!
-You are in troubles!-Ronnie says.
-Ronnie, stop, they are going to hurt you-You beg to him.
-Y/N, go to your house, please-Ronnie says to you.
-What? No, I'm not going to leave you here
-Y/N, go to your house. I have to do something with this assholes. I'll be okay
-Do what he tells you, stupid girl-Other guy says.
-Don't call her "stupid"!-Ronnie yells at him-Y/N, go home, I'll be fine
You sigh and start to walk.
You are at home, you are really worried about Ronnie, you wonder if he is alright. Suddenly someone knocks at the door. You open the door.
-Hi, sweetie
-Oh my God! Are you okay?!?
He has a blackeye and dry blood under his nose and in his left eyebrow.
-Yes, it hurts less than it seems. Here is your bag-He gives you your bag.
-Thank you!-You hug him tight.
-Oh sorry! Come inside so I can take care of you
You take him by the hand and you two go upstairs and enter to your room. You can see that his beautiful hands are hurted too.
-Oh Ronnie, those guys are awful-You touch his ribs.
-Ouch! They kicked me right there
-Take off your shirt
-Take off your shirt, let me see if you have bruises or something
He takes off his shirt. He has a lot of bruises.
-Oh God... wait here- You bring an ointment-This is going to make you feel better.
You start to put the ointment on his bruises, when you finish you go to the kitchen to make a cup of tea for him.
-Drink some tea, please
-Thanks, Y/N. You don't have to worry about me-He takes you by the hand.
-You are amazing, Ronnie-You bury your head on his neck-I love you.
-I love you too, Y/N.
You two look at each other eyes. Ronnie kisses you tenderly. He is the best guy on Earth.

Hi! Sorry if I didn't post anything these days! Well hope you like this imagine. Sorry if there are mistakes, I'm a Spanish speaker.

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