Mick Jagger: 4

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You are at school looking at the board. Definitely you don't understand anything. School is not for you.
-Michael, can you give me the answer please?
-The answer is "8.7"
You look at your partner. Michael. He is a brilliant student, his grades are perfect also he is the most handsome boy at school.
-Y/N can you say the answer of the exercise number two?
-Mmm I... think... well.... the answer is... 5?
-That's incorrect. Michael, what is the correct answer?
-62, teacher
You are red as a tomato. You want to go out from the classroom. The bell rings, you stay on your place trying to understand the maths exercises.
-Want some help?
You turn your face... Is Michael.
-Yes... please
-Ok, well the only thing you have to do is...
He explains you, he is better than the teacher, you understand everything.
-Do you understand?
-Yes I do!
-That's perfect!
-You are really smart, Mick. Sorry, Michael
-Don't worry, you can call me Mick and thanks you are smart too
-I'm not-You look at floor.
-Of course you are! And also you are beautiful
You are red as a tomato again.
-Do you want to hang out with me after school?
Your heart is beating fast.
-Yes, sure
-Excellent! See you later!
He leaves the classroom. You feel really happy, the most hansdome and intelligent guy asked you to hang out.
You two are at the park.
-Y/N... I want to tell you something
-What is it?
-Well... Since the day I met you I think that you are the most beautiful woman on Earth
-R... Really?
-Yes... but... I didn't tell you anything cause I thought that you would be mad at me or something
-Do you want to be my girl?
He kisses you tenderly. This is the best day of your life.
Hi guys! Thanks to all for reading :')
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Sorry if there are mistakes, I'm a Spanish speaker.

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