Confused Noh

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"A-Apple why are you still here?" I nervously asked her.
"Mmmn..I actually about to go home when my rad- I mean when I heard some noise coming over here. So I check it out and it's lock but I really heard some noise like someone is in pain. That's why I went to the school's offfice to ask for the key."

Ahh, that made me wonder why the knob is unlocked when I grip it to open.

Me and Noh gulped down in unison as I can feel the droplets of sweat forming out of my pores in the forehead. Is as if we both hold our breathe for too long that non of us speaks first until an idea pops out of my coconut shell.

"Uhh, I was...My stomach hurts at that time. It really hurts so badly that Noh tried his best to help me ease the pain. I asked him to buy me a medicine but when he come back, he accidentally slam the door hard and it locked on its own. So we tried another way out but unfortunately we found nothing. Until, we heard someone clicking to open the door knob and you just save us from spending the night here," I finished my explanation to her and hope as hell she will believe with my fabricated story.

It looks like it made sense to her so she brought his little hand to my stomach in which made me surprised. " poor thing. That's why I'm telling you that you have to get yourself a girlfriend to take good care of you."

In that moment, I feel like I'm Noh and this girl is Yuri, well actually she really acts like Yuri! I instantly pull her hands away from my stomach and looked at Noh's direction but he suddenly look the other way. Shit!

"Uh..I'm fine now Apple thanks to this guy who helped me buy the medicine!"I encirlcle my arms over Noh's shoulder as I've tied searching for his eyes. He just stare back to Apple and told her that we will help her get a taxi. He thanked her for SAVING US.

I was feeling dejected the whole time especially after we get Apple a taxi she could ride off home and when we get to our respective home. He didn't even said his goodbye to me when he entered the gate to his house. Why is Noh acting this way?? We haven't had any problems like this before and he never get jealous that easily?? It is me who is more anxious than him!!

I shook my head and convince myself that maybe he's just tired from the practice and a little shocked about the news in the event that afternoon that's why he's like this. I don't want to let this negative vibes ruin my night.

As I lay down on the soft mattress of my bed, I get my phone from my night stand and dialled Noh's number. After three rings he finally answered it.

"What took you so long??"I jokingly asked him.

"ah..."I've waited for a moment but that is all he replies to me.

"Hey Noh, would you please stop being jealous. You know that Apple and I are just colleagues. I know that I'm handsome and all but my heart only belongs to you."

I can hear him clearly throwing up, this brat!

"Yeah, you are way too handsome that I feel like you are all going to be Mr. Nice Guy to every one especially to that Apple girl,"although I find his words with humor still I can sense that he's still mad at me.

"Noh, you know that I love you. Why are you acting like this? You usually didn't mind this before. What's wrong? Is there any problem??"I've made my voice softer this time so I won't put up anymore fuel.

"I dunno, it's just that you seemed so distant. Maybe because we are too busy nowadays that we haven't seen each other lately, or..orr..I DUNNO!!!"

I get worried with his tone so I get my keys from my study table,"Lets end this call Noh, I'm going to your house now."

"Hey-" I ended the call before he could say more and put my cellphone in my short pocket. I went downstairs and get myself into the car. I drove to Noh's home for only fifteen minutes and look up to his room's window. I parked my car just outside their gate and saw Noh rushing outside their entrance door.

"What the hell Phun!!! Why did you come here?!" I love the looks on his face right now. His big eyes are so adorable and his half open parted luscious lips looks so inviting. I stopped myself from staring at him. I might find myself drown after drooling over my boyfriend. Oh funny! I tried to look the other way around but my eyes caught his boxer shorts when I look down.

I pretend that I wasn't distracted with his hidden lower region so I return my gaze back to his surprised face,"I missed you that's why I'm here. Don't worry I'll go back after knowing we're fine now."

I smiled to him but he still haven't made up his mind yet with our conversation earlier.

He clutch the hem of his t-shirt and he looks like he's restraining himself from something. I hold his left shoulder with my hand and slide it to his broad back. He's looking down so I can't see his face not until I hear him sniffing.

I hastily grab both his cheeks and move his face to look at me. Damn!!

"Noh what's wrong?!" as I hushed him from crying.

He shake his head and put his two hands at the back of my palm in which still holding his face. He said to me," I'm just happy to see you. I'm sorry if I acted like an idiot. It's just that may be you're starting to change your mind and you seemed to get fun together with Apple. I know that I didn't get jealous so easily but ..but.. It hurts me seeing the two of you together. My mind is full of insecurities that I dunno what to think and to act in front of you. Instead, I find myself getting angry with you. I'm sorry."finally Noh outburst all things that had bottled up from his mind and cried hard. Thankfully no one is passing by so I get the chance to pull him and hid his face in my chest.

"Noh it's alright,"I tell him as I try to caressed his back.

"Please stop crying now, I understand. From now on I'll try to distant myself to her so you wont feel this way, Okay?"

"I don't mean it Phun, maybe the problem is me. I dunno but I find something wrong with her. Sorry," he tries to pull his body away from me but i held him tight.

"No Noh you're just confusing yourself. Stop thinking those things because what I feel for you will never change. Even if its Apple. She's just like a little sister so stop crying now." I wiped off the tears the keeps coming from his eyes with my thumb.

"Okay, I'm sorry Phun but I can't let you sleep here tonight. My parents are here." Noh calmed down after a few minutes. He made sure that he's fine now after he bid farewell to me. I took chances while he's still haven't opened their gate and gave him a quick kiss on his lips.

I enjoyed the startled look on his face and the vibrant red color the creeps out of his cheeks. I said my goodbye to him and throw him a wink but instead I get a middle finger from him.

I went home after that and had a good sleep while dreaming about him.

A Tale Of Noh's Jealousy (One Shot Story)Where stories live. Discover now