Menthol Flavored Kiss

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Noh's POV

SSShhhhh!!! Be quiet guys! I don't wanna let this guy know that I'm trying to spy him! D'ya wanna know why?! Coz I'm really curious why is it every time we kiss from day to night or even when we went out of the house and eat foods in a restaurant or street foods, Phun's kisses taste like menthol and it's making my mouth feel refresh as well! I've tried to check on what toothpaste he's using and even check what mouthwash he's using but they're all sweet stuffs!! How the hell did he do that?!

Right now just so you know, I'm tip toeing going to our comfort room and I sneakily and carefully open the door of the bathroom.

I can hear the splashing of water coming from the shower room and of course, because it's a glass door I can vaguely see the figure of my lover because it's a little foggy. I can see every movement that he's doing, from how he brushes his wet hair, to how he tries to get rid of the water from his face. His hands are moving to his shoulders and to his arms. Uhhh.. What the hell I'm doing? I feel like a pervert and stop asking me more!! Crazy readers, I'm telling you I'm spying I'm not trying to peek or anything!! I moved the door a little bit wider and I see Phun bend down while he put soap on both if his legs. Again, he did that brushing of his hair, how long are you going to take shower? I'm getting tired of waiting. I wanna see him naked-...delete that part..I wanna see his secret why his mouth taste like menthol. I've tried to use a lot of menthol flavored toothpaste and mouthwash but they didn't stayed for too long in my mouth. Hmm, I wonder. 

As my mind wondered off somewhere, I didn't hear the shower room's door opens and Phun was drying his hair with a towel while I, on the other hand, unconsciously pushed the door wide open. Phun was startled seeing me kneeling down in front of the door, I was more shock when I saw his thing in front of me. I gulped down nervously and about to stand up but my knees becomes numb and I can't move a muscle at all. GHAAADD!! I'm so damn embarrasses I wanna dig  a hole and die!!! For a moment I look down on the floor and  raised my head to him and gave him my sweetest and widest smile. My face feels so hot and it feels like I was being mocked. Aren't you going to cover your thing??!!!!

"What are you doing Noh?" he asked.

"Uuhmm, well you know, I was trying to look for something." Crap! What am I even telling?!

""What are you looking for?" ARRGHH!! Stop asking! Can't you see I'm dying of embarrassment here!!

"Uhh..I'm trying to search for a... a needle! Yes! That's it! Haha-ha-ha...."

"A needle? In front of the shower room? You're being cute Noh." And this guy is grinning at me!

I almost fell down when I immediately stand from kneeling down, thankfully Phun caught my waist and now we're stuck hugging each other. 

Déjà vu

"It feels like we've been in this kind of  situation before, when I tried to catch you when you were about to fall, did I do it properly Noh?"

"'Huh? What are you talking about? And stop sniffing my ear! Are you a dog or what?" I can't stop getting nervous since Phun's naked body was directly in contact with me. Damn it!

"Don't you have any shame showing your body to me?! Let go of me!" I tried to push his wet chest with my hands but I stop midway when I felt his heartbeat. I t was beating so fast and that made my heart beat in unison as well.

"I don't feel any shame since this is all yours."

"Your face is red Noh." I'm so pissed right now and this guy keeps on teasing me with those lame jokes. I feel like ravishing him though, I hate it so much that my body is reacting on it's own every time Phun is near  me. What a traitor body!!!

"What the hell...ARRGHH!! Fine! I'll tell you then! I'm so curious on why is your mouth taste like menthol all the time??!"

Phun was taken a back when I asked him. "Uhmm..what do you mean by that Noh?"

"Well, ever since we've started dating and became lovers, your kisses always taste like menthol, and...I like it, but doon't get a head of yourself, okay?! I'm just curious!" I hid my face on his chest while I hear him laughing happily.

"Geezz Noh,  You've made me afraid for a moment there. I thought you hate the taste of mouth, but to be honest I'm not using anything."

"For real?!!! How is it possible!! Arrgghh! That's so unfair!"

I hold his face with my hand and pulled it closer to my nose. He hasn't yet brush his teeth but it smells like menthol. Is it possible that his mouth is cooler and way fresher than mine? Oh well, I want it to taste and savour it at least. Crap! Why am I thinking such vulgar things but my mouth feels so thirsty for his kisses!! I hate to admit it but I want him, arrghh!! Hell with being shy, I just want to claim him as mine.

I force my lips and tongue on him and enjoyed the taste of his menthol flavored kiss!

The End.


Thank you so much for reading guys!

A Tale Of Noh's Jealousy (One Shot Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant