Jealous Noh Level One

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Two weeks had passed by and we are now in our crucial period of time. Me, Fi and the other student council have buried our nose to this preparation for this past few days. As a student body we must make sure that there'll be no mistakes to happen and if there is we can take an immediate action to it. And believe me guys, for the record I didn't sleep with Noh for that 14 long days. Is as if we've been apart for damn two weeks and I really miss him so much. I haven't even gone to his place or him to my place because even he himself is busy as well!! Are we being challenged by fate now??

"Arrrggh!!"Thinking about this makes my head hurt all of a sudden that made turn into my direction.

"Phun are you okay? You can go out and refresh for awhile,"as Fi patted my shoulder and gave a worried look.

"Nah, I'm fine but I think I need to go out and fresh up my mind." I got up from the chair and made my way outside after I bid my farewell to them. As I closed the door it felt like I was alive again and rejoice for obtaining a small piece of my freedom. I walked down the hallway but was surprised to see Apple running towards me. I stop walking for a moment but this girl jump into me like a kangaroo! She hug me tightly as she put her arms around my neck and her feet around my waist. What kind of scene are we making this time. I supported her back so she won't fall down.

I can see my fellow Friday boys student watching us with a hilarious look in their face. I automatically pushed her slowly and helped her get down on me. What if Noh had seen us!!!! OMFG!!

"Apple you shouldn't do that. You know that our school are full of boys and you don't want them to think bad of you, didn't you?"I told her with a concern.

"Nah I don't mind. Why?Being able to express how happy I am to see you is a sin???"She retorted.

I laugh at her and told her that the boys here might disrespect her because of her action. But she answered me which make me stunned,"That's easy to solve, be my boyfriend!! If that happens it'll be natural for us to act more than this' in public."

Whooow!! I can't believe this girl. I shook my head in defeat and ask her if why was she was here. She told me that she needs to see our Principal but when she saw me she got all excited. So in the end, the little freedom I have turned to be use for escorting her until we reached the Principal's office. I've waited for her and walk her till our school gate but when she was about to go for the nth time I was shocked by what she did. She pulled my school uniform's collar down and place her soft lips into mine and dashed off away. What the hell!!!!

I returned to the office with a blank mind. I can't even damn concentrate on what I am doing. I am feeling more of concerned, no not concerned, but afraid if Noh will find out about this. Hope as hell he won't know but everyone saw it so.... "Argkajglaega!!!!"

The moment Fi told as we're done for the day, he asked me to go to the Music Club Room and ask Ohm if the preparation for tomorrow's Music Festival is already set. So after hearing his command immediately went out of the room.

"No, Noh will understand it. I know that he is more of an open-minded person than I am so..."I am just talking to myself guys. I am convincing myself that it won't matter to him. I can explain my part and it's as if i have a fault on what happened but.... i brushed off that idea and speed up to the Music Club Room. I didn't even bother knocking the door so I just invited myself inside. I'm feeling guilty now of forgetting to knock coz i have disturbed their practice.

"Oh Phun, what the fuck are you doin' here??" as Noh hurriedly gave to Per the mic he was holding.

I sighed deeply thanking all the angels that he haven't found out about it yet. He's standing beside me now and wearing those adorable smile he's flashing to me.

A Tale Of Noh's Jealousy (One Shot Story)Where stories live. Discover now