Chapter 2

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Lauren's POV

"Keana, wait up!" I hollered at my crush from down the hallway and jogged over to her. Due to my mom's encouragement, I decided to ask Keana out on a date.

"Hey, Lauren," she smiled.

"Hey, so um I was wondering if you maybe...wanna like...go hang out or something?" I nervously asked. I barely ever asked girls out.

"Like on a date?" Keana smirked.

"Uh yeah...on a date," I nodded shyly.

"Sounds great!"

"Cool. Is Saturday after my soccer game okay?"

"Saturday is perfect," she beamed. Wow she was so beautiful.

"Alright then. I'll catch ya later," I smiled with flushed cheeks. Phew thank God that was over with.


"Hey, guys. Guess who just got a date on Saturday?" I bragged to the girls at lunch.

"Lauren? On a date? That's surprising!" Dinah joked.

"Fuck off," I growled. "I can very well get dates."

"With who?" Camila asked.

"Keana," I sighed bashfully. "She's over there. Isn't she so beautiful?" I pointed over to where my crush sat.

" wow...congrats, Lo," Camila awkwardly said.

"Thanks?" I chuckled shrugging off her strange tone.

"Yeah, very pretty, Lo. Awesome job!" Ally congratulated and Normani nodded smiling.

"She is beautiful but keep it in your pants, bud," Dinah joked again.

"I'm not like all the horny teenage boys around here, okay?" I defended.

"Mmmhmm. Yeah say that whenever you check out Jessica Ramirez and get a little tent in your pants. You're not sneaky, Jauregui," the girls laughed.

My hands covered my crotch and face grew red. "Okay, it happens sometimes. It has a mind of it's own that I can't always control!"

"You and your boy anatomy problems," she rolled her eyes.

"Thanks for reminding me that I was born with the wrong part," I sulked. "And at least I don't have to bleed every month from a vagina," I tried to fight back.

"Aw trying to get me back. C'mon, you know we're joking," Dinah waved me off.

"I know but sometimes your jokes get to me. You girls are lucky to be normal. I'm just a freak whose almost all female but has to deal with crazy sex hormones and boners."

"Laur, you're not a freak. Sorry if we make you feel like that sometimes, we'll cut back. You're beautiful just the way you are. You're our best friend and we love you to death," Camila assured smiling. She was so sweet and always knew what to say.

"Thanks, Camz. I really appreciate that," I smiled and winked kindly.

"Yeah, Ralph. We love you and your penis—wait," Dinah paused after realizing what she just said. We all bursted out into laughter at the comment. I loved those nuggets.

Camila's POV

I couldn't help but get jealous of Keana, Lauren's new crush. I saw them flirt every passing time and after school this whole week. I seriously got sick to my stomach. Keana even stole my thing of watching Lauren at practice as she hooted and hollered at the athlete from the bleachers. Lauren smiled and waved at her, trying to show off her skills. It pissed me off so much that I stopped going.

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