Chapter 2 The Encounter

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He was two blocks away from his house and had decided to simply start dragging his bag across the ground. Dreading having PE for his last class period of the day. "Ugh, I'm still all sweaty"

A strong wind blew against Ace, stopping him in his tracks. He looked around at the surrounding trees but none of them seemed effected by the Powerful Gust. That's strange.

He continued walking down the sidewalk leading to his house, until a gigantic creature stood in his wake. His eyes were a bright white and his body was 3x the size of Ace.

It was built like a man but had the features of a monster. When it exhaled, Ace was reminded of a airplane engine. It grabbed the weapon on his back and swung, influencing Ace to jump away.

Ace tried to look around to see if anyone close by had noticed the large thing swinging a Battle Axe, But everything that had color was black and gray. And the only thing pitch white was the beast's Eyes.

Ace sprints across the street trying to escape the relentless monster. He suddenly tripped in the middle of the street, rushing him to climb to his feet as fast as possible.

But the creature was too fast. The monster cocked back and before he could fulfill the swing.

Its face had being kicked from behind, knocking it on its side.
When Ace looked at what caused it, he was met with the eyes of the girl he met earlier that day.
"What does it look like?" She chuckled, backing up as the Creature started getting up. "I'm protecting you"

It stood back up and glared at Acelin, picking up its weapon while rubbing it's bruised cheek. "What are you doing here?" Acelin questioned.

"None of your buisness" it's raspy voice responded. It lifted it's Axe above it's head and looked up at the sky. The wind around them picked up again, this time a lot stronger than before. "If you get in the way of my mission, I will have no other option but to kill you too"

"Who sent you here?"
"He goes by many names, but it's not my right to tell you anything" a large gust shoved at Acelin's back, pushing her towards it. It dropped it's arm and swung downwards towards Acelin.

A bright blue dome quickly encased her, Protecting her from the attack. The creature dropped it's Axe and tightened it's arms, exposing his muscles.
"ACE RUN, HE'S A WIPER" Acelin screamed worried.
"I'm not leaving you here!" He yelled back, standing up.

Before anything else could happen, a black and silver whip snapped from behind a tree and grabbed the creature by its neck. It tried to loosen the whip but within seconds a large crunch was heard through the air, and the thing's body dropped backwards. Lifeless.

The whip immediately cracked, sending the body flying to where the whip came from. And almost like watching a magic trick, the body disappeared behind the tree. Never to be seen again.

"What...just...happened?" Ace stuttered.
"I think he's gone" She exhaled, falling on her butt. "We should probably le-" before she could even finish her sentence, Acelin faints. Falling onto the cold concrete.

Within seconds the world began to flush back with color, and time resumed as if nothing happened. Ace ran up to Acelin and put a hand against her neck, She has a slow pulse.

"I can help, just unlock my chains" The voice in Ace' head whispered.
"WHO ARE YOU?!" Ace yelled.
"You'll find out soon enough...Hybrid"
"Hybrid? Just get out of my head!" He stood next to Acelin, waiting for a response. But nothing else was said.

Ace looked across the street and saw a lady walking her dog, ever now and then looking over at Ace like he was crazy. He slipped his hand under Acelin's knees and behind her back before picking her up her in his arms.

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