Chapter 5 Dead Memories

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The kid stumbles back, struggling to not fall down.
Ace slowly starts to stand up, his wings began to absorb the shadows of houses and cars.
Any and all color around them had turned gray, they were in a Shadow Barrier.

"Wait, let me explain, my name is king" the kid yelled.
King tried his very best to get through to Ace but Ace wasn't ever going to listen to the person that killed his mother, especially in this state of mind. "ACCEPT WHAT YOU WERE ALWAYS MEANT TO BE!"

Shadows swirl closely around Ace, enough to completely block the light from his wings.
When the shadows had left, Ace was holding a sword made completely out of darkness. "A MONSTER!!! HAHAHA"

It was shaped like a leaf, and had the hilt of a rapier. Ace' head finally looked at up at King, who had again been blinded by his wings. But when King could finally look at Ace' face, he was filled with horror.

His eyes were empty, the only thing keeping them from going all white, was the silver spheres. "EMBRACE MY POWER"

Ace lunges forward with tremendous speed, slicing through the bottom half of King's Shirt. King jumped back before landing on his feet, realizing that that, wasn't Ace.

King stabbed the heels of his shoes into the ground and started to rip it apart, kicking up large amounts of Asphalt.

Ace lunged forward again, and King picked up a slab of Asphalt.
If i can use the dust from this crumbling Asphalt, i might be able to cloud his vision.

King chucks a slab of Asphalt at Ace' chest, stopping him in his tracks.
A smile stretched across King's face.
But as soon the smoke cleared, Ace' wings had crossed in front of him, protecting him from the impact. Overlapping one another.

"OH COME ON" King yelled with irritation, as his wings moved back to his side.
The wings curved sideways, and in a blink of an eye, Ace ascended into the sky. The force from Ace' wings made the surrounding cars set off their alarms.

But their sound was distorted. Like someone pressed the slow down button around them.
The wings stretched all the way out, and king started to take a few steps back.

Ace whispered something, and even though they were thirty feet away from each other, he could still understand what he said.
"Kill Him!"

Crystals started to fly out of his wings, shooting through the air like bullets.
King made a X with arms, and just as soon as he did. Large pillars of dirt tore through the street, blocking King.
A dust cloud started to appear as Ace continued to fire crystals at King, but dirt was never a match against diamonds.

Acelin came running down the street, automatically noticing the floating Ace shooting sharp and jagged projectiles towards something she couldn't make out through the large dust cloud.

"ACE!" Acelin screamed out trying to get his attention. She could only see a part of his face and the back of his wings. "I was too late, I should've been here"

She looks forward and sees Ace' Mother laying on the ground, motionless. Right on the rim of where the cloud is.

She starts to run towards her, scraping her knees as she slides on the side walk. Acelin places her head on her legs and puts two fingers on her bruised neck.

Acelin's heart skips a beat as she realizes that the Mom is dead.
She moved her head to the side walk and looks up at Ace, who is still firing shards.

Acelin leaps into the street and jumps in front of Ace' fire, quickly feeling a sharp pain cut across her calf muscle. She sets up a white see-through barrier that encases her and the other person, running around the dirt pillar and making the crystals ricochet everywhere.

"ACE, STOP THIS! THIS ISN'T YOU!" Acelin screamed.
The firing only intensified, ever so slightly starting to crack the barrier.

"Shut Up! You're just making him more upset" King says after the dust cleared from the air. Laying on the ground with a crystal in his thigh.
"Excuse me, Who are you?" she replied.

"Think about it, A girl suddenly enters his once easy going life and says she knows everything about him. You might as well had been a female stalker. Then you tell him he isn't human? Have you thought for one second how  must feel"

"And on top of that, he knows nothing about you. He probably unconsciously blames you a little for what has happened recently"

She turns away from King, and stares up at Ace' face. His face looked emotionless, like a robot.
She squinted her eyes as she started to focus on his, ignoring the Crystals.

A small glisten coming from the corner of a eye.
Is he crying, she thought.
I'm so sick and tired of always being late, I couldn't save my parents from being murdered. I couldn't help my friends from being captured, and I cant even help the person that I was sworn to protect. I'm so useless.

She disabled the barrier and felt her body be lifted off the ground.
She jumped, straight towards Ace, ignoring everything and focused only on him.

Shards cut through some fabric of her clothes and cut her skin all over her arms and legs, Making her drip with blood.

She grabs him by the waist and tackled him out of the sky, hitting the street with enough force to make the ground shake. Ace' wings had finally stop firing.

But Ace wasn't exactly open to what Acelin had to say. Acelin laid on his chest, exhausted.
"I'm really sor-"

Ace immediately shoved her off and stood up, glaring at her over his shoulder. He walked over to King who was trying to crawl away.
Ace picks King up by the hoodie of his jacket and throws him into the nearest fence.

King puts a gaping hole in the side of the fence, littering the ground and his clothes with wood chips. Ace lifted King up by his neck and glared at him the same way he did Acelin.

Acelin stumbled over to them, trying to hide the pain from the scratches and cuts that scattered across her skin. "Why did you kill Ace' Mother?"Acelin assumed.

King stays silent. Ace started to tighten his grip around his neck and King started to struggle.
"Talk" Ace grunted.
"Okay okay okay, the reason I killed that woman was because she was a fugitive"King answered.

"What do you mean by fugitive?"
"Because she went back on her deal. When you were born, you were given to the Witch you call your Mother"
"Watch your tongue" Ace interrupted.

"I'm not insulting her, she was a witch. She was told to raise you to 11 years of age. Then pass you over to a Reptilia Council member in this very City. But she moved away before we could pick you up. So a month ago we found her and tried to apprehend her but again she moved. So when I saw you at the high school I knew she was here too. You weren't meant to live in the human world for 15 years"

Ace pauses for a moment. "Who sent you to kill my mother?"
"It was the Council. They said to use any force necessary to try and bring her in. But when she tried to take my head off, i threw her through the hou-"
"Ace, someone is here" Acelin whispered.

Suddenly a Woman with Silver hair and purple eyes appear. With two men heavily equipped with Armor.
"Hello, my child. I believe we have some catching up to" the woman smiled towards Ace.

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