Chapter 13 Silver Bullet

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Acelin starts to walk out of the shade with shock written all over her face.
"Ace what are you doing?!" Acelin yelled, Ace walks halfway and stops her.

"What do you think she is?" Ace asked.
"What do you mean you just stabbed a human in the tongue" she replied.

Ace walks over to the whining Jasmine that continued to flail her arms as she stuck out her tongue.
Ace quickly pulls the shard out, as if it was as light as a toothpick, and throws it to the ground.

Suddenly the iron door flies open, and a man walks through with a vest strapped to his chest and a pistol on his hip.
"What're kids doing up here?" he asked looking at the three of them.

He looks over at jasmine and notices the small amount of blood dripping from her mouth.
He quickly pulls out his pistol and holds it towards Ace.

A small badge glistens on his vest as he points the gun towards Ace.
Ace holds the a small shard in his hands as he stood straight up, proud and confident.

The man pulled the trigger, sending a bullet through the air until suddenly Acelin leaped to her left, stopping the bullet in its tracks as she falls to the ground, with a hole in the left side of her chest.

After realizing what just happened Ace became enraged, lunging himself at the policeman.
He shot at him a few more times before Ace was in point blank range.
Ace punched him in his stomach, while at the same time a crunching sound can be heard.

Ace had broken every bone in the man's body with a single blow, forcing him to fall silently limp to the ground as he lost all the stability in his body.

Ace ran back over to Acelin as she laid on the ground, motionless.
"Get out of here" Ace yelled.
"But I want to hel-"
She runs over to the door and swings it open to get out, ignoring the man in pain.

He gets on his knees and placed his two fingers on her neck, no pulse.
He put his ears close to her nose and couldn't feel any air.
He started to panic, as he tried to think of new ideas.

He gets the sudden idea to check for a exit wound, he flips her body over and looks for another wound, and low and behold there was another wound.

He began to grow frustrated as he tried to think of what else he could do. Suddenly Ace let out a roar, once he had stopped, a chill went down his spine as his sudden urge kinda freaked him out too.

What was that.
Ace thought as he stood up looking in the direction of a roar that sounded similar to his.

He places his hands on the fence as he tries to figure out what it was.
Immediately after Ace placed his hands on the fence, a large geyser of water shot up in the air, coming from the origin of the roar.

Ace started to look closely and noticed something glimmer as it swiftly moved out of the water, moving across Ace' view for a second.
Large dust clouds started to fill the air at the edge of town.

And before Ace could even figure out what was doing it, he automatically saw something shoot through the parking lot of the school and rise up higher than the building itself.

The creature had long slender gold and red eyes that stared straight down at him, Scales of a silverish-white shimmered down the Beast's skull and neck.

The creature tilted it's head a tiny bit as Ace started to take a few steps back. And in the blink of an eye the beast had tore through the metal fence and showed up right behind Ace.

It lowered its head towards Ace, lining up their eye levels.
Ace started to glare at the creature as he moved in front of where Acelin laid.

The snake and Ace glared at each other, until finally the snake slowly bowed its head, ushering for Ace to climb aboard.
Can I really trust this thing? Even if i don't want to, Acelin is in an emergency. I need to take any help i can i get, Ace thought.

After desperately considering the options at hand, Ace had decided to agree to the Snake's proposal.
He picks up Acelin and walks across the Snake's long slender skull, stopping at the part that met its neck.

"Umm can you take me to my house?" Ace asked, hoping it could understand.
That is not an option, Ace suddenly heard a familiar voice answer.

Ace started to look around, looking for what could've made that sound.
"Was that you?" he asked the snake.
Going back to the house isn't an option. There is a enemy lying in wait for you to return home, a enemy with a large army.

"That doesn't matter, my guardian needs my help, and no army is going to stop me"
If you truly care about her than you wouldn't want her to get caught up in the cross fire, am i correct.
Ace nods.

Then wouldn't it be best to avoid the enemy's trap.
"Even if you are right, how exactly do i do that?"
You retreat.

Suddenly large sirens can be heard coming from the front of the school as hundreds of kids flooded out the front doors.
Looks like we missed our exit.

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