Chapter 18 - OutRage

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Ace continued to soar through the air while keeping is eyes fixed on where to land. While still holding Acelin in a choking posistion.
He turned his back to the rising sun as he aimed for a small close by cloud.
He landed on top of a marshmallow white cloud as he dropped Acelin on top of it too.
"Ace...your wings. And...your eyes" she questioned while trying to catch her breath.
"As far as i now. This is the only thing that she accomplished by plungling some object into my chest.I don't understand how she also changed my clothing to all black. But before you ask, i circulated the wind and water in this cloud so that it would be solid enough to stand on. Now, explain" Ace demanded.
"Fine fine. A long time ago their was a large amount of criminal activity in the Society. Their was so much that the guards had to take in inexperienced members just to crack down on all the criminal movement. Until the unthinkable happened. An escaped fugitive and a couple of scientist had stolen approximately 500 kids no older than 3. When the police finally found their base, they found exactly 495 dead bodies. When they investigated deeper they found out that each body had a barcode under their left bicep. When the police scanned the code they found out everything on the body. Relatives, Allergies, everything. They also found injection marks on the chest.
The police used it to give the families closure. But the police started to realize that their were still 5 missing children. They found one of them, a tunnel that was on the outskirts of Teriz City. *she starts to tear up* He brother, Ambes. They soon found out that all his internal organs were encased in scales" Acelin grabbed the end of her left sleeve and pulled it up to her left shoulder. She twisted her arm to where her left tricep was facing Ace. Slowly, a rectangular symbol with black and white stripes started to surface from under her skin. It was a barcode.
"Ace *tears start to stream down her cheeks* i can't die. This is the curse of being a Code"
"I don't know whether to show you compassion or anger"
"Let me guess. You want me to hold you and say "i promise it'll be okay" then you want me to kiss you or something trashy like that, right"
"Why are you acting like this"
"Did you ever think to tell me that you couldn't die. I've risked my own life for you countless times. I've been brought to the brink of death twice. Both times to protect you. And now you decide to tell me"
"We're done with this conversation"
The cloud suddenly fizzled away as Acelin quickly started to fall. Ace flapped his wings and shot forward in the opposite direction. Moving at lightning speed as Acelin plummeted to her death.
Aero quickly swooped up and Caught Acelin before she hit the ground.
"Aero don't worry about me. Go after Ace"Acelin pleaded.
"AERO. Its Time. He's heading for the Castle" King walked up, both hands covered by leathery black gloves.
"So be it" Aero replied as she placed Acelin on the ground.
Aero quickly ascended. And King stood with a confident face.
"Wings of Crystals made of Black diamond. Body blanketed in the color of space. Eyes forged with silver mercury. The prophecy was correct. The Hyrbid shall fall" Aero announced as she pulled back and launched forward in the direction Ace went. King quickly did the same and formed a tall pillar made of stone and dirt. He stood on top and rose with it. He started to force large pillars that made a walkway in the air for him to run across. He leaped from pillar to pillar following Aero and disappearing above the trees of Acelin's view.
"What the hell is going on" Acelin yelled.
"I think i could help" the girl answered as she hobbled from behind a building.
"What did you do to him"
"I don't know. I was just following orders"
"From Whom"
"I don't know. They kept their faces hidden and gave me the orb. They said to plunge it into his chest. And that was it"
"So you followed their plan willingly"
"They said that if i did then i would be able to see my mom. Alexiana"
"Why couldn't you see her before"
"Because my Mom left a long time ago. When i asked Liliana about what happened she said that she was sent to the human world. By the Queen. I haven't seen her since and i still don't know why the Queen would do that. But i have heard rumors that she became the step mother of a spoiled brat or something"
"You idiot. That spoiled brat that your mom went to become the mother just flew off with a temper that not even i can control. NOW TELL ME. WHAT WAS IN THE ORB"
"I believe they said something about a spirit of Oblivion. Or something like that. They were pretty discreet"
"Do you have any idea what you've done. That spirit is known as darkness itself. When he possesses someone he clings onto their emotion and forces them to murder thousands. And if he gained control of a hybrid like Ace then we're all going to die"
"How was i supposed to know"
"I don't care. We need to get to the Castle. And fast"
Acelin jumped into the air and transformed into her gigantic silver serpent. Her body slammed into the large forest. Crushing everything under her mass.
"LETS GO" she screamed.
"I'm not going with you"
"Either you come with me or i crush you into the dirt under your feet"
The girl climbed on top of Acelin's skull.
I will save you Ace. Even if you don't want to be.

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