The Finale

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"I think now is a better time then ever to drop the theatrics"Ace muttered to the Spirit as he regained control of his body.
"Wha-what's going on. How come i can't control you" the spirit yelled.
"Because i allowed you to control me. I know every single detail there is about you"
"I already know the reason the other hybrids died. And yes it was because of you. But it was their actions that got them killed"
"Your lying"
"Nope. After the first hybrid realized they had something "demonic" inside them they quickly found someone to exorcise you. A day later they died. Same goes for the Second Hybrid"
"So they died because they didn't understand you. But i do. I understand that a hybrid can't live without you. The moment one hybrid dies you wait for another to be born. You enter them at the moment of birth. So technically your apart of hybrids"
"But how come i don't remember anything befor-"
"Because everytime you "possess" someone new, your old self dies. You wouldn't had even known that you killed the other hybrids. Thats how i knew you were lying"
"Why are you telling me this"
"Because i want for us to be allies, no, friends"
"You want to be friends with a monster like me?"
"When you think about it, were technically both monsters. I mean your the reason hybrids even ex-"

Suddenly a large screeching sound began to radiate from the sky as the darkness disappeared, leaving the starry night sky with the moon no where to be seen, its absence simply made the sky only look like stars. But it still felt empty.
The creature suddenly shot through the trees behind Ace, he jumped out of the way, still trying to study it as it moves past him like a blur.
Dang it. I'm too weak. I can't even predict its movements. Let alone block something of that speed.
Ace began to survey the area. Trying to see where the creature would approach from.
A slight pink glow started to swiftly move around Ace as he began to follow its movement.
The glow began to run together until suddenly. It stop.
Ace felt a strong gust of wind from behind before turning around.
A creature with 4 glowing pink eyes stared curiously into Ace' while it ticked its head back and forth like a slow paced metronome.
Ace began to take a step back and the creature used its hind leg and wing to do the same.
What is it doing.
Ace began to lift his hand towards it and it tilted its head towards his hand.
The creature's face was narrow, while its 4 eyes closed with Ace' touch.
Ace' hand rested on its snout while its eyes seemed to be perfectly spaced beside his hand.
3 long spike like horns ran down from the top of the creatures skull all the way back to the base of its neck. Ace ran his hand down the side of the spikes as he walked to the side.
Ace ran his hand across the diamond pattern scales that lined its neck.
This creature's scales are like titanium. I don't even think my crystals would've been able to cut through. Let alone my shadow sword.
The creature moved its wings forward as it lowered its back.
Ace placed his hands on its back as he leaped over.
The creature rose up a little as it began to stretch out its wings.
Now that i think about it. It would probably be best for me not to fly in my condition.
"Umm. Fly to the Northern Castle. To Acelin" Ace ordered while he grabbed the horns on its neck.
The creature spread out its wings as it began to stand up.
Suddenly the creature stabbed its barbed tail into the ground. As it stood completely still.
Its tail shot out the ground and the creature turned and stared in the deep forest.
  Suddenly a clapping sound can be heard echoing through while a dim image began to appear.
"I'm quite impressed with that pet of yours. Even though i cloaked my presence. It stuck its tail in the ground to feel any vibrations. I doubt you were the one who taught it that trick"
The figure admired while smirking, as his hood covered his eyes and the shadow covered everything but his mouth.
"Who are you" Ace asked while the creature snarled in his direction.
"Do honestly think it would be smart to go to your beloved Acelin when you can't even control yourself"
"I can contr-"
"The last time we encountered each other you almost killed her. If it wasn't for her quick thinking you would've slashed her down to the bone"
"Again i will ask. Who are you"
"How about i make a deal with you. For the next two years i promise to do nothing that will harm Acelin or the Kingdom. I swear upon it as my role of the leader of the organization"
"So not only are you the leader of that stupid group but you also want to make a deal with me *chuckles*. Whats my side?"
"You basically have to also leave for two years"
"Think about it. If you go away for two years. It will give you the time to learn to control and hone your abilities. Even learn new tricks. Plus. I will ensure to you that i will do everything in my power to stop anything from happening to kingdom while your gone"
"Protecting Acelin is my top prio-"
"How can you protect someone with strength you don't even fully comprehend"
"Well. Do you accept"
"I...I accept. Your deal. I can't keep hurting Acelin everytime i go beserk. Even though during the large battle i allowed it to take over, it still was risky letting it run wild. Not only that but Jasmine died trying to protect me from those two siblings"
"Thank you for your agreement. After Midnight tonight the deal will be set into motion. And the two years will thus begin"
"Why are you trying to help me"
"Just because i was involved with the deaths of over 400 infants doesn't mean I'm all evil"

He stood next to her bedside while the clock on the wall read 11:50.
Ace stood silently while the speed demon sat on top of the roof awaiting Ace' following commands.
Ace leaned his face down towards Acelin while he was slowly swept over by mixed emotions.
"Regardless of what anyone says. I'm dangerous. I wish you no harm. I promise i will be back very soon. Don't be upset or sad. It will just make me more regretful of my decision" he whispered while he leaned in and softly pushed her auburn red hair a little away from her forhead.
He softly kissed the middle of her forehead before standing back up and looking at her peaceful face.
He stared back up at the clock and noticed it said 11:57.
Its almost time.
He looked back down and noticed how her eyes slightly fluttered. Reminding him of the first real time he met her. After she fainted in the middle of the street.
Ace swiftly vanished and teleported onto the roof. Quickly leaping on to the back of the two winged beast before jumping off the roof and shooting through the sky.
Acelin opened her eyes and saw something that resembled a dragon flying far away from her window. She immediately rubbed her eyes and noticed that it disappeared.
She turns on her right shoulder, facing the other side before the bed for dismissing the thought.
I wonder if Ace has returned yet from the battle field. I still want to talk to him about how I feel. I also want to tell him about how we removed the queen from the throne.

Yes indeed. This is the end of Ace and The Crescent Snake. Tears. But do not fret because their will be a second book coming soon!!! For anyone that might have not known.
The creature that Ace encountered was a dragon that had wings for arms. More Commonly known as a Wyvern. I apologise for how lazy I've been over the summer with uploads. But im happy to announce that as soon as i have everything in order and the cover for the new book made. I will be releasing the new book. Thanks for all the support. If it wasn't for my supporters i probably wouldn't have had the inspiration to finish this book. Deuces. ✌

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