Chapter 12 A familiar Green

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The sunlight beamed in to the room as the 4th period bell rang, ordering students to take their seats.
The desks had been put into pairs forcing the kids to sit next to one another.

Ace and Acelin sat next to each other, as always. The teacher walked in and stood in front of her shiny black metal desk.
"Hello class, before we start to
warm-up for today. I have a special announcement, we have a new student" The Teacher gestures to the open door on the right, waving for the person to enter.

Doing what the Teacher asked, a girl with vibrant green hair and beautiful make-up on walks through the door holding a small purse that barely hung on her bare shoulder.

She wore a sleeveless light pink dress that ended as a Skirt at her knee-caps.
Her porcelain white skin almost some how glistening in the sunlight.
Ace' heart skipped a beat as she turned to face the class.

"This is Jasmine Morris"She introduced. "As of now on she will be joining our class. Some of you might have her in other classes. But i want you to help her feel at home here"
Anger, Hatred and Pain started to course through Ace' Veins as he starts to remember memories he would rather forgotten.

Jasmine's eyes light up and a large smile spreads across her face as her eyes met Ace'.
Acelin looked over at him and could tell he was upset.

Besides the clenched fist and irritated expression, she could see a small twitch in his neck.
"Can i go to get a drink of water" Ace asked with a false smile.
"Sure, but be quick"

Ace stands up, shoving his chair back with almost enough force to knock it down.
He walks over to the door at the back of the class room and shoves it open.
The weighted door slides back, clicking as it closes.

Ace went straight to the bathroom, and vanished into the shadows.
Jasmine walks through the classroom and sits where Ace was sitting.
"You do understand that someone was sitting here right?" Acelin whispered.

"You like him don't you?" she whispered back.
"You watched him the moment I walked into class"
"No I didn-, How do you know his name?"

"Because I'm someone he knew, once loved"
"Who the heck are you?"
"If you plan on winning the heart of Ace Stallion, you have a long way to go. He is against love all together"

"Why are you telling me this?"
"Because I'm Jasmine Morris. The last known girlfriend of Ace Stallion"
"You're the Third"
"Hey Ladies there something you want to share with the class" the teacher yelled, pointing out that they were talking.

[After Class]
Lunch had started and Acelin could feel herself start to grow uneasy.
Ace had been gone for longer than an hour now and she really didn't understand.

She sits down at a table, slugging her backpack under her chair.
She begins to stare off into space as she tries to think of a scenario that caused Ace to leave.

It wouldn't have been the class, nor the teacher, so what was it.
His personality changed the moment Jasmine walked into the room....THAT'S IT. It has to be Jasmine especially if what she says is true about her being Ace' last girlfriend.
Do i trust her or do i ignore her for Ace?

"Hello" a happy voice yelled, ripping Acelin out of her daze.
She looks up and sees Jasmine sitting down beside her, pulling her small purse into her lap.

"How much do you know about Ace" Jasmine asked.
"How would you feel if i told you i know where he is?"
"And how would you know that?"

"Because while we were dating, whenever he would get upset about something, he would automatically go to the highest place that is close by"
"So what, you think he's on the roof?"
"Do you think he isn't?"

They sat in silence for a few moments as the other kids in the lunch room grew louder.
"Fine, let's go to the roof" Acelin agreed.

The stairwell leading to the roof of the school, echoed as Acelin and Jasmine tried to not make any noise after sneaking out of the Cafeteria.
They both tiptoed softly up the stairs looking for the door that led to the roof.

They are suddenly stopped by a steel door that had a small sign posted beside it.
Faculty Access Only
Jasmine grabs the iron door knob and twists without hesitation.
They both put there hand up over there face to guard there eyes from the bright noon sun.

The roof top stood lit up from the clear sky and beaming star.
At the very edge, there he was, standing as he wore a long pair of jeans and a bright gray and white shirt.

With his back towards the door.
His dark blue and black hair blew softly in the wind as he stared off, past the metal fence that caged in the roof.

"I knew you would be up here" Jasmine spoke as she walked from under the cool shade.
Ace slowly turns his head, looking back at her with the same irritated face as before.

Acelin starts to take a step from behind the shade but quickly decides not to and pulls her foot back under.

"You sure know how to make a scene, But don't worry I will forgive you. All you have to do is admit that you still love me" Jasmine tried to convince. "Over the past two years I knew that you wouldn't go out with another girl besides me. I already knew how much you loved and cared about me.
I spent quite a bit of money just to track you down to this little city.

But there is just one thing i don't understand. Why would you spend all of your time with a girl that is so obviously desperate, If you were to just apologise for leaving i would gladly become your girlfriend again?"
She stops right in front of him looking up at his dark blue eyes.

She starts to lean the back of her feet off the ground as she places her hands on the sides of his face, grazing her finger tips against his cheek bones.

And just like that they kiss.
A tear started to run down Acelin's face after witnessing what happened. Wh-why am i crying.
"OWW" Jasmine screams as she stumbles backwards.

She quickly cuffs her hands around her mouth as she looked down at the ground, something glistening on her tongue as she tried to figure out what it was.

"What was that?" Jasmine screamed.
"That is what I would call a trap" Ace smiled as he opened up his mouth, pulling a small shining Crystal, out of his tongue.

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