Chapter 14 Absent Hatred

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The sound of sirens start to grow louder and louder as the last few kids ran through the gate in front of the school.
"Please do me a favor?" Ace asked the snake.
What is it.

"This might sound like a lot but i need to secure my brother and bring him here. If what you say is true about there being a enemy, then we have to be quick. Do you want me to accompany you?"
If you wish to help me, then we should go now.
"Let's go"

The serpent suddenly turns its body off the top of the school and slithered through the light poles and trees that laid in the parking lot.
The sirens start to get louder and louder as cars that lay dormant on the sides of the street flipped over on to the sidewalk.

The Cars that weren't crushed let off their alarms, blaring as they gain the attention of the dimwitted bystanders.

People scream as they run in the opposite direction of the serpent, flailing their arms as they panic like NPC in a video game.

They reach Ace' house within seconds of leaving the school and Ace jumps off to rush into the house leaving Acelin on the snake.
He swings open the unlocked door and automatically rushes upstairs.
He sprints past the other doors in the hallway and shoves open King's.

The snake sat in the front of the house, keeping watch for any enemies that may be lurking, until.
"Hahaha" a maniacal cackle catches the snake's sharp eyes, quickly shifting to the slender silhouette that stood on a neighboring house.

The snake started to slowly coil up, shifting Acelin to the center as it rose up high enough where it was on the same level as the figure.

"Well well well, what do we have here? If it isn't subject 296, I didn't expect you'd be here. I see you finally mastered your beast form"
Suddenly the snake started to be overwhelmed by memories and emotions that not even it understood.

It's body slightly shivered as it tried to make since of the different memories flowing through its head.
"Hahaha, unbelievable. It seems like you're still scarred by the events that transpired several years ago"

The figure jumps through the air, almost floating as they landed on the ground.
Short light brown hair blew in the small gust of wind as their black and white cloak did the same.

Long streaks of white stretched down from the collar all the way down to the bottom of the cloth.
The snake's heart skipped a beat after realizing who it was.

Suddenly a large glow of blue started to shimmer from the snake as it disappeared. Leaving nothing but Acelin, standing consciously in the place of the snake, with tears streaming down her face.

"I see that I don't need to do any explaining, considering that you probably already know the details of what happened so long ago"
"Why are you here...after you killed all those defenseless infants I'm surprised you haven't already been through a slow and painful death" Acelin yelled.

"Wow, I see you've changed from that small whimpering girl that clung to anyone she could depend on"
"You still haven't answered my question. WHY ARE YOU HERE?!"
Automatically after Acelin screamed, the empty sky started to fill with dark, heavy clouds.

The clouds started to pour down rain, showering the entire area with water.
"I came here to get revenge for the death of one of my generals. They were a Morphis and they served under me"
"Well it looks like we both want the same thing, REVENGE"

Water droplets start to curve through the air, swirling above Acelin's head as she stood, completely submerged in Anger.
SUDDENLY an broad sword, made completely out of water started to appear above her head.

She reached up and grabbed the water blade, ripping it out of the air with enough force to cut a plane in half. She drops the sword to her side, clenching onto it as unstable emotions continued to swirl through her.

The water covering the blade disappeared in an instant, leaving nothing but a steel sword with a cross guard that stretched out like horns.
The hilt curved perfectly around Acelin's hand, giving the impression that it was made for her.

The blade was carved with fangs that curved out the sides, sharp enough to cleanly slice through metal with a single swing.
The tears on her face were washed off as the rain continued.

"Prepare to DIE"
She lunges forward, as her red-ish hair stretched backwards in the wind.
An evil smirk spreads across the man's face as Acelin continued.

She swung her sword, as she stood point blank range away from his body.
He slightly twists his torso to the left, dodging the attack, perfectly.

The thunder in the clouds started to grow louder as Acelin continued to swing at her swift opponent.
Every single swing she threw at him, he dodged.

"Wow, I see that your just as weak as you were when i found you"
The man quickly raises his arm and slaps Acelin to the ground, but not hard enough to knock the blade out of her hand.

She stands back up, wiping the small streak of blood from the bottom of her lip as he stood there, Mocking her.
"Who do you think you are, killing over 400 kids just for your stupid experiments?!"

"You call it killing, I call it research. Besides nothing can be perfected on the first try. If you don't believe me just try to remember the other 4 kids that survived"

"Still doesn't give you the right to rip apart the lives of others for your own sick twisted game"
She lunges forward again, but this time she jumped in the air aiming for his face.

Water drops fall into his eyes, blinding him as Acelin continues her assault.
She misses with her sword and quickly sweeps her leg through the air, catching him off guard.

He rolls across the drenched concrete, almost totally unaffected by the kick.
"Not bad, but I think it's time I introduced the main event of this night" he claps his hands and two skinny females drop out of the sky, one was covered in yellow and black from head to toe, two daggers on her back.

She put a crack in the dense asphalt as she lands on the ground with tremendous force.
The other female dropped at the same time, covered in nothing but green and blue. She lands on the ground softly as her bare, pale feet somehow seems to cushion her fall.
"Allow me to introduce
*clears throat* Scarlet, and Alice"

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