Chapter 1

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^My baby as Erin^
Erin P.O.V.
I grabbed my bags from baggage claim and waited for my best friend Maiya. Seemed like she was taking a million years to get here. *Beep* *Beep* I hear a horn beep. I look up from my phone to see Maiya happy ass in a black Jeep."Cha-mone I don't have all day" She said opening the door for me. I threw my bags in the back and got in the front. "What's up m' nigga"She said after I got in and she drove off. "Life" I said looking out the window. "Watch me hit you with all that hippie shit"She said laughing. I hit her playfully. "It's real cool you letting me do this I really needed this" I said. She looked at me then back at the road. "Best friend I'd die for you I knew u needed this so of course I had your back" she said smiling. I smiled back. "Aye you hungry? It's a Lola's around the corner from here"she asked "Hell yeah Lola's is life"" I said. After we picked up some food we drove out to her apartments. "Well best friend this is our stop"She said shutting the car off. She lived in a pretty good neighborhood kids playing and shit, nice big houses, bomb ass condos, and something I've never seen clean streets.😊 I got out and grabbed one of my bags since Maiya had the other one. I went into her building looking and passing all the fine mamiis. Maiya closed the door setting my bags down. "Maiya why didn't you tell me about all the fine girls that live by you" I said sitting down. She just smiled. "Sometimes you just gotta see things for yourself" She said tossing me a beer. "My cousin coming over later with a couple of our homies so you can meet em."She said and smiled. "Well Imma go take a shower I smell and look like a bumb" I said getting up. "You remember where it is?" Maiya asked. "Yeah" I said taking my suitcase to the guest room. I took out some clothes and went straight to the restroom. After taking a shower o changed into my loose V-neck and my camo skinnies and my timbs. Since I had my sides cut into a fade so I put my hair into a seci bun. I put in my studs in and put on my gold Rolex. I sprayed a little cologne and threw my dirty clothes in the hamper. I went in the l going room and I heard talking. "Aye Maiya whats going o-whoa"I said as I walked in on a lot of people. Everyone stopped talking and turned their attention towards me. "O here she is this is the one I was talking about my best friend Erin" Maiya says and they all sent smiles my way. They all went back to talking and Maiya came over."Damn Erin your outfit is bomb"Maiya says smiling at me. I pop my imaginary collar "Well ya know m"I say and she laughed."Aye ya'll lets play a game" Maiya said bringing everybody over. "What kind of game" A girl asked. "Lets play never have I ever" Maiya says smiling. "What's that" I said and Maiya retarded dramatic ass gasped. "Girl you never played never have I ever?"A stud asked me. "Nah what is it?"I say. "Welllllllll everybody gets a cup full of alcohol and it basically goes in a circle and a person say never have i ever blah blah if you've done it you drink if you haven't then you don't" Maiya says. "Okayyy" I say. We all sat down on the floor in a circle and Maiya was first."Okay I guess im first"She said smiling."Umm never have I ever fucked a stud"She says and takes a sip of her cup. Everybody took a sip except this fine ass stud with curly hair in front of me. Wait. What am i saying? I don't like studs I like fems right?Yeah right. She stared at me up and down smirking. Shit I guess I was staring.I blushed and turned my attention back to Maiya. "It's you Nylah" She said to a pretty girl with big curly hair."Never have I smoked"She said. She was the only person who took a sip. I don't know why but we all burst out laughing."Ya'll bad"Maiya says finally catching her breath. I rolled my eyes" Girl stop everybody know you a stoner" I said" touche Tasha you up" She said to the stud in front of me in front of me."It's T" She says then biting her lip thinking which is driving me fucking crazy for some reason." Never have I ever went anywhere without wearing my strap" She says before taking a slow sip. I was practically dripping."I-I be right back" I said trying to run to the restroom.Once i made it to the bathroom I washed my face like 5 times. " What's wrong you" I say to myself getting wet over a stud that's low who are you.

Tasha P.O.V.

Maiya's cousin was fine.Yeah im a stud she a stud but so what. After saying my never have I ever she left quickly wonder what that's about. I smirk to myself."Aye Maiya wheres the bathroom "I ask."Three doors down the hallway to the left"Maiya says. I went down the hallway and found the bathroom. I opened the bathroom door to see Erin buckling her pants I closed the door behind me stepping in. "Hey, what are you doing in here?" She semi-yelled. " Well I came to use the restroom but I think you had something else planned instead" She blushed and rolled her eyes."Get out!" She said and I smirked. I stepped up to her.She was short compared to me. She looked up at me with scared and lust filled eyes."What are you scared of" I said cornering her into a wall." Don't you like this" I said putting my hand under her shirt. She froze at my touch."Or this"I said before kissing down her neck.She groaned in my ear and pulled my hair.I unbuckled her pants and she pushed me off."I'm sorry homes but I'm not into that stud on stud shit so you can back up" She said fixing herself. I rolled my eyes and smacked my lips."Man whatever you wasn't saying that when you was groaning in my ear" I said and she pushed me out the way and left out. Watch and see she gone be mine she just don't know it yet.

Erin P.O.V.

That girl had some nerve doing that to me.I'm not attracted to studs and I never will be. "Aye Maiya I think I'll just go and see whats up out here I'll be right back" I said grabbing my phone. "Be careful don't get lost like last time"She said and I playfully rolled my eyes. First time I visited I kinda got....lost. " Man shut up" I say and She threw me her keys. "Be careful with my baby" She said "Of course" I said. I'm actually a safe driver most of the time..... okay sometimes......I'm lying but I don't have no tickets so that's all that matters.I got in her jeep and sped down the street blasting 'Wicked'by Future. I just basically drove around town checking out everything. Fixing the rear mirror I see this black BMW behind me. Mhm. After making a few turns this hoe still behind me I aint got time. I pull over and the truck stops. I got out and approached the truck. I tapped on the window. The dark tinted window rolled down and I see a man with all red on."M'nigga you got a reason why you following me or is it just for fun" I say and he gets out. A nigga was tall asf." You Erin Matthews?"He eyed him. How did know my name."Yeah who's asking?" I said. Instead of getting a simple answer I get slammed into the BMW."Ah Shit What the fuck homes" I said. I managed the turn him around and I kicked him in the balls. He fell to the ground groaning. Before he got up I took out my gun out my waist band and held it to his head."What do you want" I say and He smirks Tha fuck is wrong with this dude?"You" He says before I was put in complete darkness. Shit.Not again.


Will Erin give in to Tasha? What happened to Erin? What's happening again?

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