Chapter 18

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Tasha P.O.V
After being interrogated I finally got to go back to my room. I took a quick shower and got my clothes out I has to be fresh asf as always. I changed about 3 times but I finally got the outfit. I put on my white Polo button down, my dark blue cuffed jeans,and my black and Grey 12s. I put on my bling 3 gold chains, my square gold diamond studs, my gold diamond watch. Yeah I got it like that before you jump to conclusions no I'm not in the game. I grab my phone and I grab the keys. I type this ICE club into my phone and turns out its a gay club coo. I drive a Lil slow not knowing where I'm going. I finally find it and it wasn't hard to miss.A big ass building with ICE in big bold letters and ice cubes isn't hard to miss. I got to the door and the bouncer looks at me up and down."Aye Greg she straight let her in" I hear Erin say and he let's me in. To say Erin looked pretty would be an understatement she looked beautiful. She looked to pretty in that loose long skater dress. I really expected her to wear something ya know different but she's different she looks good in anything."You done staring at me Ms.Tasha" She says making me smile I always loved when she called me that.😊. I laugh as I follow her to the bar. She tells the bartender something and she smiles. The bartender brings out smoking blue drinks."Cheers" She says. We clink drinks and I Stare at her drink the drink down."Whats in this?"I say being cautious. "Achohol dummy just drink it" She says. I taste it and it burned a bit but it taste good asf. It gave me energy like coffee."How do you feel about kids" Erin asks playing with the straw of her drinks."I love em I'd love some kids some day they're just so sweet and curious" I say thinking about Erin having my kids.
Erin P.O.V.
Looking at her face light up as she talked about having kids made me more confident to tell her I had Tasha my daughter. After drinking a little we were both a little tipsy."Dance with me" Tasha says in my ear making my knees buckle."Okay" I say biting my lip as she takes my hand talking me to the dance floor. I get in front if her and she takes a grip on my hips. I twerk on her and I feel her bring me closer to her to where I feel her strap basically rubbing me as I grinded on her.A moan slipped and I prayed hoping she didn't hear it she stops my grinding and turns me around.She stares into my eyes holding my chin up with her thumb."You're so beautiful " She says making me blush and look away. She makes me turn her way and lays a kiss on me I will prolly never forget.She pulled away biting on my lip.That was so fucking sexyyy."Got you back" She says and I stand there looking stupid. "Want me to drive you home?" She asks.No I want you to fuck me is wanted I wanted to say but instead.."Uhh no your drunk" I say."Come on" She says.She actually wasn't drunk.
Tasha P.O.V.
I picked her up and put her in the car she really thought I was drunk. I knew I had to drive I'm not stupid."Where you live dummy"I say tapping her head. "ggdghvv" She says.Tf. I snatched her phone and got her location. She lived in a nice condo."Heres the keys quiet Tasha's sleep." She says she crazy fr what she talking bout. I tiptoe in the house holding her in my arms. "Wheres your room" I whisper. She just points upstairs. I laugh softly as I bring her upstairs. I'd say her room is the one with Erin all over the door. I kick the door open and I set her softly on the bed. Mhm. I got her a shirt and some shirt. As I took her dress she was touching all over my abs. "Oooooo daddy got more muscle damn" She says touching all over under my shirt. I slip on her shirt and shorts and she doesn't even notice so dazed by my body. "Mmmn" She says putting her hand in my boxers."Aye" I say taking her out and popping her."No"I say and she pouts."Please daddy just one more time" She says and puts her hands in my boxers. I get on the bed on top of her and I start kissing her neck and giving her slow passionate kisses. I can't do this. Shes drunk"Goodnight Erin promise when we do this for real I want you to remember it go to bed" I say smiling.

 Shes drunk"Goodnight Erin promise when we do this for real I want you to remember it go to bed" I say smiling

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I go downstairs after doing a few things and I hear a child crying. "shh shh" I hear the tired looking teenager say shushing the toddler in her arms. " you need some help" I say."Is Erin home yet? She was supposed to pay me for babysitting Tasha" She says.So there's a actual Tasha..okay. "Yeah I got you I'll watch her"I say and I hand her a couple hundreds."Keep the change" I say. And the girl looks like she about to cry."Thank you so much you don't know how much this means" she says then hands me the toddler. She leaves the house slamming the door waking up the child. She looks up at me confused."Whats your name" She says And I sit down sitting hr in my lap."Tasha" I say." No way me too" She says. She's to cute."Wheres my mom"She asks."Um who's your mom sweet pea" I say tapping her nose And she laughs."Erin Matthews my mom said I'm supposed go know in case something bad happens" She says playing with hr fingers and I'm still dazed by the fact that Erin had a child. "Don't you think you should be getting to bed its a little past your bed time" I say looking at the clock that read 2."I go to bed later than whatever that time says." She says pointing at the clock. She's too much like Erin. I throw her over my shoulder."Wheres your room munchkin"I say bouncing and spinning her around. "Okay okay I surrender its up there" She says pointing upstairs. Here's a other trip. I hold her in my arms and I rock her to sleep as I take her to her room.She falls asleep and I lay her in her bed and I cover her up.I kiss her forehead and I begin to leave."Wait" I hear Tasha's little voice say."Yes munchkin" I say. "Well my mommy always sings me to sleep can you sing for me" She says. I haven't sung in a long ass time. "Uh okay" I say and I sing to her til she falls asleep she's to cute. Imagining Tasha in Erin's and Is little family won't get out my head. There has to be a catch life is being to good right now.

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