You Meet Your Uncles~ Leo

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Leo walks out of Sensei's room and calls for his brothers. They all come in and see you, Mikey gasps "Leo! Where did you find her?!" Leo chuckles "I found her in the sewers. She was alone, so I took her in. You guys are uncles!" Mikey gasps again and walks up to "Hi! I am gonna spoil you so much!"

Donnie walks up to Leo "You'll be a great dad Leo!" Leo thanks him and looks at Raph "You want to hold her?" Raph shakes his head no "Shell no! What if I break her?" Leo laughs "You won't, you just gotta be gentle."

Raph shakes his head no again "I'll wait." Leo nods, but Mikey waist no time on holding you. He sits on the couch and sings to you. This was your new family.

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