Temper Tantrum~ Mikey

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You were I the living room, Mikey taught you to play Mario Kart. You were amazing already, it was time for your nap. Mikey walked in and spoke "Time for your nap Y/N." You shake your head, your eyes still on the screen "No."

Mikey looked at you shocked "Yes. You can play after your nap." You shake your head again "No daddy! You take nap! Me play!" Mikey's eyes are wide, he walks up to the tv and shuts it off "Nap time now." You throw the controller at him "No!"

Mikey catches the controller "Y/N! You are going to take a nap." You stand up, hands on your hips "No nap!"

Mikey crosses his arms over his chest "Yes!" You stomp your feet "No daddy!" Mikey in crosses his arms and bends down to your level "Y/N that is enough! You are going to take your nap!"

You run away and run to your uncle Leo "Uncwle Leo! help!" Leo shakes his head "If daddy said its nap time, it's nap time." He picks you up and hands you off to your dad. You cry and kick, Mickey places you I your bed. He hates seeing you like this. Mikey walks out of your room, locking your door. Mikey has tears in his eyes.

Splinter sees this "My son, don't get frustrated. Every child and parent experience this, you were no better." Mikey nods and soon your sobs are quiet. Mikey goes in your room and see you in your bed asleep.

He covers you up "Love ya dudette."

TMNT (2014) Daughter Scenarios !DISCONTINUING!Where stories live. Discover now