Bonding with April~ Donnie

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Donnie decided it would be best if you were at Aprils for a few hours, he had a big and DANGEROUS project, is brothers were to busy to babysit. April did not hesitate to say yes, she was very excited you were coming over.

While in Donnie's arms, you guys were roof humping to her place. You squeal here and there when he jumps high, making Donnie smile. You both make it to Aprils apartment, she opened the window for you two to come in.

April she greets Donnie "Just try not give her to much sugar." April nodded "Not a lot of sugar! Got it!" Donnie walks up to you and picks you "Be good ok? Daddy will come pick you up in a few hours." You nod and kisses your cheek, he turns back to April "Thank you again April."

April smiles sweetly "Of course! How could I say no?" Donnie chuckles and then off he goes, looking back once and carries on. April sighs and bends down to your height "So what do you want to do?"

You shrug, making April think. A few moments later she smiles widely, she grabs your hand and brings you into the kitchen. She then pulls out clay from a bag on the counter, she may have bought some fun things to do.

She had a bunch of clay, then got red food dye out. Her two other ingredients were baking soda and vinegar. April has the stuff in her hands and nods for you to follow her "Come I have a room that's empty!" You follow her, confused.

You both enter the room, she sets the stuff on a small table, the only thing in there pretty much. April then tells you her plans "Want to make a volcano?" You gasp and nod "Yeah!" April giggles and grabs the clay, you both sit on the floor.

April grabs the clay and you two start molding the volcano it self. Once that is finished, they grab the baking soda and dump A LOT of baking soda inside. Then April grabs the food dye, drop all the dye inside.

Then it's time for the vinegar, you step back and watch April dumb a lot of vinegar inside the volcano. April backs away in time and you both watch it erupt, you gasp "Awesome!" April laughs, the 'lava' was getting everywhere.

Then April heard Donnie "In here Don!" You gasp "Daddy come look!" Donnie opens the door confused, but then sees your excitement "What?" You grab his hand and point at the volcano "Me and Auntie made a Volcano!"

Donnie chuckles and bends down to your height "That's awesome! I'm guessing you had fun?" You nod quickly, but then you yawn. Donnie chuckles again and picks you up, but then you go to April "No I don't wanna go!"

April giggles and hugs you tightly, then April speaks "We will see each other tomorrow!" You gasp "Ok! Night auntie!" April smiles "Good night my little scientist!" You gasp again "Like Daddy!"

April laughs and nods "Yup just like daddy." Donnie smiles at the scene, but sighs "We gotta go, thank you April. I'll pay you tomorrow." April scoffs "You don't have to pay. Spending time with y/n was my reward."

Donnie smiles and nods, then you two head back to the lair.

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