Chapter 2

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Seoul Hospital

"Faster oppa. Our daughter need us." Sulli's mom dragged her husband.
"Slowly. Don't you remember my knee was not in a good condition right now ?" Said Sulli's father. Last year, he involved in motorbike accident while having convoy with his friends.
"Opps sorry oppa. I should remember about that." Sulli's mom quickly appologised to her husband scared that he might feel offended by her attitude.
"It's okay Fany. Don't worry okay ?" Sulli's father, Nichkhun Horvejkul said. He is a Siamese and met his wife, Tiffany Hwang when both of them studied in UK. Since college days, they own their money by selling perfume through online. They took a bit of the idea from famous perfume brand and make it as their brand. From that selling, the money that they earn , they build a small company. Years by years, from the small company it has been one of the most successful company in South Korea.
Tiffany pouted.
"Let's go to the reception ." Said Nichkhun.
"Where is the accident victim just now placed ?" asked Nichkhun to the nurse there.
"Oh do you mean Miss Sulli Horvejkul ?" asked the nurse.
"Yes, she is our daughter. Where can we meet her ?" said Nichkhun.
"She's now still in emergency room. You can wait for her there with her friend ." said the nurse.
"Her friend ?" asked Tiffany clueless.
"Yeah ,Choi Minho if not mistaken." said the nurse.
"Okay, thank you nurse for the info." Nichkhun cut his wife word. He sure Minho that the nurse talking about is the young man that called him just now.
"Welcome sir"

Minho was unsure with himself. "Why i have to wait for her ? She's not even my friends or my relatives. " whispered Minho. "I better go"
He stand up and started to walk away.
"Hey you, stop !"
Suddenly, MInho heard someone shouted behind his back. He turn around and see a couple that maybe around age his late father and mother. But wait, did that uncle pointed his finger to me ?
"Wait , young man. Are you the person that call me just now ? asked that uncle.
Then something clicked on my mind. Maybe he is the father of that Sulli girl.
"Em, are you the accident victim's father? If right, yes I'm the one that call you just now. My name is Choi Minho . " Minho introduced himself and bowed to the couple.
"Ahh okay Minho, I'm Nichkhun and this is my wife, Tiffany. We're Sulli's parents, the girl that was in that room." Nichkhun also introduced himself and shaked hand with Minho. Tiffany just smile to that young man.
"Nice to meet you sir." said Minho politely.
"Can you tell us what is actually happen , Minho?" Tiffany asked.
"The accident happen infront of my workplace. At that time , i want to lock the door and then i heard the screeching sound of tyres and when i turn my back the car was already hit the tree. I run to the incident and check victim's condition." cleared Minho.
Nichkhun and Tiffany sighed.
"I already told you oppa to find a driver for her. I'm really sure she drived in drunk condition. Aisshh, that brat. When do you wanna grow up , Sulli ?" angered Tiffany. She really dissapointed with her daughter attitude.
"What else can I do if she keep refused my suggestion, Fany ?" asked Nichkhun.
"Force her !"
Nichkhun was frustrated. He don't know how else can he convince his wife.
Meanwhile, Minho looked so clueless see the couple bickering.
Then, the emergency room open. The doctor came out.
"Doctor, how's my daughter condition ?" asked Nichkhun. Tiffany looked at the doctor worriedly.
"Calm down, are you the patient's family ?" the doctor asked. Both of them nodded.
"Fortunately, she just having some slightly injuries. There's nothing to be worried. You can visit her if you want." said the doctor.
KhunFany relieved to hear that. Eventhough they feel dissapointed with Sulli but the worry feeling dominated it. Sulli was their only daughter after all.
Minho also relieved to hear that. He bid goodbye to the couple to go back.
"Wait, come with us." instructed Nichkhun as he and his wife went to check on Sulli.
Minho was clueless but he still followed them.

"Sulli, baby open your eyes baby." said Tiffany softly to her daughter.
Sulli stirs when she feel someone call her name. She open her eyes slowly.
"Arghh my head ". Sulli feel her head spinning.
"Slowly dear, slowly." This time Nichkhun was the one comfort his daughter.
"Omma, appa where am I ? Why I'm here ?" asked Sulli to her parents.
"You're in hospital dear. You involved in accident just now. Don't you remember ?"asked Nichkhun.
"Ahh, yeah you're right. I'm sorry omma, appa for making you worried." said Sulli sincerely.
Nichkhun and Tiffany smiled.
"Oh yeah baby, how come you can involved in that accident ? Mind to tell us ?" said Tiffany.
"Oh nothing. I'm just need some 'medicine' for the stress that I had in office" said Sulli bluntly.
Tiffany pinch her daughter a little bit as she know what is the meaning of medicine that her daughter talked about. Sulli shouted. Nichkhun just laugh seeing the bickering between his wife and princess.
Sulli pouted. Then, she saw someone at the door. She lifted her one eyebrow.
"Omma, appa who is he ?" Sulli pointed at the person.
"Oh Minho, why you just standing there ? Come here." Nichkhun dragged Minho near to them.
Minho just smiled coyly.
"Dear, introduced he is Choi Minho, the one who saved you just now." said Nichkhun.
"Hello Miss Sulli. I'm Choi Minho or you can call me Minho. Nice to meet you". Minho then offered for a handshake.
But Sulli being the bratty just ignore the handshake. By the clothes that he wear, Sulli was sure that this Minho come from a low class person.
Minho was embrassed.
"Thank you". said Sulli shortly. She don't know why but she feel suffocated being around people that not the same class as her.
"You're welcome Miss Sulli". said Minho smiling.
Nichkhun and Tiffany just shaked their head seeing their daughter brat attitude.
"Omma, why does he still standing there ? I already said thank you, right ? What else does he want ?" said Sulli arrogantly.
Minho feel humiliated. But he still smiling as he don't want to be rude infront of Sulli's parents.
"Watch your mouth, Sulli Horvejkul !" scolded Nichkhun. Eventhough they rich, they don't despised the poor people. He don't know whose attitude Sulli take from.
Sulli smirked.
"From now on, Minho will be your driver. There's no objection. He will start work start tomorrow. Fullstop. " said Nichkhun.
Minho and Sulli was shocked meanwhile Tiffany just nodded.

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