Chapter 9

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Sulli sit on the bench infront of the emergency room. She shutted her eyes and leaned her head on the wall. Minho was in the emergency room for 30 minutes already. What take them too long ? There's nothing bad going on him right ? He was fine right ?
Sulli sighed. She was thankful to the Kims for bringing her husband here. But unfortunately they had to go for some business. The Kims was so shocked to know the truth about their relationship. At first Sulli didn't want to say it to them but they insisted. Sulli had no choice but to spill the beans. The older couple also gived her advice on how to build a happy marriage life. Sulli didn't know why but she was so focused on their advised especially on how to pleased our husband. Mrs Kim told her that as a woman we have to always take a good care of our husband and loved them sincerely. They are men. What if suddenly they will find a woman that is more good than us and loved them more than us ?
Sulli was stunned. She had never imagined that Minho will find other woman. But what if he does ? She was never good to him since the first day they met. She even insult him on their first night as husband and wife. And not to forget, she even sleep with other man behind her husband. Sulli shook her head. Just remembering her attitude and things that she does to her husband brought pain in her heart. Plus, Minho is perfect. He had the looks and a good manner. Women will easily fall for him just by looking at his perfect figure and face. That round eyes, that thick eyebrows and long eyelashes, that sensual lips, that tanned skin, that tall figure and charismatic smiles. She won't denied, she also one of a victim of her own husband handsomeness. But because of her pride, she won't admit it. Where does she want to hide her face when her friends know that she was mesmerized with her own driver ?
She take a deep breath to calm herself. Why now she realised her mistakes ? Why now she realised that she has a perfect human as a husband ? Why now when her husband already too dissapointed with her ? She slapped her cheeks continously at her foolishness. Since Minho was found unconcious, tears never failed to wet her cheeks. She regretted her mistakes towards her husband.
Suddenly, there's pair of hands hold her hands to stop hurting herself.
She looked up and see her mom looking at her sadly.
"Omma." Sulli immediately hug her mother and cried endlessly on her mom's shoulder. Tiffany just patted her daughter's hair lovingly.
"Hush baby, hush. Minho will be fine don't worry. We're here for you." Tiffany said.
Nichkhun just smiled looking at his wife and daughter hugging. He was touched by that heartwarming scene.
After a while, Sulli was calmed a little bit. Her mother's hug was so warm that made her felt loved and calm. Tiffany smiled and wiped her daughter's tears lovingly.
"Omma, appa what had made both of you come here ? How do you know that I'm here ?" Sulli asked her parents weakly.
"Why ? Can't we visit our daughter and our son in law ?" Nichkhun grinned at Sulli and sit beside her.
Sulli slapped her father's arm jokingly."Appa, I'm serious."
"Okay okay. Actually we want to tell both of you that we won't be here in Korea for 2 weeks because our branch in Japan was having some conflict that we had to solve it. But we was shocked we run onto your neighbour that said Minho was brought to this hospital. Luckily, we intend to visit you and run onto your neighbour. If not, until forever we won't know about this incident. Aisshh, this girl." Nichkhun pissed off.
Sulli just smiled. She was so scared and worried until she forgot to tell them about Minho.
"Sulli, what is really happening ? Why Minho was brought here ?" Tiffany asked.
Sulli sighed.
"Actually, when I woke up this morning I already found Minho unconcious on the floor. I was so scared and worried at that time so I just asked for my neighbour help to brought Minho here. I'm sorry for not inform it to you." Sulli said and keep her head down. She don't have the nerve to tell her parents about what really happeneed at their first night and yesterday night.
"It's okay dear. Let us just pray that nothing bad will happen to Minho." Tiffany said.
Later on, the emergency room was opened and three of them rushed to the doctor and asked about Minho.
"Are you Minho's family ?" the doctor asked. The three of them just nodded their head.
" There's nothing to be worry. He was passed out because of fatigue and stressed. And he was also having a slight fever so that's why it was easy for him to passed out. My nurse will bring him to usual ward and you can visit him later." The doctor explained it to them.
"Please bring him to a private ward." Sulli asked the doctor.
"Oh sure." The doctor smiled before walked off.
"I don't even know about his fever." Sulli mumbled and one tear slid off from her right eye.

Minho opened his eyes slowly. He was wondering where is him now. Why this place is so different ? His eyes caught Sulli and his parents in law look at him worriedly. He also felt Sulli's hand grip his right hand tightly. He pulled it away and plasters a weak smile to his parents in law. Sulli was hurt at his action but endured it since she knows she is the reason why Minho was lying on this bed right now.
"Son, how are you feeling ? Are you feeling hurt anywhere ?" Nichkhun asked.
Minho shaked his head slowly.
"No Sir, I'm okay. Just feeling a bit dizzy but don't worry." Minho smiled.
"Aishh this kid. Who is your sir ? I'm your father right now. Do you forget ?" Nichkhun asked.
"Ahh that's right. Forgive me appa. Maybe I'm too dizzy." Minho grinned. Actually, he intentionally call Nichkhun as sir because he felt awkward to call him appa. His wife don't like it this poor man claimed her father as his father too.
Contrary to Sulli, she actually don't like Minho called her father as sir. They were married now so why Minho resist to call her father as appa ? Is he hate her ? Is he doesn't willing to share a father with her ?
Minho noticed her frown expressions.
"What is this girl thinking about ?" He talked in his heart.
"Anyway, the doctor said to us that one of the reason you passed out is because of stressed. What are you stressing about ?" Tiffany asked her son in law.
Minho was tongue tied. He can't tell his parents in law that he is stressed with their daughter's attitude and her cheated. Just thinking about it again brought so much pain in his heart. It feels like his chest was so tight. He looked at Sulli. Sulli just keep her head down. He take a deep breath.
"It's about myself. I was now married but my finance is still not enough to feed my wife and give her a proper life. I cannot just be a driver for the rest of my life. I'm the husband and I can't let my wife to feed me. I have to find a better job for me to buy her our own house and buy her needs. Yes, I have to be rich to make her happy and not ashamed to be my wife again." He lied and looked at his wife. "I have to be rich."
Sulli just looked at the other place. She was too choked with her emotions. She bit her lips to prevent the sob coming out from her mouth. Her husband lied to her parents to keep her dirty secrets. He doesn't want her parents know about their daughter's dirty attitude. Yet, he blamed himself. He blamed himself  was the reason this incident happen. He blamed himself to be poor that's why she don't like this marriage. He planned to be a successfull person just to make her happy. Why she was so stupid ? Why she let her pride control herself and lashed it off to this pure heart man ?
Tiffany just silent while hugged her daughter's shoulder. Nichkhun sighed.
"Why don't after this you go to my office and we can look a proper vacancy for you. I heard from your former boss that you was actually a bright student in your school. You passed with an excellent results and excellent in sports too. But unfortunately, because of money you can't further your studies. But now, I'm open an oppurtunity for you to become a successful person that you want to be." Nichkhun smiled at him.
"It's okay appa. I'm thankful for the offer but I choose to stand on my own feet. I not trying to be rude but I hope you understand it. I'm sorry. " Minho appologised to his father in law.
Nichkhun smiled. "You don't have to be sorry son. I understand it. You're still young and I'm sure there is a bright future for you to grab it by your own."
"Thank you appa." Minho smiled.
"Oh Minho, actually I and your mom won't be here in Korea for 2 weeks for business. I hope you can take care for our Sulli well. And you too Sulli, you have to take extra care of Minho well. He was sick now. Don't do things that he don't like." Nichkhun told them.
"Yes appa, I will. " Sulli answered with slow voice. She knows Minho was watching her all the time but she don't dare to look at him back. She was so guilty and nervous to look at his eyes.
"Oppa, let's go. We have an early flight tomorrow. We have to get enough rest. Kids, omma appa have to go first. Take care." Tiffany said while kiss her daughter and son in law cheeks lovingly.
"Oh okay. Let's go." Nichkhun kissed her daughter's and son in law forehead before decide to go.
Now, only both of them left. Awkward silent fill them.
Minho cleared his throat. Sulli looked at him.
"Why ? Do you want to drink ?" Sulli want to stand up to get him water but Minho's voice stop her.
"No need. I can get by myself." Minho said coldly.
Sulli was hurt by his words. Minho now was being so cold to her. Why does it feel so pain ?
"Why don't you just go back home ? Don't you feel tired ? Your boyfriend must worried about you. " Minho said cynically without looking at her.
"No. I want to company you tonight. Who knows I can help you later if you need some help. You don't have to call nurse to get some help." Sulli smiled at him. She pulled the blanket up to his chest. She must strong to deaf her ears hearing his words.
Minho grab her hand. He stares at her intensely.
"What have gotten in you ? Why you suddenly became this nice to me ? This is not you at all. Is this really my wife ? As I remembered, I don't have this kind and concerned wife. My wife is the one that bratty, boasty and cheating behind me. That is my 'real' wife. You must be wrong Miss. I'm not your husband." Minho chuckled to hide his emotions. His voice starting to shake and his eyes was also starting to blur with tears.
Sulli's shoulders sob at his words. She regret. She regret it all. The damage that she had done to Minho's heart was too much. She had hurt him too much. She knows Minho was trying to hide his emotions. But inside, he was broken.
She brought herself to Minho's chest and hug him tightly. She cried endlessly in his chest. When she felt Minho's body was shaking and heard his sob, she just can't stop the tears anymore. She promise. Even she can't bring herself to like him for now, but she will make him happy and forget the pain.
After a while, she looked up and wiped Minho's tears. She kissed his forehead.
Minho stunned.
"Forgive me hubby. Please forgive my mistake and all my sins to you. I don't have intention to make you hurt. I know what I had done to you is too much and there is no way for you to forgive this dirty woman. But I beg you, please don't push me and leave me. Let me fix all the damage that I had done to you. I promise from now on I will take care of you and your heart with all my heart. I won't let you fall to misery again. Please hubby." Sulli grab her husbands's hand and cried.
Minho was touched. But his heart had been beaten violently. He can't bring himself forgive her that easy. He pulled his hand from her grips.
"Have you done talking ? I want to sleep." And with that Minho pull the blanket and turn his back from her. His pillow was damp with his tears.
Sulli just look at him while crying.
"I will wait for you my husband."

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