Chapter 16

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Minho stopped the car when the traffic light turn red. He glanced at his wife who was sleeping soundly on his arms. He reached for the small pillow at the backseat and placed it at the window on his wife side. Minho scared that she might hit her head on it so that's why he placed it. Slowly, he take his wife head and placed it carefully on the pillow. Sulli stirred but luckily she was still in her slumber. Minho smiled and step on the accelerator when the traffic light turns green.
He parked his car when they arrived home.
"Ssul, wake up. We've arrived." He shake his wife's shouder slowly.
Sulli ed slowly and opened her eyes. "Hm, we've arrived ?"
"Yes, Mrs Choi. Come I'll help you." Minho went out from the car and opened her door. He help Sulli to go out as the lady seems so weak to walk by herself.
They walked to the lobby and shocked when they saw Sulli's parents also newly arrived.
"Omma, appa what makes both of you come here ?" Minho said and bowed to his parents in law. Sulli was too weak to bow to her parents so she just rest her head on Minho's shoulder.
"We just missed you guys so much. Both of you even not visited us when we're back from Japan 2 weeks ago. Sulli, what's wrong with you sweetheart ?" Nichkhun asked worriedly when he saw how weak his daughter was.
"Yes sweetheart what happen to you ? I noticed you since just now, you even have no strength to stand straightly." TIffany asked her daughter worriedly. She take Sulli from Minho and hugged her.
Sulli smiled weakly and patted her mom's back. "Nothing to be worried omma. I'm fine. But probably I'm too tired since we're out for a day long today. I have no rest at all."
Minho bit his lips as he felt so guilty towards his wife. Yes, he let his wife alone for so long when they were in party just now. Sulli must feel very tired physically and mentally.
Sulli looked at her husband and noticed his frowned. Sulli smiled at him and hold his hand. She shakes her head at him and mouthed saying that this is not his fault.
Nichkhun tapped his son in law shoulder. "Hey don't you think that you have to invite us first to your unit before having some talking ?"
Minho chuckled. "Sorry appa. I've forgot." He run to the elevator and press the button to their unit.
Then, he walked back to his wife and take her from her mother's hold. "Let me helped her omma."
TIffany smiled and nodded. Four of them walked in the elevator.
When they reached their unit, Minho asked Nichkhun to hold Sulli for a while and he reached for their house key in his pocket and insert it to the key hole. Minho opened the door and let his parents in law sit on the couch first.
"Hubby, can you entertain omma and appa first ? I want to take a bath first. I feel so uncomfortable right now." Sulli said.
"Are you okay with it ? Do you want me to stay outside the bathroom in case you need my help later ?" Minho said worriedly.
Sulli smiled and caress her husband's hand. "I'm okay. Don't worry Minho."
Minho nodded at her and Sulli excuse herself to bathroom.
Minho sit beside his father in law and ask them about their business trip to Japan 2 weeks ago.
"Luck is really on our side. I've just sign a contract between our company and one of the most successful company in Japan, Hayate Enterprise. Mr Hayate is a very powerful man in Japan. When we've got to cooperate with him, it makes our company become more stable and attract many share holders come to us and invest their share." Nichkhun said proudly.
"Oh really ? I'm happy for you both. Wow, you're really dedicated in your work." Minho said and give them a salute.
Tiffany chuckled at her son in law's act. "How about both of you ? Are things going smoothly ?"
"Of course omma. Sulli and I really love each other and don't even think that we can live without each other. I'm just happy that Sulli willingly changed for me." Minho smiled.
"That's good. I know that Sulli is a good person, but maybe it's our fault pampered her too much until she become a very boastful and rude person." Nichkhun said.
"She's far from rude now." Minho chuckled.
"Oh Minho, I've forgot. Actually one of the reasons we've come here is that I really want to punch you straight into your handsome face for not informing us !" Nichkhun said and punch Minho's cheeks lightly.
"Not informing you what ?" Minho said cluelessly.
"How come you become a top model now without informing us ?! You can't imagine how shocked omma and appa were when we saw your face and name all over the internet, tv, magazine and even on LED board on our way to come here." Tiffany burst.
Minho smiled and hide his face from his parents in law. "I'm so sorry omma. Actually I've known about this news this morning and after that both of us straight to my agency because they held some party for me. I really forgot to tell both of you. I even forgot to tell my adopted father. Ooo, why you so stupid Minho." Minho hit his head when he realised that he forgot to inform Mr Bae about this.
"Haihh, this kid. Next time, remember what ever happen in future family is number one. You have to tell us first about what ever happen to you guys." Nichkhun said and tap Minho's lap.
"Son, I think now you have a very stable life." Tiffany said in out of blue.
"Not very stable but much better than before. Why ?" Minho asked.
"When can we get to hold our grandchild ?" KhunFany said synchronizedly.
"What ?!" Minho surprised and his eyes widen 2 times than it's original size.
"Oh come on, don't be too surprised. We're getting old you know ?" Nichkhun said frustratingly.
Minho sighed. "It's not like we don't want to give both of you grandchild. But we're too young and I've many things to do before I'm prepared enough to be a father. I've to be prepared enough in finance, physically and mentally. Right appa ?" Minho said desperately hopes that his parents in law can understand him.
"25 and 23 years old you say too young to be a parents ? So what's about the the teens that having child before 20's ? A kid ?" Tiffany said annoyingly.
Minho silent. "Ahh, I'm so rude. Sorry, I've forgot that I still don't make both of you drinks. Wait for a while." Minho run to kitchen and save himself from his parents in law bomb question.
He was stirring the orange juice in a jug when he heard something hard fell on the bathroom. He rushed to Sulli.
Nichkhun and Tiffany also rushed following him.
"Ssul, wifey are you alright ?" Minho knocked the door continously. But he heard nothing other than water drippling. His heart begin to thump in panic.
"Appa, I think better you wait outside. I can handle this." Minho said and get the bathroom key in the bedside drawer.
Nichkhun nodded and Tiffany kept on knocked the door hoping her daughter would heard her.
Minho success in open it and shocked to see Sulli sprawling unconciously on the floor.
"Ssul !" He shouted. He grab the towel and covered her body.
Tiffany was more even shocked to see her daughter's condition. "Sulli, wake up sweetheart. Please don't make me worried." She let her tears flowed down her cheeks as her chest was so tight.
Minho carried Sulli and laid her on the bed. He take her casual pyjamas on their wardrobe. "Omma, can you please help me dressed Sulli ? We have to take her to the hospital."
Tiffany take the pyjamas and helped Minho dressed Sulli. Her son in law must be so worried right now. His hands was shaking greatly.
Nichkhun stand up from the couch when he saw Minho carried Sulli in his arms followed by his wife. He went near them.
"Oh my god, how can this happen ?" He said worriedly and touch her daughter's pale face.
"I don't know appa. Can you help me drive us to the hospital ?" Minho said panicly.
Nichkhun nodded and they rushed to the elevator.

Minho take Sulli in his arms quickly to the emergency section.
"Nurse ! Nurse ! Help me ! My wife was unconcious." He shouted to the nurse there. People was start to look at them strangely.
Not his intention to shout but he was too scared at that time. There are two nurse brought a bed to him and Minho laid his wife carefully on it before the nurse pushed Sulli into the emergency room.
Minho felt that his legs was so weak to keep him standing straight. But luckily Nichkhun was there to catch him from fall. He assist Minho to sit on the bench.
Tiffany looked at him and noticed that his face was more paler than it's usual tone colour. Minho must be so worried. She pulled Minho near to her and hug him tight. Minho closed his eyes as the warmth of a mother's hug really calm his mess heart.
Nichkhun looked at them and he put his arm around his wife's shoulder and caress it. Tiffany looked at him and smiled.
Then, a doctor in his 40's went out from the room.
"Is there any of you name Choi Minho ?" The doctor asked.
Minho lift up his head and go to the doctor. Nichkhun and Tiffany stand beside him.
"I'm Minho. How's my wife ? Is she alright ?" Minho asked.
"Your wife was concious and asked me where is her husband." The doctor chuckled.
They let out a relief breath. "What is the reason for her to pass out, doc ? Is she alright ?" Nichkhun asked.
"Better we go in first and I will tell you the reason later." The doctor smiled and opened the door for them.
They nodded and go to Sulli's bed. Sulli smiled when she saw her husband and parents.
"Wifey." Minho run to her and hug her. Sulli hug him back. Minho pulled their hug and kissed his wife's pale lips.
"You almost make me lost my breath just now." He said.
"I'm sorry hubby. Not my intention." She smiled and tried to sit up. Minho helped her and sit beside her. He put his arm around her.
"You guys are so inlove. What a lovely couple we got here." The doctor said.
Nichkhun and Tiffany chuckled.
"And I think this news will bring more colour to your marriage life." The doctor said again.
"What news ?" Minho asked.
"Congratulations Mr Choi. Your wife passed out because she carry your junior in her womb." The doctor smiled and patted Minho's shoulder.
"You mean- "
"Yes, your wife is on her 4 weeks pregnancy. Congratulations father and mother to be." He said and shaked Minho and Sulli's hand.
Both of them was so shocked to even moved at that time. The doctor also felt confused but just shrugged it. Maybe both of them was too shocked with this baby news.
Nichkhun and Tiffany were already squealed in happiness and hug each other. They were so happy that finally they will become grandparents !
"Thank you doctor. We're really happy." Nichkhun said and shaked hands with the doctor.
The doctor just smiled to him. "I guess both of you are the grandparents to be ?"
"Yes, we're the proud grandparents to be. " Nichkhun said proudly.
The doctor laugh. "Okay then, I've work to do. I'll go first." He bowed before left.
Tiffany sit on the only chair beside Sulli's bed and hold her hand.
"I'm so happy for you sweetheart. Finally you're a mom. But don't worry you're still my baby even you have dozens baby already." Tiffany chuckled.
Sulli smiled at her mom. She was so nervous actually. How can this happen ? She can't bring her head up and look at Minho.
"Yes baby. You know I've even want to punch your 'hubby' just now for not giving us grandchild already. I don't know that both of you want to make it as a surprise for us." Nichkhun said and make a disgusting face at the 'hubby' words.
Tiffany slap her husband's arm. "Let them be oppa. I think their endearment for each other was really cute. Hubby and wifey. Not like us oppa Fany. So old school." She pouted.
"Hello my wife. Remember your age." Nichkhun said.
Minho smiled at their cute bickering. They talked until Nichkhun and Tiffany said they want to get home and get a rest. The doctor said Sulli can discharged tomorrow morning and they will picked both of them up. As for tonight, Minho will sleep in hospital to accompany Sulli.
They were so silent when their parents went back home. Minho sit on the chair beside Sulli while playing with his phone. Sulli on the other side played with her fingers and looked at her husband guiltily.
She was so sad and hurt when she realised her husband was getting distant and cold towards her. She tried to prevent the tears from falling but she can't. The tightness in her chest is too much. Why fate was so cruel towards them ?
The baby that she's carrying is for sured Kai's. Eventhough, she and Minho were reconcile but Minho never once touch her. When she asked why, Minho never answered and change the topic.
Minho heard someone's sob and quickly lift his head. He saw his poor wife was sobbing hardly while clutching her chest. Minho's lips quiver and he hug his wife tightly while patting her back.
"Hushh hushh don't cry wifey. This is not your fault. I'm not blaming you. Instead, this is my fault. If I just listen to my heart desire and put aside my ego, the baby that you're carrying now is probably mine. Not that bastard. I'm sorry for putting you in this mess." He whispered into her ears. His tear slid down from his eyes when he heard Sulli was sobbing more hardly and become more weak in his arms.
He admit he was ego all this time. Everytime he tried to touch her, he will quickly remembered about that night incident. Even how much he loves her, but he still can't forget that incident. And now he regret at his own foolishness. He can't bring himself to look at Sulli just now because of the guilt feeling in himself.
They stayed like that for minutes before Sulli free herself from his embrace. She looked at his eyes and her love for him just grow even more at his action. He clearly not at fault at all but his love for her make him take the responsible instead of her. She reached for his face and kiss his lips tenderly. She wants to get rid the guilty that he felt in his heart. Minho kiss her back with the same tenderness.
Even, how ugly their memories were but their pure love washed it all and left nothing but just a bliss feeling. Their love for each other still strong even how many disaster come after.

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