Chapter 26 (Final)

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"Jeremy ! Omma and appa are home !" Shouted Sulli as soon as she and Minho arrived Horvejkul's mansion.
"Uwaaa, our omma appa had been home." Tiffany said while carrying Jeremy in her arms. The baby squealed and kicked his feet in excitement as he viewed his parents. Tiffany put him down.
"Come here baby." Sulli open her arms to catch him. Jeremy slowly took his baby walks towards her.
Sulli hugged and squeezed him as she missed him so much when she and her husband in Malaysia. The chubby cheeks of him became a victim of his mother's continuous kiss. He whined.
"Wifey, don't be too violent with my son. Give appa some energy baby." Minho pouted his lips to his son's lips. Jeremy happily kissed his father and brought his arms to his father as he want to be carry by him.
Minho took him from Sulli and continued his wife's job earlier. Give their baby tons of kisses.
Tiffany smiled looking at them. She hugged her daughter later.
"Ssul, Minho so how's your honeymoon? Is it fun? She asked.
Sulli smiled. "Fantastic omma. You should go there later with appa. Sure there's nothing that you will regret of."
Tiffany eyes twinkling in exciting. "Really? Hopefully your father will bring me later on. I'm bored to stay in this mansion all day." She sighed.
"Don't be sad omma. By the way where is appa? I don't see him since just now." Sulli said and roamed her eyes around the mansion.
"Your father were out for meeting dear. That's why I will die of boredom if Jeremy was not here." Tiffany said while caressing her grandson's hair.
"I see. Okay omma, we're going up first. I'm really tired right now. Love you." Sulli said and kissed her mom's cheeks before going up.
Minho looked at her dumbfounded. How can she just left him with their baby in his arms and their luggage here? The shopping bags also she does not care to carry it upstairs. He sighed.
"Omma, can you please hold him for a while?" He asked his mother in law.
Tiffany took Jeremy in her arms. "Of course son."
"I want to bring our bag to upstairs first." He said and started carrying their bags upstairs.
He pushed the door slowly and found his wife was already sprawling on their bed. He puts the bags down and walked tiptoeing to his wife. He sat beside the bed and thought how to disturb her.
He reached for her hair and put it inside her nostrils. He knew that Sulli will definitely sneeze when there is hair or dust entering her nose.
And the result was expected. Sulli sneezed continuously. She woke up and found her husband smile sheepishly at her. She grabbed the pillow beside her and hit him.
"Yah! I'm sleepy you know?! Why you do that? You know that I'm allergy with that right?" Said Sulli angrily.
Minho caught her arms. "Gotcha. Yes I know. But how dare you left me alone with that amount of luggage." He said and pouted his lips towards the bags.
Sulli looked at it and smirked. "So what? You want to complain how heavy is that? Okay then how you want to carry me when my stomach already big later on? Or you never thought about that at all?" She took her arms from his grips and facing back from him.
Minho smiled. He knew why she acting liked this.
"Wifey, do you angry at me?" He said and hugged her from behind.
Sulli struggled but he was too strong to resist.
"Answer me baby." He said and kissed her neck.
Sulli sighed. This man will never defeat until he get what he want.
"Free me first. How can I talk when you behave like this?" She said and pushed his face away.
Minho freed her from his hug. He turned her around.
"Now speak, why you behave like this?" He said seriously.
"It's all your fault. How can you left me alone at KLIA previously? For God sake, it was a stranger place for me you know! I don't know anyone there. I'm scared and worried to death. People start to stare weirdly at me when I try to find you crazily. But I found nothing." She said angrily and punched his chest.
Minho smiled and took her to his embrace.
"I'm sorry wifey. But like I explained, I really thought that you heard me when I said I want to go to the toilet. So now here, there's nobody in fault. But as a husband, I really want to say sorry to you for making you scared and worried. Baby, please forgive appa for making your mom worried." He said sincerely and kissed her hair while caressing her flat stomach.
Sulli closed her eyes and absorb her husband warm body. She's not angry with him and she knew that he was not guilty but still the worried feeling that she felt previously give impact on her. She can't think if she can't found Minho at that time.
"Wifey, do you love me?" Minho said out of blue.
She looked up at him.
"Why suddenly you ask me that? Don't you ever doubt my love for you hubby."
He smiled.
"Thanks for loving me and accepting me wholeheartedly. Thank you also for giving me Jeremy and this unborn baby. I love you too." He said sincerely.
Sulli reached for his face and kiss his cheeks.
"Please be faithful to me till the end of time."
Minho smiled and cuddled his wife tighter before both of them drifted to sleep because of exhaustion.

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