Chapter 19

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"You're late again !" Jo scolded Minho.
Since he was seperated from Sulli 4 months ago, he always not in mood and spazzing. He also loss of appetite and lack of sleep. And that makes his face and body was thinner day by day. The bright aura that always shining on his face was now gone.
Minho bowed and greet his team weakly.
"Yah, do you want to resume your career or not ? Please changed Minho. People had already sense your your changed. Your last photoshoot 3 weeks ago get crictized by so many people ! Even how much make up we put on you to covered your dark eye bags but it is still not enough when you continously gave us a sad expression." Jo yelled. He knew Minho is facing a big trial in his marriage but if he is a professional person, he will not interfere his career with his personal life.
Minho hissed. "I know. You don't have to remind me of that countless times. I've already had enough of it." He waved his hand to Jo's face and go to the make up room.
Jo closed his eyes at his attitude. This is what happen when somebody tried to tell him to change. He will get angry easily and left. Jo shakes his head and told everyone to standby for the next activity.

"Ssul, let's go. We're late already." Tiffany knocked on Sulli's door. Today, she has another monthly check up and doctor said probably they will know the gender of the baby too. When she looked at her bump, her heart will slowly melt. She hate to say this, but she starting to love her baby. It takes a hard time for her to accept it, but feeling the baby kicked her belly makes her eyes warm with tears. And it's more heartbreaking to know that she can't share the joy with her husband. Yes, she missed her husband damn much. She missed to be in his arms when they want to get sleep. It have been 4 months since she last heard his deep voice. Her parents keep her phone with them so she can't contact him anymore. She also not allowed to go out from her room except for something event and to eat.
She takes a deep breath and take her bag before went out from the room.

On the other side of the road, there is a pair of sad eyes who looked at Sulli painly. He cracked a smile when he noticed Sulli starting to get chubbier since the last time he hold her. Maybe it was the fact that she is on her 5 months pregnancy already. His eyes never leaving her figure until Sulli's car went out from the mansion.
He pulled down the hand brake of his car and followed her car. He know that today is Sulli's schedule to go for her monthly check up and he also excited to know the gender of their baby.
"Appa will fight for you baby. Stay strong with omma." He smiled sadly and ensured that his car was not too far from Sulli's car.

Tiffany assist Sulli to sit down on the bench before waiting for her turn to meet the doctor.
Suddenly, Tiffany remembered something. She sighed. "Ssul, can you wait here for a while ? I haven't locked the car before. Don't go anywhere okay ?" She advised.
Sulli nodded slowly. Since her parents separating her from Minho, their relationship was getting distant. She was dissapointed with her parents. They was the one who eagerly to marry them before and now they also the one who separated them cruelly. Are they think that her feelings and Minho's are toys that they can easily played with ?
She looked down and play with her fingers. Suddenly there is a pair of manly arms grip her hands. Her heart suddenly pounding madly because she recognized that fingers. And is none other than....
"How are you doing wifey ?"
She slowly lift up her head and met his sorrow eyes. His eyes was so shining with the tears. Without wasting any time, she crushed herself in his embrace.
"Minho, I missed you so much. Where are you all this while ? Where are you go when I needed you the most ?" Sulli cried hardly in his embrace. It was so warm and sweet.
Minho not answering her but instead he tighten his arms around her body and keep kissing her hair. He missed her so much and hearing her crying voice was enough to make his heart burst in pain. They stay like that for minutes and no one dare to pull the hug. Minho patted her back until her sadness subsided. Suddenly, they felt a movement in between their body.
Sulli pulled herself and wiped her tears away. Minho looked at her confusedly.
"What is that just now wifey ?" Minho asked.
"It's the baby in here who was kicking me just now. My baby was so naughty." Sulli smiled and talked to her bump.
"Our baby, Ssul. Don't forget me as the appa." Minho pouted.
Sulli chuckled and pinched his cheeks. She was glad that she got the most understanding person as her husband.
"Do you want to feel it ?" Sulli asked. Minho nodded excitedly.
She takes his right hand to her bump. Minho's eyes was shine in happiness when he felt the baby kicked excitedly in her. He was so happy. Eventhough the baby is not his but he promised to himself that he will love the baby like his own child.
Sulli giggled. "You're so active today baby. You must be happy that finally you got to see your appa. Omma is happy too." She said and looked at him. Minho smiled at her.
"Mrs Choi it's your turn now." A nurse approached her.
"Oh okay." She stand up slowly with Minho's help.
"I want to accompany you wifey." Minho said seriously.
Sulli smiled and nodded her head.

"Hello, Dr Lee." Sulli greeted him as soon as she entered the room.
"Oh hello Mrs Choi." Taemin or known as Dr Lee, Sulli's doctor said.
Minho help her to sit.
"Wait a minute. Are you Choi Minho, the famous model ?" Taemin said surprisedly.
Minho smiled. "Yes I am Choi Minho. Nice to meet you." He shakes hand with Taemin.
Taemin nodded. "Don't tell me that you are Mrs Choi's husband ?" He asked excitedly.
Minho and Sulli chuckled. "To answer your curiousity, yes I'm her husband. If not, why you called her as Mrs of Choi ?"
Taemin put his hand on his opened mouth. "Oh my god what a small world. My sister was a big fan of you Mr Choi. She must so enthusiastic when she knows that her brother's patient's husband is her idol." He said cheerfully.
Minho laughed. He glad that this young doctor is a cheerful one not the usual typical serious doctor.
"By the way Mr Choi, where are you all this while ? I've never seen you accompany your wife ? Usually I only saw Mrs Choi was accompanied by her mom." Taemin said.
Minho and Sulli dumbfounded and looked at each other.
Taemin laughed. "Oh sorry for my rudeness. I have a bad habit saying random things without thinking. You must be super busy right now, right Mr Choi? Auuu, I'm so ignorant." He grinned embarassedly.
Sulli smiled and hold his hands. "What to do doctor, this is my fate marrying someone who are more busier than prime minister." She chuckled.
Minho glare at her. Sulli and Taemin simultaneously laughed at his expression.
"So Mrs Choi, how do you feel now ? Is the baby starting to make you feel uncomfortable?" Taemin asked her afterwards.
"A little. But it's fine. At least I know that my baby is the active one." She smiled and caressed her bump. Minho hold it too.
Taemin smiled. "It's good then. Let me check how this active one doing." He stand up and go to the examination bed while Minho help Sulli to lay on it.
"Please lift up your shirt a little bit Mrs Choi." Taemin instructed.
Sulli lift up her shirt a little bit. Taemin put some gel on her tummy and scan the baby's condition.
The three of them smiled at the image.
Minho kissed his wife's hand as his eyes never leaving the 4D image. Eventhough the baby is not his, but he can't stop himself to feel happy and proud that the baby was healthy and active. There is a warm feeling engulfing his heart.
Sulli looked at him and smiled too. She never saw his face as proud as now. She can't imagine how proud his expression later when they finally get to hold this small one.
"Congratulations Mr and Mrs Choi. As you can see, your baby is in a good condition and really healthy. There's nothing to be worried for. But Mrs Choi, you have to always take care of your nutrition and your lifestyle. And most important, don't be too stress. It might effect the baby." Taemin advised.
Sulli nodded. Minho on the other hand bit his lips as he know that all the problems that happened to them are from his mistake. If only, he be careful around Wendy, things like this would never happen. They could save the 4 months seperation with creating many beautiful memory together.
"Mr Choi ? Are you listening to me ?" Taemin asked.
Sulli tap his hands as her husband was spazzing in his own world. Minho surprised.
"Yes ? Sorry Dr Lee. I was remembering something just now. What do you say ?" Minho asked embarassedly.
"I said do you excited to know the gender of your baby ?" Taemin chuckled.
"Of course. Please tell us doctor." Minho said excitedly. Sulli was so nervous that she prefered to silent.
Taemin smiled. "I'm proud to say that both of you gonna get a handsome hero later." He announced.
"Hero ? A boy ?" The couple said simultaneously.
Taemin nodded. Minho and Sulli was so drown in happiness to know that later there is a boy who gonna be so cheeky and run around the house cutely with his Minho appa.
"Thank you so much Dr Lee." Minho shakes hand with Taemin and help Sulli to smooth her shirt back.
There is a woman who since just now just staring at them through the glass from the door with a sorrow eyes. The tears that forming in her eyes fell down at the beautiful sight of them.
"I know you would be happy by his side sweetheart. I'm sorry for separating you guys all this while." Tiffany said while wiping her tears.

The couple went out from the room after the check up end. Minho eyes widen when he saw his mother in law staring sharply at him.
Tiffany stand up and ushered Sulli to sit. Minho helped her.
"Omma, how are you doing ?" Minho greet and bowed to her.
"I'm fine. You ? Are you alright ?" Tiffany asked back coldly.
"I'm fine too omma." Minho answered awkwardly. Who ever thought that his mother in law still care for him.
Tiffany nodded.
"Omma, first of all I want to ask for yours and appa forgiveness because of my mistake before. I know I'm at fault here but trust me, I have no intention at all to cheat on Sulli. She is the one that kissed me not me omma. I love your daughter so much and no woman can penetrate my heart like Sulli does. Please trust me omma." Minho pleaded.
Tiffany sighed. "I don't know. Talk to your appa, I'm just following him."
Minho closed his eyes. Even his mother in law's heart can't be soften how can he soften Nichkhun's heart ?
"Omma. I don't care if you want to forgive him or not but one thing that I'm sured. I will follow him back to our house. I'm sorry omma." Sulli said.
Tiffany eyes widen. "Ssul ! You know that is impossible right ? Your appa will be really mad if he know about it." She raised her voice a little bit.
"But have you ever saw me happy when I was in that mansion ? No right ? My happiness is with my husband. No one even both of you have the rights to separate us. How do you feel when there is someone separating you with appa ? It's hurt right ?" Sulli said angrily. She confessed all the misery that she felt all this while.
"Calm down wifey. Remember what the doctor said just now ?" Minho calming down his wife. He caressed her tense shoulders.
Tiffany silent. She knows that she was a bad mom to her own daughter. How can a mom dared to destroy her own daughter's happiness.
"Fine if that is what you want but both of you will come to mansion first and talked slowly to appa. You Minho, I hope you clarify everything with my husband and don't lie if you want to be safe." Tiffany said seriously.
Minho smiled and nodded. Sulli gripped his hand tightly and support him. They can see a light in front of them after was caged in a dark room...

"What makes you so long ?" Nichkhun asked when his wife entered the mansion.
"Hm nothing." She said and sit on the couch.
"Where is Ssul ? I don't see her." Nichkhun asked. He was curious that his wife entered the house without Ssul.
"I'm home." Sulli said smilingly.
Nichkhun clenched his teeth at the sight of Minho. "What is this bastard doing here ?!" He yelled.
"Appa, this bastard has a name. And he is my husband. Please respect him." Sulli said seriously.
"Appa, how are you doing ?" Minho greeted and bowed at him. Even after all the bruises and wounds that Nichkhun gave to him, but he still respect Nichkhun as his father and as the older person from him.
Nichkhun smirked. "Don't act nice jerk. Why you came back here again ? Already bored with that chick ? Why does she can't make you feel in heaven ?" He insulted.
"Appa, stop it ! Can you please give him chance to clear everything ?" Sulli raised her voice.
"There is nothi-"
"I'm not cheated on her Mr Horvejkul. I love her so much more than my useless life. You can cut my veins if you don't believe it. The video that you watch before is true and it is not edited, i admit it. But, I swear on the name of God that I was trapped. That woman seduced me and in the blink of eyes she kissed me throughly. I was so shocked to even avoid it." Minho said sincerely.
Sulli was so angry to hear Minho clarification.That witch is really sly. She would do anything to make her marriage with Minho destroyed. Actually, all this while she trusted Minho will never cheating on her. But at that time her emotion is not stable and that makes she doubting her trust towards Minho.
Nichkhun went silent as he heard Minho. When Minho swear on the name of God, he must really saying the truth. But his ego still doubting him.
"Do you really find that I will trusted it 100%?" He asked.
Minho shrugged his shoulders. "It's up to you sir. I have no power to make you believe me. I've already told you the actual things that had happen." He said. Sulli moved closer to him and lean her head on his shoulders.
"Appa, I know you. I know you are a person who have a really kind heart. I know you can feel when the person is bluffing or not. Please appa. Don't make us suffered anymore." Sulli pleaded. Minho kiss her hair.
Nichkhun sighed and raised his both hands. "Okay, both of you win ! I forgive you Minho but don't be too satisfied because I will still put my eyes on you."
"Thank you sir. I promise I will not dissapointed you anymore." Minho said cheerfully.
"Drop the sir. I'm your appa now." He said seriously.
Minho smiled and nodded enthusiastically. Sulli smirked because she know her father can't angry at someone for a long time. Man and their ego.
The couple looked at each other eyes. Both are showing the same emotion. Longing and love. They leaned closer and....
"Ehem, don't be too excited please. If you want to do that please go upstairs. It's not good for our health." Nichkhun pissed and look at his wife.
All of them laughed to their heart content when looking at Nichkhun's pissed face. His ears becoming so red.
Ahhhh... Now, this is a family... Full with laughter without being silent to each other...

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