Chapter 3

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"From now on, Minho will be your driver. There's no objection. He will start work tomorrow. Fullstop."
That words always lingered in Minho's mind since he went out from Sulli's room.
"Can i just decline it ?" Minho asked himself.
"But Mr Horvejkul offered a big sum of money if you working with him. You must be really stupid to reject his offer. " Minho's mind said.
"But how about my current work now ?"
"Arghhhh ! I'm so confused." Minho shouted .
But if this offer can make his life more better, why should he reject this good oppurtunity ? With that thought, Minho rose up and go to his workplace.

"What ?! Why so suddenly you want to resign Minho ? You are the most dedicated worker here. The customer was so satisfied with only your mere presence here. Don't you satisfied with the salary ? Tell me Minho ." asked Mr. Bae, Minho's boss. He was so shocked when Minho suddenly came to the shop and said that he want to resign.
"It's not like that boss. Honestly, i really love this place. But, I'm 25 right now. I have to have a stable lifestyle. I'm a man. What i'm going to give my future wife and children eat if i'm always short of money? The offer that they give me was so precious for me to let it down. I hope you understand boss." Minho looked down and bow to the older. He have no courage to look at his boss. That old man had known him for so long. For Minho, Mr. Bae was like his father. Since his parents died in car accident 12 years ago, Mr. Bae is the one that look after him and treat him like his own son. He was very thankful, when he felt that nobody cares for him, there is Mr. Bae that always hold him tight. That makes Minho loves him so much.
But after all, he would never let the driver offer to slip off from his grip. He has to move on.
"Huhh, okay if that is your decision. I will always support you from behind, son. "Mr. Bae smiled and hug Minho, his beloved son.
Minho smiled through his teary eyes. Mr. Bae hug was so warm that he felt that he is in his own father's arm.
"I miss you, appa. I promised that i will build a comfortable life from now on. Guide me, appa." Minho said in his heart. And with that, his tears flowed down through his cheeks. Mr Bae just tighten his hug around Minho's body. He knew the boy miss his appa so much.

"Are you crazy, appa ?! What is on your mind that you want that beggar to be my driver ? I already told you that i don't want a driver !" Sulli shouted to his father. She was so angry with his appa stupid decision.
"Watch your mouth , Sulli ! I'm your father ! " barked Nichkhun.
"It is you that make me rude appa, it is you !"
"Shut up !" Nichkhun raised his hand to slap her daughter but Tiffany was fast to hold him back.
"Enough oppa. You already know how hard headed is your daughter. Just let her be. After all, she's still in not good condition. Let her calm first. " Tiffany assured his husband. Tiffany words make Nichkhun calm a bit.
"Are you done whispering ? I wanna sleep. " Sulli pull her blanket and close her entire body.
Nichkhun and Tiffany sighed before went out from their daughter's room.

"Is this their house ?" Minho looked at the mansion infront of him and looked back to the paper in his hand. Before he went out from Sulli's room, Nichkhun gave him their mansion address.
"Yeahh, i think this is. Here your money ahjusi. Thank you." Minho give the taxi driver the fare before press the bell of that mansion.
~DIng dong, ding dong ~
The maid came out . Minho flashed his sweet smile to the old lady.
"What can I help you young man ?" the maid asked.
"Hello ahjumma, my name is Choi Minho. Mr Horvejkul asked me to see him today. Is he there ?" Minho asked.
"Ohh yeah, he's in his room. Let me take you there."
"Thank you ahjumma." Minho bowed.

"Come in. "
"Sir, there's somebody want to see you." the maid said.
"Asked him to come ." Nichkhun kinda knows who is the person.
"Hello sir." Minho came in and bowed down to him. Nichkhun smile.
"Hello to you too Minho. Come have a seat ." Nichkhun said and pointed to the cushion in front them.
Both of them seated. Minho was awed at how beautiful Nichkhun's study room.
"This was 2 times bigger than my house. " Minho said to himself.
"Minho." Nichkhun tapped Minho's shoulder as he saw the young man was in his own world.
"Ohh yeah. Sorry sir, what do you said just now. Forgive me for my rudeness." Minho bent down his head.
Nichkhun laughed. This boy was so innocent.
"I said are you ready to work for my daughter ?" Nichkhun asked.
"I am sir. I will try my best to be a good driver for her." Minho said confidently.
"Good. Can you start working now ?" Nichkhun asked.
" With my pleasure sir. But, is Miss Sulli can go out from hospital today ?" Minho asked.
"Yes, the hospital call me just now to pick her up. But me and my wife has a meeting to attend. Can you please pick her up ? Nichkhun asked.
Minho gulped. Sulli that he known was not kind and polite like her parents. She has a really bad attitude. Eventhough he don't care what she want to talk about him, but he just a normal person. It was hurt when other people looked down at him just because the fact that he came from a poor family.
He take a deep breath before nodded his head.

~Knock, knock~
"Come in, the door not locked." said Sulli.
The door opened and Sulli's eyes widened when she saw the person.
"What are you doing here ?!" Sulli barked at the person.
"Err Miss Sulli. Your father asked me to to pick you up. From now on, i'm your driver." sttutered Minho.
" ! I hate you appa !" Sulli cursed his father in her heart.
"Where is them ?" Sulli asked.
"Do you mean your parents ? If right, they had a meeting to attend. So that's why your father asked me to pick you up." said Minho calmly. Right, he told himself that there's nothing to be scared with this little witch. If she can be rude with him, he thousand more times can be rude with her.
"Good, just go top up your money and left your beloved daughter here with this beggar." What a fate . " Sulli said sarcatiscally.
"Miss Sulli, it is not right to call your parents like that. After all, they are your parents that you have to respect." said Minho.
"Ohh just save that advise of yours. My ears hurt to hear the words that come from your filthy mouth." Sulli insulted him.
"Okay if you say so. Now, let's get out from here or I will call the psychiatrist. It seems like your brain was kinda fail to adapt to people's advise. Poor you. " Minho smirked at her before took her belongings and went out from that room.
Sulli was stunned.
"This is the first time that someone dared to talk bad about me. You just wait and see Minho. Don't you think that you're good enough. Stupid beggar." Sulli insulted before decided to just go with him.

To be continued.....

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