Chapter 8

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Minho seem anxious in elevator. It would be so awkward for them to to talk with each other after that night. He was not fully recover from his fever but he insist to go back to Sulli's apartment. Mr Bae does not agree with him. He was still sick and plus he don't think so Minho's snob wife will treat him nice. But he has no right to stop Minho. He is an adult now. He know what to do and not.
The elevator opens. Minho was hesitate whether he should go out or not. Suddenly he felt uneasy heart. 'Maybe I should calm myself first and bought her favourite's food before meet her.' And with that, he press the elevator button to basement and decide to go to the nearest mart.

With a loud groan and hard , Kai poured his seeds into Sulli. He was satisfied and he was sured so do Sulli. He looked at her. She was already sleeping. Maybe the haziness make her so sleepy and dozed off. He push strand of her hair away from her face. She was beautiful, he admit. But he can't make himslef fall for her. And he doesn't know why. All that he knows, he can't let Sulli slips from his grip. He lied down beside her and dozed off too.

'How much is this miss ?' Minho asked the cashier. He decided to buy Sulli chocalates. He has no idea what is Sulli's favourite but he knows women love chocolate.
'2 dolar.' The cashier answered half-heartedly.
Minho pass the money and smirked at her attitude. He peeked his head towards the cashier counter. Em, no wonder. She was so absorbed in that Kim Tan guy drama. Minho hissed. 'Doesn't she know that her Kim Tan was someone's bae right now ? Ohh not my problem.' He shrugged and went away.
He walked to go to Sulli's apartment. The calm and windy night made his heart and mind calm. He had made up his mind. He has to be strong for sake of his marriage. Who knows if he can make Sulli changed and fall for him ? Yeahh, he assured that. One day, he can melt Sulli's cold and stone heart with his patient and attention.
He pressed the elevator button to Sulli's unit. He was excited to start his mission. The elevator opens and he skipped out excitedly .He knocked the door but there's nobody open it. 'Could be she hasn't went home ? Aihh that could not be. Her car was there at the carpark. But how come she doesn't open the door ? Maybe she was asleep already.' Minho talked to himself. He tried to turn the door knob and suprised that the door was not locked. He went in and closed the door. He was more even suprised when his round eyes caught man's shoes in her house. His heart suddenly thumping hardly. He was nervous. He shook his head to erase the horrible thought in his mind. He walk slowly to Sulli's room and turn the knob.
The plastic bag that on his hand fall to onto the floor. His whole body was shaking and trembling in angered. He clenched both of his fist and his eyes started to red. His wife was sleeping with other man with nothing covered their body. His thought was true. His wife cheated behind him. And that was so pain.
He dragged Kai away from his wife and start to punch him hardly and countinously. He poured all his pain and sorrow to the punch. Tears started to blur his eyes. He was so angry that he might kill him at that time. Kai was so shocked to even punch Minho back. Not to mention, he was also confused at that time.
'As*hole ! How dare you sleep with my wife ! How dare you to take advantage of her ! People like you should not be given a chance to live in this world ! People like you should just go die ! You piece of carcass !' Minho barked at him while continously punch him.
Seeing Kai was so weak and helpless, he decided to let go of him harshly.
He pulled him up and throw Kai's clothes to his face. 'Get out from my house before I kill you !' Minho shouted at him and pushed him away. The confused Kai hastily wear his clothes back. Minho opened the main door and kick him for the last time before let him out from the house.
He felt tired suddenly. He slid down while leaning to the door. He can't believed that his wife dared to cheat behind his back. He can't believed that his wife was that bad. Now, how on earth he can save this marriage ? Everything's turned upside down. He was ashamed with himself. He failed as a husband. He failed to guide his wife. He felt ashamed to see his parents in law now. He also felt ashamed with Mr Bae. He buried his face to his knees. The tears that he kept flowed finally. His shoulders shaked because of uncontrollable sob.
He stand up and made his way to Sulli's room. He went near her. His tears flowed more heavily when see her condition. Her body was full with red marks. He pulled the blanket and put on her carefully. He tidy up her messy hair and sat on her bed beside her. He hold her hand and kissed them in tears.
'Why you do this to me, wife ? Why ? What is my fault until I had to bear this pain? It hurts wife, it hurts. I thought when you get married you will change but no. Nothing's change. I know you hate me, but doing this to me is too much. I'm your husband. You have to take care of me and take care of my heart too. Cheated behind husband is a huge sin, wife. I felt like giving up.' Minho sobbed painfully. He should not put a high hope to this marriage. Now, all of of his hopes vanished like smoke. He cried in her hands . After a while, he put her hands back but Sulli grip his hands. Minho shocked.
'Don't go, don't go. I beg you.' said Sulli in her sleep. Her tears flowed slowly from her eyes. She tighten her grips on Minho's hand.
Minho's lips quiver when looked at her. 'Are you loved him so much, my wife ? You even asked him not to go and thought me as him.' Minho asked Sulli sleeping figure. Minho drew out heavy breath before pull his hand from her grips. He wiped his wife tears carefully and went out from the room.
He walked to the kitchen weakly. He was like a zombie. Alive but his soul was nowhere. He decided to take a drink to calm himself. But the moment he reached his hand to get the glass, his head throbbing hardly. His one hand hold his head and the other hold the sink to prevent him from fall. His eyes was also blurred. He tried to go to the dining table to sit but the pain was too much. He fell unconcious.

Sulli tossed her head to her side. She was having a nightmare.
'No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' She shouted and waked up. She was sweating heavily. Her chest was up and down in a fast pace. Her breath was also uneven.
She dreamt that Minho caught she and Kai in bed. Minho was so furious and hurt. And, she also dreamt that Minho want to give up this marriage and leave her. She can't imagine that happen for real. Minho was too kind to her and although she hates him but she has no heart to hurt him until that point. She's still have a heart. But the thing is, she doesn't know why she was so scared when Minho leave her.
Sulli rubbed her face and tossed the blanket. She was shocked when she saw she was under the blanket. She ran to her makeup table and shocked to see the red marks on her body. She put her hands on her mouth and closed her eyes. Could it be that the dream is actually not a dream ? Could it be that it was actually happen for real ? She bit her lips at the thought. She picked her bathrobe and wears it before went out from the room to look for Minho.
'Minho !' She shouted as soon as she laid her eyes on the unconcious Minho. She ran to him and put his head on her laps.
'Minho, wake up. Please, don't make me scared. This is not even a joke, you know.' She slapped his cheeks carefully. Minho does not give any reaction. His face was so pale. Sulli's heart and mind was in mess. She tried to shake his body and pulled his hair in order for him to wake. But nothing's happen. Her tears started to flow at many thoughts. She ran to her neighbours unit and knock the door.
'Mrs Kim, Mrs Kim please open the door.' She knocked continously while cried.
The door opened and there is a woman in her late 50's went out. 'Ohh Sulli, what's wrong ? Why you cried, dear ?' She asked.
'Please Mrs Kim, help me to bring my husband to the hospital. He need us. Please help me.' She pleaded the old woman while sobbing.
'What husband ? SInce when do you get married ?' Mrs Kim asked. She was so shocked to hear that.
'I have no time to tell you about that. Please help me, Mrs Kim.' She pleaded again.
'Okay okay. Let me call my husband first to carry your husband to the car. Don't worry okay ? He will be fine.' Mrs Kim assured the young lady.
Sulli nodded her head and thanked to her. She don't know why but she was so scared and worry if anything bad happen to Minho. And if that happen, she don't think so that she can forgive herself. Plus, she still didn't get a chance to say sorry to him after hurt his pride that night.
'God, please save him.' She prayed in her heart.

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