Chapter 24

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Sulli frowned looking at her husband. It had been 2 days since he was so silent. He was distancing himself from her and just played with his beloved prince. She sat beside him on the couch.
"Hubby." She said.
Minho silent and continued watching a drama that was shown on the television. Since when he liked to watch Korean dramas ?
"Hubby...." Sulli shaked her husband's arms. What the hell going on with him ?
"Em." Minho said.
"Why you so silent ? Am I doing something wrong ?" She asked.
"Nothing." He simply said.
Sulli annoyed and walk to the kitchen.
Minho gazed at her and shrugged his shoulder before continue to watching the drama again.
Sulli came again to him while bringing a cup of hot choco. She knew that he will never resist it this time. When she was pregnant, she really craved for hot choco. Minho got curious with it so he tried a little bit. And then he found himself cannot stop his addict towards hot choco now.
"Hubby, drink this first before going to sleep okay ?" Sulli said and placed the cup on the table.
"Thank you Ssul." Minho said and sip it. His wife really know how to please him.
"You're welcome." She smiled and caress his hair. "Now mind to tell me why you distancing yourself from me this two days ?"
Minho stop from drinking and looked at her. "Are you trying to bribe me with this choco?"
"No, I know you love to drink that and I also don't mind if I had to make it everyday for you. I just want to know what's wrong with you. Can you please tell me ?" She pleaded.
Minho put his cup back on the table and switch off the tv before turn  his body and looked straight to her eyes.
"If I said this, promise me that you will not laugh of me ?" Minho said seriously.
"What is it ?" Sulli asked.
"Promise me first." He said and point his pinky finger out.
"Okay okay, I promise. What is it ?" She said and link her own pinky finger to him. What a childish agreement.
"Actually, I intentionally to be silent because I want your attention." He said and looked down.
He noticed that Sulli was silent and waiting for him to finish his words.
"Because you're putting to much attention on Jeremy and starting to forget about me." He finished it and pouted.
Sulli grip his hands tightly and bit her lips to prevent her laughter to out from her mouth. How can her husband felt jealous with their baby son ?
Minho sighed. "Okay I know you want to laugh at me. You may go on with it. I don't mind." He said and folded his arms while turning back.
Sulli laughed loudly while holding her stomach. Her tears nearly went out from so much laughing. She thought she had only delivered a baby. How come there are two babies that she had to take care of now ?
She hugged him from behind and continue laughing. Minho's body was shaking too as she buried her face on his back. Luckily, Jeremy was already entered his dreamland or else they might have a hard time to put him to sleep again.
She bit his shoulders lightly. Minho shouted a bit and turn his head to her side.
"Yahh, it hurts you know." He said.
Sulli chuckled and forced him to turn his back to her again. Minho slowly turn towards her again.
She leaned on and kissed his lips. "I love you Choi Minho."
Minho smiled and kissed her back. "I know and I love you too Sulli Horvejkul."
"Then what with this jealousy about ?" She asked.
"Of course I'm jealous. Everyday you always feed him with his baby food, play with him and bath him. You never do that to me." He casually said.
Sulli opened her mouth in shocked and slap his arm. "Minho ! He's still a baby for god sake ! Why on earth you asked me to do the same thing to you ? You're 26 already ! Do that by your own."
Minho linked their arms and rested his head on her shoulder. "No, I want to be your baby also. The most handsome baby in the world." He looked up and grinned at her.
Sulli laughed at his goofiness. She hit his head.
"Stop with the childish thing. It does not suit you. You're a father now, not a baby anymore." She said.
Minho sit straight back. "Am I ? If I can't be your baby, can I have a baby with you ?" He grinned mischievously while rubbing her flat stomach.
She pushed his hand away and quickly run to their bedroom. Minho chased her back.
"Where do you want to go ? Come , don't disturb Jeremy's sleep and let's have some moment together." He pulled her arm to the guest room.

"Wahhhh, what a nice morning." Minho said and closed his eyes to absorb the warm sunlight. The couple bring their baby to stroll on the park near their apartment.
Sulli looked at him and smiled. It's indeed a good morning.
"The weather is nice right, wifey ?" He asked.
Sulli just nodded her head without looking at him.
Minho looked at her and chuckled. "I think the weather was not too hot. I wonder, why there is someone's cheeks reddened so much." He teased.
Sulli looked at him and slap his arm. "I hate you."
"Seriously ? Why I don't heard that words came out from your mouth last night ? From what I heard last night is 'I love you' not 'I hate you'. The 'I love you' words was quoted many times last night even I lost count of it." He continued teasing her.
"Stop it Minho. It was embarrassing." She pouted.
"Why you have to embarrass with it ? We're husband and wife legally though. There's nothing to be shy already, Ssul." He said.
Sulli silent and just rested her head on his shoulder. Indeed, making love with her husband is the best. It was filled with their love and not just lust.
"Finally, we've arrived." Minho said. "Let's come out baby." He took Jeremy's out from his stroller.
The baby just grinned when his father put on his shoes to his tiny little feet.
He put down Jeremy's on the ground and hold his hand while the baby tried to take his little baby walking. Yes, Jeremy was on his 11 months now.
Jeremy squealed in delight when he tried to walk while his hand tightly hold by his father. Minho laughed at his squeaky voice and lift him up. He kissed his chubby cheeks while take him to the swing on the playground.
Sulli proudly looking at them from the bench provided.  She imagined how can Minho played with his children when they had their own baby later ? It must be chaotic.
Suddenly, there is a woman sit beside her on the bench.
"It must be hard on your side to have a famous husband like him." The woman said.
"Sorry ?" Sulli asked her.
"Ohh, I'm sorry. My name is Luna. I lived in this neighbourhood. Nice to meet you." Luna introduced.
Sulli smiled. "I'm Sulli. I lived in this neighbourhood also."
"I know. I always saw you and your family here. I came here to company my husband who is coaching the kids on the field there in soccer." Luna said and pointed a man who is coaching the kids to play soccer on the field next to this park.
"Quite handsome." Sulli said.
"Yes, but not as handsome as your husband. Who not attracted with Choi Minho ?" Luna chuckled. "Luckily, I'm so inlove with my husband, if not I'll also be in the line of your husband's fans."
Sulli chuckled. This woman is so cheerful. "What is your husband's name ?"
"Lee Jinki. But people call him as Onew. I also don't know the reason behind it. When I asked him, he said he also don't know. Yes, my husband is a weird person." Luna chuckled.
Sulli nodded. Minho and Jeremy came to them panting.
"Aigooo, what with this sweats." Sulli said while taking a napkin and wiped her husband and son's sweats.
"Water please omma." Minho said.
Sulli give it to him while take Jeremy and place him on her lap.
"Auwww, you're so chubby and cute." Luna said and pinch his cheeks. "What is his name Sulli ?"
"Jeremy Choi. Bow to aunty Luna baby." Sulli said and press his back slowly to greet Luna. They already teach Jeremy how to greet and bow people. It was easy to teach babies in this age.
"Oh, hello my name is Minho." Minho said.
"Yes, I know. I'm Luna." Luna smiled.
"Hello Luna. Sorry, if I had to disturb your conversation just now. But we have something to do at home. So please excuse us." Minho bowed.
"Oh, it's okay. You're not disturbing at all. See you again cutie." Luna said while kissed Jeremy's cheeks before waved her hand to the family.

"I thought you said you have something to do at home ? And now where are we going ?" Sulli said when Minho dragged them to his car when they reached their unit.
"Just wait and see." He said while folding Jeremy's stroller and put it into the car.
Sulli shrugged her shoulders and put Jeremy on his baby seat behind and buckle his safety belt.
Minho started the car ignition and drove away.
"Tell me Minho. Where do we want to go ?" Sulli asked again.
"Let say I have a surprise for you guys." He said and pinched her nose.
"Do you excited baby ?" He said and looked at the mirror to view his son. The baby just giggling happily while kicking.
Sulli sighed and just looked out the window. The driving was just take 15 minutes from their apartment.
Minho stopped the car in front of a double storey house. He pressed the auto remote to open the gate. He parked slowly in the garage.
"We've arrived." He said and went out to open her door and Jeremy's.
Sulli's mouth wide open. "Whose house is this Minho ?"
Minho take Jeremy in his arms before hugged his shoulders. "Of course it's ours wifey. If not how on earth I opened the gate by myself just now ?" He said and pulled her to go in but Sulli pulled him back.
"Our house ? Are you serious ?" She asked.
"Yes my curious wifey." Minho said and pulled her again. "Let's go in Ssul."
Sulli silent and just followed his steps. Again, her mouth hanging down. This house was so beautiful. It was paint in grey blackish. It was so elegant. This is her dream house.
"How was it ? It pretty cool right ? I'm sorry, I don't have enough money to buy a bungalow." He said and caress her shoulders.
"This was more than enough hubby. Thank you so much for making my dream comes true. I love you." She hugged him tightly and kissed her baby.
"Let's have some tour in our own house okay ? I will be your tourist guide." He said and take her to tour the house.
The living room was so fancy and it have 4 bedrooms and 2 master bathroom. The kitchen also was quite big and behind of the house has a swimming pool and small playground for his children to play later.
"Wow, it was beyond my imagination Minho. Do you build this playground by yourself ?" She asked.
"Yes, it was not that hard wifey. I want our children to feel happy later." He said and kissed her hair.
Sulli closed her eyes and absorbs the warm feeling that she felt when being in his arms. "When did you planned all this ?"
"When I have some free time. I know you disappointed with me because I didn't give you anything on our 1st wedding anniversary previously right ? So I bought this house and decorated it as my anniversary present for you." He said.
Sulli looked up at him and kiss his chin.
"You don't have to prepare with so much present for me Minho. As long as you're by my side was enough. I won't demand anything. Just stay by my side and don't ever lose your grip on my hand. I love you." She said.
Minho answered her while kissed her gently and glad that she willingly participate with him.
The baby boy just leaned his tiny head on his dad's shoulder as he had watch this sweet scene countless times already.

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