Chapter 22

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Sulli was up in the early morning to prepare for their breakfast and done the house chores. She decide to not wake Minho up as she knew he was so damn tired from his non stop schedule. Last night, Minho arrived home after a week stayed in London for some fashion show. He planned to bring Sulli together with him but doctor opposed the idea as Sulli now in her last stage of pregnancy. They will be a mother and father in just few days. Luckily, Tiffany was willing to help to put her eyes on Sulli when Minho was not there.
Minho rolling on the bed and placed his arm on his wife's bed side but frowned when he found nothing. He opened his big eyes and dissapointed to see his wife was not there beside him. He wake up and rub his eyes for more clear vision.
"Wifey, Ssul, where are you ?" He said in a sleepy voice and yawned.
"Sulli." He called again. But Sulli never answered him. He tossed the blanket away and walked to the living room in just his blue boxer shorts.
Sulli lift up her head and smiled when she saw her cutie sleepy husband walking lifelessly towards her.
"Good morning handsome." She said and pecks his lips.
"Good morning beautiful." He said.
She put aside her phone and looked at him. "Why you woke up so early ? I intentionally let you sleep some more because I know you were so tired from your long flight yesterday." She tidied up his bird nest hair.
Minho rest his head on her shoulder. "How can I continue to sleep when I felt the sudden cold hugged my body just now." He pouted.
Sulli chuckled. "Sorry hubby. But I don't want to spoil myself so I wake up early and do the house chores. Plus doctor also said I must exercise frequently so that I will deliver easily."
Minho nodded. "Then what are you doing just now ?"
Sulli take her phone. "I was scrolling on my twitter and saw this news. I don't know whether I should happy or sad about this." She passed the phone to Minho.
Minho frowned and took the phone. He straighten his back and shocked.
There is Wendy and Chanyeol photos all over ! And the most shocking was Wendy and Chanyeol caught sleeping together on bed in a hotel near Cheongdam-dong.
"How can this happen ? I mean how can both of them be so careless ?" Minho cannot hide his surprised.
Sulli looked at him. "And why you act like you care that much ? Remember she's the one who nearly destroyed our marriage." Said the irritated Sulli.
Minho looked at her. "Listen, I admit I was mad at her. But in this case we have to be rational and sad for what had happen instead of clapping our hands over her problems. That was so childish and unprofessional wifey."
"I know but am I selfish if I felt relief and happy over this news ?" She said slowly while rubbing her swelling stomach.
"Sort of. Ssul, if we felt happy looking her destroy then we have no difference with her. Naturally have a stink heart." Minho sighed and stand up from the couch.
Sulli stunned. Why he was being so emotional like that ? She just confessed what does she felt. It's not like she have the power to stop it.
She sighed and stand up slowly to get the massage oil on the cabinet beside the television. Lately, her back and legs always cramped. Her mother said it was normal as the baby getting bigger in her womb.
After a while, Minho went out freshly in his white fit shirt and black jeans. His hair also neatly comb. It seems like he just take his morning bath. He frowned when he saw his wife's face furrowed while she massage her back. He walked to her.
"Ssul, why ? Do you cramped again ?" Minho pushed her hand and massage her instead.
Sulli nodded weakly. "Yes. It was so pain." She said and bit her lips.
Minho getting to worry. "Do you want to go to hospital ? Who knows this is a sign for you to deliver already." He said.
Sulli shakes her head and hold his thigh. "No. My due is in another 2 weeks right ? Don't worry."
Minho silent and keep massaging her.
"Hubby, where do you want to go ? I thought you free today." Sulli said.
"I want to go agency for a while. For sure, it was chaotic there because of Wendy and Chanyeol issue. Don't worry, I won't be too long." Minho said.
Sulli's face fall. Even his wife was in pain like this he still want to left her.
"Take care hubby." Sulli said completely dissapointed.
Minho kept massaging her until the cramp subsided.
"I'll go first. Call me if there's anything." He kissed her head and left.
Sulli looked at him and decided to watch some tv programmes to entertain her.

Minho entered the building and saw the people there massaging their throbbing head from continous questions from the reporters about this issue. He went straight to Jo's room.
He knocked the door before went in.
"Hey dude, what's happening actually ?" Minho asked while sitting beside him on the couch.
"I don't know Minho. Suddenly, one of our workers ask me to check my email and I was shocked to see this." Jo sighed and facepalm.
Minho nodded.
"Don't you think that there is someone who don't like Wendy and framed her ?" He asked.
"In this modelling world, there's many people who resent us and we have to take the risk of it. They will find various ways to destroy us. And because of that we have to be always careful with people around us and never be careless. If not, this will happen." Jo said irritatingly. He was really angry with Wendy and Chanyeol action. He always advised them don't go out together frequently if not things like this will happen. See ?
Minho nodded again as this news also become a new thing that he have to know in this career.
"So where are both of them now ?" Minho asked. Since he entered this building, he don't see their silhoutte at all.
"Wendy called me just now and she was preparing to fly to Canada. She want to stay there with their family. As for how long I don't know. Chanyeol, I don't know. That kid doesn't give us profit at all. All does he knew is to make controversies. I don't know to handle this two persons anymore." Jo said.
"She want to fly to Canada ? When ?" Minho asked.
"If I'm not mistaken her flight is on 12 noon later." Jo said.
Minho glanced at his watch. It's still 10.30 in the morning. But he has to be faster or else he would miss this opportunity to talk to her.
"Jo, I've to go first. I've to meet her before her flight schedule." Minho stand up and walked to the door.
"Wait. For what ?" Jo asked.
"Just say, I've some unfinished business with her." Minho said and left the room.

"Arghhhh, it so hurt !" Sulli shouted in pain. Her back was cramped badly and there were like thousands of needles poking her pelvic. It was so unbearable.
"Minho, come back." She said. Suddenly, there was a lot amount of liquid flowing down from her legs. Her eyes widen as she know that her water had broke already.
"Arghhhhhhhhhhhh. Please baby, please hang on. I will call your father." She yelped in pain and in panic. She was so scared as she was alone now.
She makes a slow step to their bedroom to get her phone and call Minho. But the length from the living room and their bedroom was like the longest journey she had went. God, please help me. Please reduce my pain !
She fell down to the floor and the impact of it makes her world almost black out. But she had to be strong for the sake of her baby and Minho even how hurt she is. She crawled slowly to the bedroom while holding her stomach. As she reached her handphone on the bedside table, she quickly dialled Minho's number.
Her hand trembled as the pain ruled all her body now. In two rings Minho pick up the call.
"Hello wifey. Why you call me ?" Minho asked.
"Hubby ! Please come back. I'm in pain now. My w-water had broke alrea-dy." She said in pain.
"What ?!" Hang on wifey, I'll be there in 10 minutes." Minho said panickly and quickly turn the car towards their house.
Sulli screamed in pain. She felt the needs to push already. Her tears and sweats already unite now.
"Hubby, please help me. It was so hurt." She cried and screamed again as the contraction kills her.
She lied down on the floor and bite the bed sheet as the pain increased.
"Wifey !" Minho shouted and find for her.
He heard her painful ing in their bedroom and quickly run to her.
"Wifey !" He put her head on his lap and wipe the sweats.
"Hubby, it was so painful. Please, I can't bear it anymore." She cried.
"I understand wifey. Come we have to go to hospital." Minho lift her up but was stop by her hands.
"No, I don't think we can make it to the hospital. I really want to push the baby now." She shouted and grab his hands tightly.
Minho was panic. He doesn't know what to now. His mind was blank.
"So what do you want me to do now ?" He said panicly.
"Please assist me delivered this baby." She said.
Minho widen his eyes. He had no experience at all in assisting mother's delivery !
"Do you can stand I'm in pain like this ?!" Sulli shouted. She was so in pain and her husband acted like a fool beside her.
He sighed. Of course their baby and her safety was his priority. He called Taemin to come to their house and help him. Luckily, the young doctor was free and agreed to come help. Without wasting any time, he find a scissors, a clean cloth and some clothes peg before run to Sulli again.
"You can do it hubby. I trust and love you with all my heart." Sulli said weakly as she had no strength to shout again.
Minho nodded. He pull of her skirt and her away before spreading her legs wide.
"Now pushed wifey. I know you're a strong woman. Push as hard as you can." He instruct and hold her hands.
"Arghhhhhhhhhh" She pushed hard.
"More wifey, more !" Minho said panickly. He knew his wife was in pain but he can't bear to see her in pain like this.
"It's h-hurt hubby." She screamed painfully. Their linked hands was shaking as Sulli grip it strongly. Her breath was uneven.
Minho went to her side and wipe her tears and sweats away. He kissed her pale lips.
"Listen, I know you in pain wifey. If I can, let just me take the pain instead of you. But I can't and I hate myself for that. Please push harder wifey and the baby will come out in no time. Your pain also will subsided after that. Don't be scared I'm here." Minho soothe her. He was so scared as tears also start to moist his eyes.
"There, there, there ! Oh, baby please come out already. Omma can't bear it anymore." She screamed painfully.
"I can see the baby's head already. You can do it wifey. I love you so much." The crowning was already formed in her womanhood.
"I can't do it Minho." She cried.
"You can. Trust me. Just one last hard push and everything's done." He said and spread her legs wider to make it easier for her to push.
"Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" She take one last push and their baby met his parents finally.
She panted as soon the baby was delivered. Her chest move up and down rapidly.
Minho's tears fall as he view the small's baby. His hands was shaking as he clean the white mush and the bloods from the baby. He clips the umbilical cord and cut it carefully. He placed the baby on Sulli's chest as he wrap the baby with a clean cloth.
Sulli takes him and her tears flowed down from her eyes as she looked at her baby. He was so beautiful. Her baby cries make she forget all the pain that she felt last 30 minutes.
Minho placed a pillow under Sulli's head before kissed her lips softly. Her wife was so strong and brave. His tears fall on her face as he felt so proud with her. He kissed their newly born baby on his tiny nose afterwards. This is the baby that had brought chaos in their life when his existence was found by their family. But Minho sure, this baby is the one who will bring colours to their life later.
Sulli hold Minho's face. This man was the one who save her baby and her life just now. If there is no him just now, she can't think what will happen to her and her baby. This man is their hero and their everything.
"Thank you omma appa for giving me this precious gift. I promise to love him till the end of my life." She promised in her heart.
Minho pull the blanket and cover her opened legs.
"Thank you so much wifey for be strong for us. Thank you so much for giving me this cutie prince. And thank you so much for trusting me and loving me. You're my superwoman." He smiled and hugged them both while waiting for Taemin.
"Hubby, why I'm still feeling pain in my below stomach ?" Sulli said weakly.
"I think because the placenta was still in it. Just wait for a while, Dr Lee is on his way." Minho kissed her hair.
Suddenly the door was knocked and Minho rushed to it.
"Hello Mr Choi." Taemin smiled.
"Hello too, Dr Lee. Come inside." Minho smiled and let Taemin and his nurses went in.
"Oh my god !" Taemin exclaim shockly as he view Sulli's condition.
"Clean the baby." He instructed the nurses.
The nurses quickly take the baby in Sulli's embrace and take him to the bathroom to clean him with warm water.
"How long since Mrs Choi was delivered ?" Taemin asked and remove the blanket from her legs. He wear his gloves.
"Around 5 minutes ago." Minho answered and grab her hands.
Taemin nodded and pushed Sulli's legs wider before slowly and carefully pulled the placenta out.
"Arghhh" Sulli ed painfully as she buried her face on her husband's laps.
Taemin put the placenta in a basin and removed his gloves.
"Done. We have to wait for a few minutes before bringing Mrs Choi and the baby to hospital to further examination. Luckily, you called me first or else Mrs Choi and the baby might have infections." Taemin said seriously.
They nodded.
After everything's ready, Minho carried Sulli carefully to his car before followed Taemin's car to hospital. Their baby was in Taemin's car as the nurses hold him.
Minho looked at his pale wife beside and smiled. She was looking so tired now.
"Ssul, take my phone and called omma and appa. They have to know about this news." Minho asked.
Sulli take his phone from his pocket side and dialled his father's number.
"Hello son. Why are you calling ?" Nichkhun answered.
"Hello appa, it's me Sulli. I just want to inform that I have delivered already and now we are heading to hospital." She said.
"WHAT ?!!!"

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