Chapter 21

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What the hell is going on here ?!" Nichkhun's barked.
All of them were startled to hear his hard voice.
He grabbed Minho's collar shirt and forced him to stand up.
"You ! You promised me on your wedding day before that you will take care of her ! And now, what happen ? Why none of you guys told us about this ?" He yelled at him.
"Appa, I'm sorry. But at that time, we're not that close and hate each other especially this marriage. But that's all in the past. Sulli and I are reflecting our mistakes now." Minho said.
Nichkhun pushed Minho roughly and look at his daughter.
"And you Sulli Horvejkul or should I say Mrs Choi, did omma and appa ever teach you to be a such immoral person ? Never right ? You as his wife has a responsible to keep your husband's name clean. What will people opinion about Minho later ? A coward husband ? I'm dissapointed on you." Nichkhun said. His tone became slower as he was so dissapointed on what happen.
Sulli rub her face as regret struck her. She had bring shame to their family's name. She stand up from the couch and kneel down in front her father.
Minho widen his eyes looking at her. He tried to pull her up but Sulli just pushed his hand slightly.
"Appa, I'm sorry." She said. Her heart was full with regret as tears flowing down from her beautiful eyes.
"I'm sorry for what I've done to this family. I know that nothing can both of you proud for having a daughter like me. I just know how to make both of you upset and dissapoint with me. I realise what I had done behind my husband all this while is a huge sin that can't be forgiven at all. But as he said just now, I'm reflecting on my mistake appa." She cried heavily while hugging Nichkhun's legs.
Nichkhun pulled his legs from her grips that make Sulli was pushed back slightly.
"Ssul !" Minho screamed and rushed to his wife's side. He hugged her shoulders. Sulli just cried heavily on his shoulders.
Tiffany on the other side was choking in her own tears. She can't bear to see her daughter's plead for her father forgiveness like that. She know that Sulli had done a huge mistake but it doesn't mean that she have no right to get their forgiveness. She loves her daughter so much that she willing to forgive her even how many and how huge her mistakes are.
"I even thought that Minho was the one who is cheating on you. But I'm wrong, it was actually my own daughter who is cheating behind her husband. My own blood ! I'm ashamed with people Ssul, I'm ashamed. I'm failed as a father." Nichkhun said sadly.
Sulli pushed Minho and crawled back to her father's leg. "No appa, please don't say like that. You're not failed appa, you're not. It was me who is failed to become a good daughter for you, a loyal wife to Minho and a loving mother to this unborn child. I were the one who is in fault, not you. Please don't blame yourself." She sobbed hard.
"Don't ask for my forgiveness ! Instead you have to ask for Minho forgiveness. He is your husband but you treat him like a trash !" He barked at her.
Sulli kept her head down and letting the tears wet her cheeks more. She turned to Minho and hugged him tight.
"Hubby, I'm sorry for what I've had done to you before. I know we had reconcile but I'm sure there is a little part of your heart that still can't forgive for what I've had done, right ? I just want you to know that I love you so much that I'll do anything for you to forgive me." She said and cried on his neck.
Minho's lips trembled as he view his fragile wife desperately asking for everyone forgiveness. He patted her back lovingly.
"Ssul, listen to me. For how many times I've to say to you that I already forgive you. How I want to show to you that I already forgave you ? Don't listen to others wifey. They only know to talk bad about us but don't know what is really happening between us. Don't cry. You know that you hurting me too with your precious tears. Don't Sulli, don't." He whispers softly to her ears.
Sulli nodded and her shoulders shaken as she sobbed.
Minho looked at his parents in law while still hugging his wife.
"Appa, omma. Don't you feel pity on her ? Even a little bit ? Please appa, don't be too harsh with her. She was regretting her fault now. Even I'm not the real father of this child but I loved him so much as my own child. Actually in this case, I'm the most hurting one but why you're the one now who is exaggurating angry at her ? This baby is still your biological grandchild. So I don't get the point why you can't forgive her." Minho said irritatingly. He respect him as her father but he can't bear to see his wife in despair like this.
Nichkhun was kinda shocked to hear Minho bravely talk to him like that.
"Argghh, it's hurt." Sulli yelped in pain as she pressed on her stomach.
"What's wrong ?" Minho asking panickly. Nichkhun and Tiffany rushed to them
Minho felt something wet on his pants and shocked to see blood flowing from Sulli's legs and dripping on his pants.
"She's bleeding !" He shouted and carried his wife to the car followed by his parents in law.

"How is she Dr Lee ?" Minho asked as soon as Taemin walked out from Sulli's room.
Taemin sighed. "I've told you right that Mrs Choi can't be too stressed ? Look at what happen now." He said cannot hide his frustation.
"I'm sorry Dr Lee but things are out of our hands before. What happen to her actually ?" The worry was obvious on his face. He was worried on his wife and his child safety.
"Luckily, you brought her here quickly. If not, I can't guarantee you that you will see him later. Both of them are safe but Sulli still need to rest here for a few more days until she was totally fit to be out." He said and tap Minho's shoulder before walk away.
Minho took a deep breath and release it in relief. He turn back to his parents in law.
"Appa, omma do you want to follow me to visit her ? I'm going." He said and enter the room.
Tiffany stand up but Nichkhun pulled her back to sit.
"Just let them be together for now. We still can visit her tomorrow. Plus, I'm still guilty to make our daughter warded in here and nearly killed the baby." He sighed.
Tiffany leaned her head on his shoulder and caress his back.

"Ssul." Minho wake his wife slowly as he sit beside her on the chair provided.
Sulli open her eyes slowly and smiled when she saw her husband.
"Hubby. I'm sorry for kept making you worried." She said.
"Shhh, why you kept saying sorry to me ? You had done nothing wrong to me wifey." Minho adviced her.
She sighed. "How is our baby doing ? He is fine right ?" She asked while caressing her bump.
Minho put his palm on her bump too and caress it lovingly. "Yes, nothing to be feared of. Our hero here was strong as his mom. He said to me that he will stay with you to fight whatever obstacle that hurt his mother later." Minho said.
Sulli chuckled. "You're now clever in lying hubby. Who taught you ? How can a fetus talked and understand what people around him saying."
Minho laughed and pinch her nose. "I'm just kidding baby. You know you look more beautiful if you laughed and smile like always. Don't let sadness mar your beauty wifey." He grab her hand and kissed it.
"How I can keep smiling and laughing when problems kept looking for us." She sighed.
"I know. But I just want you to know that there is man who named Choi Minho that will always support you in whatever condition. Remember that." He said.
"Choi Minho ? Who is him ?" Sulli pretend to not know him.
Minho widen his eyes and also pretend to be shocked. "You don't know him ? The most sought model in this world ? Seriously you don't know him ?" Minho put his hand on his mouth.
Sulli tried to control her laughter and play along with him.
"I'm sorry hubby. But you know I don't put any interest on that ?" She casually said.
"I can't believe you wifey. I can't believe that you don't know your own husband." He put on a crying face and buried his face on her bed.
Sulli laughed out loud. Luckily, she was placed on a private room. Or else she might be killed by the other patient for bothering their rest. She lift Minho's face and looked at him.
"Silly, who don't know the iest, most handsome and the cutest man on this planet ? And I'm so lucky to get him as my husband." She pressed his face and make him pouted. She leaned closer and kissed him playfully on his pouty lips.
Wrong move.
Minho stand up and lay on top of her while deepened the kiss. Sulli was shocked but she does not resist it, instead she kiss him back with the same intensity.
"Minho, OH MY GOD !" Tiffany was shocked to see her kids were having a passionate moment together. This kids ! Don't they know where they are now ?
Both of them quickly pulled off from the kiss and Minho stand up straight again and smiled awkwardly to his mother in law. Sulli was hiding her face in embarassment.
Nichkhun joined them and frowned. "What is happening here ?"
"I just want to say goodbye to them but I was shocked to see them kissing passionately on the bed. Can you imagine that ?" Tiffany said annoyingly while fanning herself.
Nichkhun chuckled. "I told you better we just leave quietly and let them having their quality time together."
"But it is innappropriate to just leave without informing them." She said.
"Okay you're right. Kids, how many time I told you if you want to have some intimate moments please do that in your bedroom. In hospital also can, Minho ?" He chuckled. Minho rub his nape in embarassment.
"Sorry. We kinda too followed our heart desire just now." Minho grinned.
Nichkhun laughed. "It's late already, so we want to go back and get some rest. Please take care of Sulli. And sweetheart, please forgive appa. Because of me, you're warded in here again. I already forgave you for what you had done before this. Take a good care of your husband and your prince okay ?" He said and kissed Sulli's forehead.
Sulli was touched to hear that and just nodded her head.
Tiffany also do the same thing and waved goodbye to them.
Minho looked at Sulli mischievously and Sulli just pointed her tongue out to him.
Minho laughed and tap her nose. "Naughty girl."
"Whose wife is she ? Hm." Sulli said back and make some space beside her.
"Hubby, let's sleep. I know you're tired already." Sulli said softly and drag Minho to sleep beside her.
Minho smiled and lay beside her. "You are so understanding wifey. That what's make I love you more." He said and kissed her nose.
Sulli scrunched her nose and wrap her arms around his waist. "Goodnight hubby. I love you too." She yawned and closed her eyes.
"Goodnight too wifey." He also wrap his arms around her and feel the baby movement between them. He must feel so happy to know that he was sleeping inside his parents arms.

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