Chapter 17

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Minho sighed. It had been a week since Sulli was back from hospital. But now she was not the same Sulli that he had known. Ever since the baby news was announced, she had been so moody and always cried. He was so tired to calm her down and said soothing words to her. It would have been lied, if he is okay with this news. He is not okay at all ! He was hurt and so sad to know that the baby she's carrying is not his. But the product from her relationship and with her ex before. Nevertheless, he will not put the blame on her. It was all in past right now, and things had been done. He have no power to change the fate. Maybe God send the baby to them for them to take care and love it. After all, the baby is not guilty.
Sulli was standing on their balcony room and looked at the sky. She was feeling very tired after crying non stop. The sudden hug from her back make her shouted a little bit.
"Hey, it's me." Minho whispered in her ear while tighten his hug.
Sulli leaned her head in his neck and closed her eyes. They sway their bodies while enjoy the feeling being in each other arms. Sulli's heart become so calm when she heard his heartbeat. For her, it was a cure after feeling tired from crying all day.
Minho kiss her hair. "Tell me, why don't you take your lunch ? You're not eat for yourself only right now. The baby also needs some nutrition." Minho said softly while rubbing her stomach.
Sulli pull herself from his embrace and hissed. "Can you please stop talking about this trash ? It's sickening." She shouted.
Minho shakes his head. "Ssul, you have to accept the reality. You can't act like this. Do you think it was easy for me to accept this ? No, Sulli no. But I've to be strong for sake of our family. Please understand me too."
Sulli turned her back from him and crossed her arms. She was helpless to wipe her tears now.
Minho hug her back. "Please wifey. Please don't make things become more complicated." He begged.
But Sulli just silent and not giving him any reaction.
"Tomorrow my agency will make a press conference to acknowledge me as their model agency. Plus, I want to inform them about my marital status and this unborn baby. Can you please accompany me ?" Minho asked.
"Are you stupid ?! This trash is not even yours Minho. Why on earth you want to tell the world about it ?!" Sulli barked at him.
"Ssul ! This baby is innocent. It was a gift from God that we have to take care of it. Plus he/she was still your blood. And he/she was carried by my wife and automatically he/she become my child too." Minho scolded her. He don't like the words that she used to call the baby.
Sulli fall to the floor and hugged her knees while crying. "You don't understand Minho. You will never understand. I'm ashamed Minho. I'm married and got pregnant. But this baby's father is not my husband. It was from the other man ! I'm carrying a sin Minho. A sin !" She bursted out.
Minho rubbed his face frustratingly. He sit on the edge of their bed. "Then what are you going to do now ? Abort the child ? Huh ?"
"Why not ?" She said.
"That's bull Ssul ! Are you not feeling guilty at all carrying a child out of wedlock and now you want to become a killer too ?" Minho shouted.
"Yes I know I'm a dirty woman and because of that my own husband feel disgusted to touch me. And because of that too, I'm eager too get rid of this trash from my womb so that I can go back to my husband's arms just like us before." She cried hysterically.
Minho closed his eyes tightly to calm his emotion. "Please don't make me like this Ssul. I'm begging you." He go near his wife and touch her shoulder but she flinch at it.
He sighed and went out from the room.
"You're selfish Minho." Sulli sobbed.

"Hey handsome, why you looks so agitated ? Just relax okay." Ruby said while put some lip balm on Minho's lips. Ruby was in charge at stylisting Minho for today press conference.
"Well, this is my first time Ruby. I have never been interviewed with so many reporters and infront of many cameras too." He said.
"Just take a deep breath and if you want you can choose to not answer their weird questions. Reporters tend to ask an illogical questions. But we can't blame them. That's their job anyway." Ruby said while stylisting his hair.
"Hm, I'll try." Minho said.
After everything's done, Ruby left Minho alone in the stylist room. Minho opened his phone and stare at his wallpaper. It was a photo of him and Sulli when they having their date before. She looked so radiant and cheerful in this photo. He missed her so much. He missed his bubbly wife.
He was in that state when suddenly the door opened.
"Hey handsome. Are you excited for today ?" Wendy went inside and let the door ajar.
"Wendy. What are you doing here ?" He said.
"Is it wrong for me to support you ?" She said while leaned closer to him.
"It's not like that." Minho stepped backward. He was uncomfortable with the way she looked at him.
"Who knows I can comfort you down before the press start." She caress his chest seductively.
Minho pushed her slightly. "I'm sorry Wendy. But you know right that I'm married." He said firmly.
"So what ? I just want to make you calm." She pressed her body on him.
"But this is not the way." He keep pushing her.
She chuckled. "Why you seems nervous ? This is not the first time we being so close like this."
"Oh plea-"
Wendy cut him off by kiss him passionately. Minho widen his eyes and tried to push her but she linked her arms on his neck make him can't pulled off from the desperate kiss. Minho clench his fist tightly to stop himself from kissing her back.
She pulled off from the kiss after a while. Both of them tried to catch their breath.
"What the heck are you doing Wendy Son ?!" He barked at her.
She smiled. "Oh now I know why Mrs Choi can't even seperate from you even for a second. You are a good piece of meat Minho. I enjoyed it." She said while her swollen lips seductively.
"Shut up. Before I lose my temper please get out from this room !" Minho shouted.
"Okay. Don't get too nervous baby." She winked at him before went out from the room.
" !" He cursed at Wendy and also at himself. How can he just let her kiss him ? At that time, Sulli's image played on his mind.
"I'm sorry wifey." He said guiltily.

"How ? Do you recorded everything ?" Wendy said to the man.
"Everything was perfect Wendy." The man said.
"So now I just wait for the right moment and I will send this video to her. We'll see how her reaction when she watch this. Ouchh it must be painful to know that her beloved husband kissing other woman behind her." She laughed evilly.
"Ehem, please thanks to me. Do you know how difficult for me to hide while recording you both ?" The man said annoyingly.
"Yes, thank you so much Park Chanyeol." She irritatingly said.
Chanyeol grinned. "Your welcome."

"Do you excited for the main highlights for today ?" The MC said.
"Yes." The hall roared with the reporters came from many type of company.
"Please welcome Mr Choi Minho !"
Minho appear on the stage and the camera flashes blinded his sight. He bowed to the audience and flashed his smile.
"Hello everyone, I'm Choi Minho the new model from Top Agency. Please take care of me." He bowed again to the audience and take a sit.
"Mr Choi, can you please tell us how you involved in this modelling world before ?" The MC asked.
"I entered this agency since a month ago. I met someone and she was the one who introduced me to this agency." He said calmly.
"She ? Can I know who is she ? Is she someone important to you ?" One of the reporter asked.
"Maybe you guys know her. She is Ms Wendy Son. My partner in the recent photoshoots before." He said.
"Ms Wendy ? Why did she introduced you to this modelling world ? Do you guys are in a relationship ? The other reporter asked him.
Minho chuckled. "No, we're not. She was just my friend. I've met her when I was in my difficult state and she offered me this job. I was desperate before so there was no wrong for me to grab this oppurtunity. And now, God really help me."
The press conference when clear. Minho managed to answer all the question without stuttered.
"Mr Choi, do you have anything to say before we finished ?" The MC asked.
"I have one announcement to make and I hope all of you take note in this." He said calmly.
The reporters standby and focuses on what he gonna said.
"Before I entered this modelling world, I was married." He said. The hall became chaos after he announced that.
"And we are expecting our first born child." He said again.
This time not just the reporters and the MC was shocked but also his team management. Minho never said that to them.
"Who is your wife Mr Minho ? Is she someone who is in the modelling world too ?" The reporter asked.
"No. My wife is a very private person and I hope you can respect our life. Thank you." He stand up and bowed to the audience.
The reporters tried to chase him but it was not that easy because there are some security man who is in charge to protect Minho. Minho quickly walk to the backstage.
He met with the unsatisfied looks from his team.
"Hey what's with that looks ?" He asked.
"You don't tell me before that Sulli is pregnant ?" Jo said.
Minho chuckled. "Actually, I've just known last week. Sorry, I forgot."
Jo punched his shoulders lightly. "It's okay. Congratulations bro. Your child must be so gorgeous."
"Hopefully." He jokingly said and all of them laughed at his word.
"Since our Minho will become a dad in a few months, who agreed with me if he treat us drinks ?" Jo asked their members.
Everyone raised their hands as in agreed with him.
Minho laughed. "Okay okay."

Minho came back when the clock strikes at 1 AM in the morning. The house was dark since all the lights was off. He go to the main switch and open one of the lights. He walked to the dining table and noticed that Sulli did not touch even a bit of the food that Tiffany gave to them this afternoon. He sighed. He decided to make milk for her first before checked on her.
He opened their room's door and saw Sulli was sleeping on the couch. He placed the milk beside their bed before lift her up and laid her on bed. He tidied her hair and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. Sulli was so skinny right now as she doesn't even let a spoon of food into her stomach. And that make his heart hurt so much. He loves her so much and he can't bear to watch her struggled like this.
Sulli opened her eyes when she felt there is someone beside her. She flinch when she saw Minho looked in her eyes deeply and hugging her. She felt uncomfortable around him. For her Minho doesn't even understand her feelings.
"Ssul, you're awake ? Come drink this milk. I know you have not eaten yet." Minho said while reached for the milk.
"I don't want to." She refused and sit up while leaning her back on the headboard.
"Just a little. I don't want you to be sick wifey." Minho pleaded her.
"Do you not understand that I said I don't want it ?!" She raised her voice to him.
Minho put back the glass on the table. "Why you so stubborn huh ? Do you like to be warded again ?" Minho scold her.
Sulli silent. Minho sighed.
"Hey look at me. Tell me what is wrong. Why suddenly you become so cold to me ? Am I doing something wrong ?" Minho hold her chin and forced her to look at him. But Sulli just moved her eyeballs to the other place. She doesn't want to look at him.
"Sulli please say something. I'm tired you know. I even didn't get a rest since this morning. I'm tired from your constant tantrum. I'm tired of your behaviour." Minho raised his voice a little bit to her.
"Oh you're tired from me now ? Why suddenly you become tired of this woman ? Because she dirty ? Then please leave me or if you want you can divorced me too. I don't mind." Sulli said furiously.
"Choi Sulli ! What are you talking about ? Who said that I want to leave you ? Who said that I'm gonna divorce you ? Not in million years wifey." Minho shouted at her.
"I know deep in your heart you blamed me for everything that happen. But you just don't say it to me because before you have promised me that you had forget about it. You lie to me Minho, you lie to yourself. I can see it." She said. Her eyes is reddened and tears also start forming in her eyes.
Minho messed his hair. "If I blamed you, why I still choose to stay beside you when I've caught you with that man together month ago ? Why I still choose to stay beside you when I know that right now you are conceiving his child ? And why I still love you so much even after all that you had done to me ?" Minho voice starting to crack as emotion start arouse in his body.
Sulli keep her head down and cried heavily after hearing his words.
"I can leave you anytime if I want. I can go to Wendy if I want. But I don't do it sinc-"
"Then just go to her ! Go to her and don't ever show your face to me again. You can also yourself with her if you want. I don't care !" She shouted straight to his face.
Minho slapped her hard. Sulli's head was bumped to the edge of the bed. She groaned in pain.
Minho was shocked. "Ssul, are you okay ? I'm sorry I acccidentally hit you. Not my intention wifey. Please forgive me, Ssul." He takes her to his embrace and surprised to see the blood was flowing from her forehead.
Sulli just sobbing hardly not because of the pain in her head but in her heart. He was starting to hit her now. Even Kai never hit her before if she had make a mistake.
Minho run to the kitchen and take the first aid kit box on the fridge. He clean the wound first before cleaned it with iodine. He put plaster on it after put some ointment on it. He did it with full of care and love. Just now, he was so tired and angry at her. But Sulli just splashed some petrol on his already burning heart and that make him losed control and hit her. He hated himself for that. He was not the type who was easily hit woman but now he hit his beloved wife. The most important person in his life right now.
Sulli just let Minho treating her wounds as she also feel very tired to argue with him anymore. After he had done it, she pulled the blanket and lay on her back before closing her eyes.
Minho looked at her with hurt. He blinked his eyes as the tears blurred his sight. He kiss her wife's forehead lovingly and looked at her again.
"Good night love and I'm sorry." He said and went out from the room.
That night was filled with the sobs from the unfortunate couple.

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