The new me

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Bella's p.o.v

They left me. I'm alone and depressed. I feel like there is no purpose on for me on the world. They left me three years ago and I'm still depressed. I'm 21 now so I can drink and I have been a lot it numbs the pain. 

I'm at a bar in Seattle. I ordered a drink when someone sat next to me. He had blue eyes and black hair. He waved and said hi.
"Hey I'm Damon"
"What's wrong? He asked all worried
"How can you tell?"
"Day drinking."
"I had a boyfriend who left me for dead three years ago and some how I'm still depressed."
He just started laughing. I gave him a questioning look and he just said "imagine waiting for a girl for 150 years and found out she is a lying jerk."
"How did you know?"
"My boyfriend was a vampire and 150 years is longer than a human life." I smiled when I was finished my drink I turned to leave when I heard some one following me. I turned around and it was Damon. I laughed and kept walking. I went to go get into my car when Damon  grabbed my wrist. I turned around and said "Hey do you want to be like me?" I stood there like an idiot and he waited so I just nodded my head. I expected him to bite me but he bit his wrist and fed me his blood I took it and he snapped my neck.
When she wakes up
I woke up and I was in a room I sat up and Damon was in the corner of the room staring at me. I got up and walked towards him and said "hey" he smiled and nodded."in order to finish the transition you need to feed from a human." He extended his hand do I took it and we went outside we were at a hotel in Seattle I found this guys robbing a bank so I walked over to him and grabbed his wrist and walked him into a alley without saying a word and bit into his neck. When I did I could feel vanes under my eyes and fangs growing in my mouth. I felt so happy I cleaned myself up with the robbers jacket and walked off like nothing happened. Damon had a great smile and said "nice job" we finished our meal and headed back we ran in to the hotel room when I saw a girl with dark brown straight hair and a guys with hair that almost kinda looked like Edwards hair. When I walked in they both stared at me and Damon like we were weirdos. It was midnight.
" Damon what did you do to that innocent girl."the man said.
"She said I could." Damon replied.
"Let's just talk to me like I'm not here." I stated under my breath.
"Oh sorry I'm Stephan."the man said
"I'm Elena."the girl said
"I'm Bella."
"Why did you want to be a vampire?" Elena said.
"I used to have a boyfriend which was a vampire who left me with a another vampire trying to kill me and never came back. So Damon found me in a bar and I said I new about vampires and he fed me his blood and snapped my neck."
We chatted a bit until morning when the sun came up it burned me. I yelped and ran into a corner at lightning speed. I guessed Elena called her friend Bonnie to make a sunlight ring so when we got to their home I could go into the sunlight.
"Hey Damon I need to ask you a question."
He turned around and smiled "anything."
"Well my boyfriend didn't burn in the sun and if he had human blood his eyes turned red and his looks change when he turned and in order to turn the vampire had to bite into the human and put venom into the person."
"So he was a cold one."he stated.                                                                                                                                 "That's cool."

We headed towards the car and no one said anything after that. We past the sign that said "welcome to mystic falls!"  I was so happy I could start a new life. We got to this boarding house and Damon looked at me and smiled then took my hand. I smiled back as we walked inside. Damon showed me my new room. Though he had never asked me to move in I said sure why not. Soon Bonnie came in with a ring and gave to me. Bonnie had black hair, Dark brown eyes and was a very friendly witch.A few minutes later a girl named Caroline came in. She had curly blonde hair and for her personality it was a lot like Alice.  I fell asleep in my new bed and when I woke up I decided to go the mall. I wanted to start a new life. I flew down stairs where Elena was already awake in the kitchen. I walked in to the kitchen Elena turned to look at me and she smiled.

"Hey" I said happily .  "what has got you in a good mood?" Elena replies turning back to making eggs. "I'm gong shopping at the mal today and I need fashion advice I want start a new life. I want to be pretty." I stated in a duh tone. "I'm in!" Caroline yelled as she danced into the kitchen. "Wow care you must love shopping cause you just almost made me have a heart attack." I giggled, "Vampires cant get heart attacks smart ass." She snapped as I rolled my eyes. "Hey you coming with us?" Oh yah did I forget to say Caroline and Stefan are also vampires and Elena is human.  "Sorry I cant I have to make sure the two boys don't rip each others heads off." she said laughing. "Lets go!" Caroline sang.

At the mall

We stopped at a bunch of store's. Victoria's secrete, American Eagle, JPenny and others I cant name. I used the credit card Alice gave me for my Birthday for shopping which at the time I thought I was never going to need. The whole tripped ended up over 500,000 dollars. I got new everything. I got 20 cropped tops, 12 booty shorts, 8 skinny jeans, 10 pairs of pj's, a bunch of shoes, new hair supplies, school stuff (I am going back to school in mystic falls),  5 purses, 5 wallets, a new dresser, bed sheets, a new laptop, a new desk, a new car (a light blue convertible) etc. We filled my old truck and the new car. They were stuffed. When we got home I called to the boys to come help. Stefan, Damon, and two other guys I have never seen before came outside. Once they got outside and saw what we bought they were shocked their faces are priceless.  Elena. Caroline and I started laughing until we were to weak to stand.

"O.k  boys I'm Bella to the people I don't know. But I need to get rid of everything in my room. Then I will put the furniture in and I will need help unpacking. I want this done by tomorrow." I demanded. I stared at them and motioned them to do so.

Once we through all of my old stuff away we took the furniture and placed them were I wanted them. Then we took the bags in. It was about midnight and tomorrow was the last day of summer vacation. When everything was done I went to my new bed and losed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

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