Story time

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Bellas p.ov

2/8 hours left. I pulled out my headphones that had been replaying the same playlist at what seemed 50 times. I realized that i never took my hand off of Emmett's so i quickly took my hand off blushing. Emmett noticed and turned to me and grinned which i returned. "So why are you going to forks?" I asked Emmet. "For hunting good mountain lions and bears." He whispered back. "Visiting charlie then going to see Renee.I haven't talked to them ever since i left." I replied. Then i realized that if i "die" they would hear about it.

I cursed under my breath and this time Edward looked at me and raised an eyebrow. I just shook my head and pulled out a magazine and pretended to read it. What am i going to do? I'm going to have to tell them what i am. " Hey guys I need to talk to you privately." I whispered . "Yeah sure?" It sounded more like a question. I was tapping my fingers nervously so Emmett put his hand on op of my to calm me down which i smiled back gratefully. I looked back at Edward and his brain wasn't on this planet. I picked up withering heights and read it for the rest of the ride multiple times.

When we got off  I grabbed my bags and headed out of the plain with Emmett and Edward trailing behind me. When we finally got out of the airport I walked into the woods with them still following me. Dejavú. "What is it Bella?" Emmett asked concern thick in his voice. "I haven't told you everything that has changed since you left." I said looking down. "Tell us please." Emmett pressed. "I'm a vampire." I whispered. "Seriously Bella you had me no us freaking out for a joke!" Emmett yelled not believing a word. "It's true!" I replied calmly. "Prove it." Edward said for the first time speaking up. I rolled my eyes and with vamp speed I ran over to emmet people picked him up, went on top of a large tree and dropped him but caught him before he could reach the floor.  "See?" I said. "No that can't be true. How?" Edward asked stressing out. "Basically I became depressed after you left and spent my days in bars drinking getting high, one night stands and stuff like that to get you off my mind. I knew I was disappointing Charlie but I couldn't think at all. I ended up breaking everything that reminded me of you in the slightest ways broke CD's the truck and everything basically. The only way I distracted myself at first was school and homework as my brain couldn't side track to you. I wanted to get better for it to stop so I went to Jacob Blacks house and we build motorcycles together. To be more precise 2 one for me one for him. It was fun. But one night I was with Jessica Stanley and we watched a movie and I saw guys in a alley that looked like the guys from the night, out first date. So I walked to them and-" I was cut of by Edward. "WHAT! What were you thinking. They could have killed you!"  I rolled my eyes at him. "I was close to them when you showed up. Well not you but a hallucination of you was there. You were angry and worried you kept telling me to stop; to keep my promise. I ignored you after you disappeared and ended up riding on a motorcycle with one of them. He was cool but Jessica was pissed at me. After a while if hanging out with Jacob he shunned me. It hurt like hell. After that I got high a lot. No one cared enough to tell that I did but I did. I self harmed and did anything to ignore the pain.  Then at 21 I met Damon at a bar. Figured out what he was and then he figured out that he couldn't compel me. He turned me I moved out with them changed my style. And now I'm in a fight with Damon." I explained not sugar coating anything. "Bells I'm so sorry. One more question how many are you and why are you so different from us?" Emmett said sorrowful. " Damon Stefan Elena Caroline and I are traditional meaning we burn in sun light we are faster and stronger than you and we all can compel others, Bonny is a witch, Jeramy is a vampire hunter and Tyler is a werewolf." I said. I smiled and Emmett pulled me into a hug.

Hey sorry I have been busy with life but here it is

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