First day of school

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Today is the first day of Timberwolves (I think thats the name). I got dressed in a bright blue high waisted skirt with a floral half shirt with 6 inch light blue pumps with a leather jacket. Then i put make up on it was a smokey eye with Bright red lip stick. I grabbed my bright blue backpack with all of my school stuff I need and flew downstairs to make breakfast. I made eggs when Damon came up behind me and grabbed my waist which scared me. i turned around gabbed a wooden spoon into his stomach. He kneeled to the floor so i took my eggs and my bag and flew into my car and sped to school leaving the rest of the gang. I got of the car with a bright smile as i got my bags out of the trunk of my car and went to the office to get my schedule. Damon was standing at the doorway of my first class . "DAMON." i growled while he smirked. "Yes my pretty little annoying-" I cut off damon before he could finish his sentence "we are in the school no swearing or killing please?"

"Fine" he muttered and walked away. Stefan and the gang came up to me laughing. I joined in. "What did you do?" Stefan chuckled. "Well this morning i was making eggs and he scared me so i shoved a wooden spoon in his stomach." I explained. "That explains the blood in the kitchen." Caroline said thoughtfully, probably thinking about cloths.  The bell rang indicating the first class was about to start.  We walked to or class which i had Stefan in my class this period (English). We sat next to each other when someone i thought i would never see again walked in. It was Alice and Jasper. I stared bug eyed at them. Why are they here? Why can't hey just leave me alone. I forgot to mention I HATE THE CULLEN'S. When jasper looked at me staring at them he nudged Alice who was dazing off. She turned her head and saw me. I looked away not wanting to look at Alice directly so i put my head on Stefan's arm he put his arm around my waist as a brotherly motion. I could feel alice staring at me the whole class but i refused to look back.when class was over I grabbed stefan's wrist and ran out the door and outside into my car. Stefan didn't know what was going on so he stared at me questioning my actions.

"Bella whats wrong?" stefan said worryingly. "T-t-the C-C-Cullens are h-here!" I stuttered. He store debating something while i just cried on his chest as he rubbed my back.We did this till 3rd period where we got out and went to class (History) hoping none of the cullen's where there.  But of coarse with my luck i was with Emmett and Rosalie and Elena was in that class so i leaned my head into her shoulder and she let me stay there. I rushed out of the class into the cafeteria. I sat with the gang with no food I sat next to Stefan and Caroline. The Cullen's then walked in in a group and picked their table. I sighed and when everyone saw the reason why i was in a bad mood they tried to comfort me and distracting me. I regrettably looked over at the cullen's and they were staring no glaring at me so I growled and they looked surprised. I decided i was hungry but I didn't want to get up so i compelled a guy to get me a pizza. When h gave it to me i nibbled it while the rest gave me disapproving looks. Probably because i compelled someone in public which i don't mind at all.


When we walked in the cafe i kept my head down. I was only here because Carlisle made us go. The i head Emmett's thoughts:

Hey Eddie look at the table near the door. There might be a clumsy girl there. 

I looked up and I couldn't believe what i saw. It was my mate. The one i left 3 years ago for her own safety the one person who can put me in the most pain bearable. there she was . I froze for a minute and Alice pulled my arm to a clear table. We all stared at her dumbfounded. When she looked up at us she growled. She was different. She was more fashionable more slutty i should say. But why is she in school? Then when a guy was passing by her she looked at him straight in the eye and told him "Go get me a pizza and a soda." The guy did what he was told surprisingly. The rest of her table groaned as if that was normal.  She wasn't a vampire because of a heart beat and she smelt of blood. So i listened to there conversation. 

"Omg Iza we should go to the grill and get drunk!" A blonde girl said who she reminded me of Alice.

"Im in let's see if i get get Bella drunk enough to dance!" A guy said with black hair. He reminded me of Emmett.

"Fine" she muttered at them.  Then they walked out of the cafe.

]Bellas schedule:
English- Stefan and Alice with Jasper

Math-  Caroline with Tyler and Alice 

History- Elena with Emmett and Rosalie

Biology- Bonnie and Jeramy with Edward

Spanish- The whole gang with all the cullen's

Bella salvatoreOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz